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09-04-2006 18:05

Im 15 and Male, my name is Bas, and im dutch

in on "HighschooL" 4th grade/last year(dutch schools are different than the american schools and after highschool i thing io want to be a programmer or something i dont really know

Edited on 28-07-2006 09:36

Edited on 16-10-2006 21:18
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
13-04-2006 16:28

im 13 male live in arizona i home school and thats about it and playing games
13-04-2006 17:19

I'm 17, female, and I live in Ohio. I'm currently a senior (w00t!!). I'll be attending Fireland's BGSU this fall. I plan on going into music and photography. I'm hoping to major in professional photography first, then work on my dream of majoring in Oboe performance.
I'm currently active in many clubs and activities here at my school. Those range from Drama Club and Spanish Club to Stage Band and Pep Band. I play the flute, piccolo, oboe, and piano. I play on the Varsity Girls' Tennis team.
Above all of that, I volunteer my time in 4-H as a Junior Fair Board member, a Intermediate Camp Counselor, and I also volunteer some of my time with programs through the Erie MetroParks.
I maintain a 3.14 GPA (believe it or not, that's my current GPA), and my grades are typically A's and B's.

Ok, I'm shutting up now. I love to talk
13-04-2006 18:49

38, M, live in Georgia in the Southeastern U.S.
Married, one son (who turns 8 on Sunday)

After many years in radio, my wife & I have owned & operated an advertising agency for the past 7 years.
17-04-2006 15:39

22-04-2006 06:33


Height:5ft 4"

Occupation:4th Grader/Car designer


Goal: WORLD DOMINATION and race car driver in Le Mans or Nascar. Or Car designer.

I spend my free time surfin web for cars and I play syrnia on free time. At school, when raining, I do car designs with friends and other members of club/company.

Edited on 22-04-2006 06:33
22-04-2006 12:05

Hello y'all I think I might wanna add.

E.J's the name, turn to 13 on May 24, living = Philippines, Q.C.

I am a Math addict. I can't live if I don't discover a formula every month.
I like chess and basketball most. I always want to drink bottled and dislike glasses that taste slimy(Maybe it has some amoeba in it.)
I wanna study engineering, computer, but I think more will come.
My charisma, I think, sucks. But people I invite seem to bite(luck).
I'm second year next year.

*Bragging* MY IQ'S 149 hehe that's abnormal right. Don't affect my social life though.

I discovered this game through Ask.com

Edited on 22-04-2006 12:12

Edited on 22-04-2006 12:23
22-04-2006 13:51

I'm Katie, sixteen year old female. =]
I live in England and am in year 11 at school.
I spend way too much time on the computer lol.
And I hate talking about myself.
23-04-2006 14:49

28 (29 soon)
i work for a government department which i dont want to specify and have done for 10 years.
online games seem to relax me after the days poo. lol
24-04-2006 01:49

14 (15 in 7 days)
Canada, Alberta
grade 9
plays syrnia every min im on the comp
25-04-2006 17:53

I'm 17 and from finland.
I study and I'm planning to become a game programmer.
26-04-2006 07:10

Hi everyone,I'm 30 something .Have been happily married for 18 years this August.I am a stay at home mom with 3 boys and 1 girl.Born in Florida,now live in Kansas.(Theres no place like home lol)
10-05-2006 05:10

15 male canada ontario

first year of high school working at candian tire in the garden centre playing syrnia for 14 days now

just quit runescape (been playing that 2years lvl 97 )

i play hockey for the mariposa midget team www.mariposaminorhockey.com

also i help with my uncles band www.omegaad.com/media

or just omegaad.com
10-05-2006 16:08

My name is Tiago Lopes, i am no good at speechs, that is all.

I'm 15, 16 in 10 days, studying ( well, i got to school but that doesn't mean i study ) and blah blah, i would like to follow web design and blah blah blah.

To bad J got deleted...

Edited on 10-05-2006 16:08
10-05-2006 22:23

21 m michigan
11-05-2006 12:02

PHP/site maker. Still on grammer school. 14 years old.
28-05-2006 07:14

21 year old female

I will be starting my senior year at the UND this coming fall, and can't wait to be done. Major in English, minor in Psychology.

Work at a park reserve in suburban Minneapolis during the summer (and I must say it's great to be back in civilization)

I enjoy a great multitude of activities, with billiards and cards at the top of that list. I also like poetry, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick.
28-05-2006 15:30

hi all...i'm 25 male from italy. i'm studing politcal science(hope i'll finish in november), i'm specializing in "international relation". have worked in a software company for 1 year. I love to sing, play soccer,by the way i am a defensive midfielder(if u need me for a match )!! see u!!!
06-06-2006 08:31

Hello all, I am 31. Houston, Texas.

I am a High School teacher and coach.
06-06-2006 11:13

Oh man ! i felt i m the only old one here , 56/M in America

Professor of Science , Researching Stuffs

HaHaHa Joking ~ ( What you think the dots are for ? )

I am 11/M , 12/M after Birthday , Singapore ~

Studing ~

Edited on 06-06-2006 11:14
06-06-2006 12:55

I'm a 23 year old female (turning 24 in December) and I am currently in school full time studying environmental technology and am also doing my workterm... oh and I am from Newfoundland, Canada!!
06-06-2006 13:48

I'm a 15 year old American (thats somewhat hard to find amonst these euros and easteners) from Texas(even harder to find). I'm in 11th grade and will finish that this summer. Hopefully I'll be partially in collee next year. I'm also a Life rank Boy scout and will soon be an Eagle scout. I mow lawns for pocket money and savings.

BTW- to the singapore guys, I use the singapore math books and they're great!
07-06-2006 02:40

Really ? OH RIGHT lol
08-06-2006 19:48

Im Kelly, 16 yrs old, live in a very very very boring town in holland... im in the 4th year of 'vwo', im not the best student around but everythings ok i love music, films, surfing on the web and just hanging out with my friends oh jeah, im completely addicted to lotr and lost on syrnia im in the clan aven, which is a lot of fun guess this is the most important stuff msg me if u want
xx kelly
08-06-2006 19:51

im niels, i live in an even more boring town in holland
the only thing i do is go to school(48 hours a week)
sleeping(8 hours a day)
and the rest learning and computering or going to familly
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