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Forum -> Off-Topic -> The what you do in the real world post

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22-01-2008 02:01

After reading this thread I have decided "I am about as old as dirt"! But feel in my heart to be young, always smiling and laughing.

I am a 53 year old grandmother, daughter is 34, son is 33 & have 4 grandsons 16,14,12,10, and my "adopted grandkids" most them play here or other places I have found that are monitered to be kid safe. Raised kids as a single Mom so have had alot of different jobs.

Am presently married. Hubby got severely burned so I am taking care of him and have alot of time on my hands.

I live in the Panhandle of Texas. Was the General Nanager of a major hotel chain for last few years, was a GED instructor before that,bla bla bla.... Went to college when I was "just old" under a computer science major.

Hobbies include gardening, handcrafts, computer & psi games Painting and writing poetry. Presently am making handmade quilts. Love to create beautiful things from bits and pieces.

Edited to correct typos:

Edited on 22-01-2008 02:29
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
22-01-2008 21:59

I'm a guy whos gonna be starting a Christian Alternative/Modern Rock band as soon as I get better at guitar, Electric and Acoustic!
23-01-2008 19:06

conor march 13 years old
(oddly enough not a single other member of my family(apart from my bros sis and cousins)are not scottish)(and half of them arent british)

i like to play lots of comp games and on one of them i make movies and that and stick dem on youtube(account conormarch)

i plan to take over the world, i read books, watch movies and family guy, i like evolution and all of that stuff. and i like to stroke furry cats whilst in a spinning chair and reciting good evening mr bond... i wasn't expecting you, but your freind told me to tell you that i killed him...

other than that im a evil 13 year old
26-01-2008 02:26

im 13yrs old and am about to go into yr 10. i live in perth australia. i hope once i leave school to join the australian army as a general service officer in the military police.

my hobbies are computer, basketball and army cadets
26-01-2008 09:21

Well I'm 29 and I live in Canada. I manage a cell phone store. When I'm home I'm usually playing Syrnia and Runescape. My real life hubby Flamechampion also plays Syrnia and when he's not, he's playing Pirates of the Carribean online.
05-02-2008 10:11

20, f, live in NSW Australia

I'm currently starting my 3rd year of uni - studying Animal Science at University of Sydney

In my spare time I'm either on the computer (and Syrnia) or out in the country working with horses and mustering cattle on horseback.
05-02-2008 10:26

24/m.. full time chemical engineering student and dad, enjoying my studies while my wife works. crazy how things can change so much over a few short years!!

Edited on 10-07-2013 16:31
Proud member of the 'Darklords of Syrnia'
10-02-2008 22:04

15 Years of age,living in Florida and enjoying it.

Attending school and playing Syrnia.
[1] 06:12 JuStAzNb0i[Cute]: hahhaa Good Old Rie, The Peace Keeper. :]
[1]19:58 Calgor[DW]: Proper planning prevents pathetically poor performance.
~Riedell's Newb Guild - All kinds of tools at a great value, located in Sanfew~
11-02-2008 00:07

im 17/m/and from the uk.and im in the royal navy as an WS
you have been touched by the welsh feather
11-02-2008 00:29

53/m work maintenence at the local hospital in Arkansas
11-02-2008 04:23

im shawn moore i live in lima ohio im 18 i drink n party all the time wooo lol

shawn mo
11-02-2008 12:54

I am 15, and Male.
I live in Ireland, in the country part of it >.<

I am working for the Sligo Post(NewsPaper), that my dad is the editor of.
I now quit the job, lol

I'm overly addicted to Syrnia, but what Can you do?
I'll be going back to school about 6 days from when this post was edited, so I wont be able to play as much as I'd like

Edited on 26-08-2008 16:30
11-02-2008 16:11


I am a friend of Chazo's. I work for the Sligo Post too. My job there is reading it lol. I am in secondary school (high school). Bored most of the time on this. I am interested in electronics lol.
To the guy who created this thread (J- I think), I am interested in Film production/effects/editing/CGI and stuff and I hope to go to the biggest Film school in Ireland when I'm finished with school.

Edited on 12-08-2008 13:45
11-02-2008 16:24

Hello My name is Kimberly, I live in Montana (USA).
I am 27 years old and a single mother of two boys,
Nathan (3) and Timothy (2). I don't have a "real" job,
but I volunteer for the local fire department and
search and rescue. Before I had kids, I was in Graphic
Communications working as a Creative Imagesetter. I do
plan to go back to work eventually, but am in no rush
as I have enjoyed being there for all of my children's
first experiences. In the meantime, I continue with
my volunteer activities and my addiction to Syrnia...

If ya wanna know more about me, just google me

Nice to meet y'all

Edited on 11-02-2008 16:37
12-02-2008 19:53

Coulda Swore i Posted on here... >.> oh well

Hiya My Name is Monica i Live in the States ( South Carolina) Atm i am a Senior in HighSchool i am also homeschooled.. in my spare time (wich i have alot of) i am a volenter First Responder and i love working in the EMS and i plan to go to school to become a paramedic.. also i play this game and babysit 4 wonderful children, i am 18 years old (your suprised!) And Music is My life!! and if i can get thru school in one peice.. ill be happy

Edit: i Had A birthday!! 18!! OH yeah im leagal now

Edited on 13-07-2008 03:54
[1]03:38 (Mod)Moderator: *jumps out and kisses Astia*

[1]18:19 (Mod)Moderator: Nothing can save you from the wrath of the mods!

Gods_Messenger killed you at The Outlands 35. He Loves Me, To Death O_O
12-02-2008 20:05

Im Steve and im from Edinburgh Scotland
Im 22 Male and 6'6.
Im a Warehouse Man by trade.

Outside of syrnia i enjoy Weight lifting, cycling and Amateur Rugby.
I play at No.8.

Had interest from some clubs when i was young but a severe knee injury ended any chance of becoming a profesional that and my crap ball handling skills.

Now aged 24
Full time forlift Driver.
Gave up any and all contact sports due to a back injury.

Edited on 13-05-2009 15:32

Edited on 09-08-2009 14:35
16-02-2008 14:14

well, I'm just a kid, so i'll just put what I think should go here ...

13, real name is tom, or thomas if your annoyed with me
still go to school (obviously)
eerm, England? I think thats on a faraway place named Earth ...

I will edit if I think of anything else to put on
19-02-2008 09:04

okies.. well, if any of y'all were paying attention upthread, my age is somewhere between Peter596 and Redbeard. aha!

lemme just say this.. am old enough to be sister to some of you, mom to most of you, and eeeeek! one cool granny to the rest of you! hehe

sooooo, what do I do with my time? well heck, somebody's gotta be in here fighting the evil gnomes while the rest of you are hittin' them books! Am in here drop-kicking the little buzzards into next week. heh!
HAL 9000
22-02-2008 07:56


I love films
02-03-2008 12:04

I`m 25, living in New Zealand at the moment. I work in the Vineyards of Marlborough on South Island. No children, yet, but my girlfriend and I had some close moments..... and we were not afraid.
02-03-2008 12:13

im nearly 17 work as a horse breeder i breed top quality horses worth 20-25k in euro and sell them on so i work with horses anyways have a girlfriend love her lots hapoyily going awhile now might pop the question soon lol nah ill wait a while see wat happens i like dance classics old school dance and love alcholol party mad !! love going clubing and such play this when bored and in spare time siting around the house
10-03-2008 20:03

currently going to college for a degree in law enforcement
have two children ages 4 and 6
have a ton of animals
loves to ride horses
love to be outside in the summer
this is the only game that i actually play on the net and ♥ it!!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
15-03-2008 06:18

hi!!! my real name is nathan souza, i was born in brasil but i moved to america only 9months after my birth, i am 13yrs old and turn 14 on may 20th.
i now live in north carolina which is a pretty boring place to live most of the time. my hobbies are playing video games, playing guitar, playing sports, and just hanging out with friends. im in 8th grade and i have tryed to do some programming here and there but hasnt worked out for me. lol i knda need somebody to help me but thats pretty much it, except that im 5 feet 10 inches tall. also i listen to death metal, hardcore, metal, rock, heavy metal, and tiny tiny bits of rap and hip hop

I was so young. :O

Edited on 06-10-2009 05:38
15-03-2008 12:26

I am a 22/f almost 23. I used to live outside of Chicago. I work fulltime, and i am a fulltime mom. I play this game when I can. I am going back to school soon. I want to get my CNA degree and then get either my RN or LVN degrees. DOn't know which one I want to go for now. I see that there is alot of ppl from IL.
20-03-2008 01:34

Name: Dan
Age: 22
Home: West Midlands, England
Occupation: Police officer
About Me: laid back like a bit of fun ( ok alot of fun that includes alchole and music, lol.)
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