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13-12-2007 14:00

Chickaroo2, no doubt. I am very glad to have known her very early in game. She gave me hundreds of tips on what I should do at different stages.

Of course there are also many players who have been helping me a lot; but writing all their names out would be longer than the Great Wall of China. LoL
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
13-12-2007 14:17

You joined syrnia 681 days ago, you were player number 23988.

I cant remember who first helped me, but first clan i joined was RUM (if anyone remembers that clan) so it was pro SIDMAN, TIW or some other player
steve changed
13-12-2007 15:04

I have to give much appreciation to LadyR~ She was always there to help out with ne question thrown at her Other then that i pretty much just read the Manual.. Wow theres a shocker.. Oh and paid attention in the Tutorial, and Visited DW-HQ.com.. you would never guess how much you can learn when ur able to read.. XD

13-12-2007 15:08

ladyraven first helped me when i was in clan [cute]. thanks Lady
16-12-2007 01:45

16-12-2007 02:08

BloodySky helped me first. He explained alot of mechanics to me and gave me great advice.
16-12-2007 03:17

judas_goat...great person
16-12-2007 03:20

I have only been playing for 25 days and I am TL 162. No one person really helped me get started, it was kind of a combination of reading the manuals, dw-hq.com and different people in help chat.
16-12-2007 23:39

S-Y-R-N-I-A, and someone else who probably wouldn't want her name mentioned...

Edited on 16-12-2007 23:40
17-12-2007 02:39

I can't remember who first helped me out, but I know ladyraven and aglarele definitely (thanks you two) and roen answered a few of my questions when I asked.

Otherwise, as someone above said, I watched help chat and memorized the fansite web-address for a lot of my help. Oh, and thank you DW for the fansite
17-12-2007 03:34

i cant remember who helped me first as i asked very little questions and spoke very little to other players but if you helped me thx. i got most of my answers from dw-hq and the manual.
29-12-2007 05:04

I have no idea, the guides and people who answer the help chat.
29-12-2007 06:02

Me its was Killerspawns... He learn me a lot... He is so sweet and kind than I married him!!!;P
The Dark Mistress

~~The DrkFw~~
29-12-2007 06:29

I don't need no help. I know it all.
29-12-2007 10:43

vigi helped me when i first joined
29-12-2007 11:37

In order the first players to help me:
Efficiut Daemones, ut quae non sunt, sic tamen quasi sint, conspicienda hominibus exhibeant.
- Lacantius
(Devils so work that things which are not appear to men as if they were real.)
29-12-2007 12:40

The first person who helped me was my good mate Preff,
King Johntri
29-12-2007 12:41

Nobody ... yet.
I know what I want to accomplish and I know how to get there. The ultimate goal is to be the best. Whether thats the best ever, who knows ? I hope so.
29-12-2007 13:30

1)Aquadark-For answering my questions in help chat

2)Manual-For helping me at a earlier stage in game,never opened chat until a few months back

3)My current clan(Carpe Diem) for showing me the path to be a better player.

Thank u all so much.
29-12-2007 17:07

29-12-2007 18:09

stormz did but then he killed me great teacher ! not
29-12-2007 18:55

tallone (for showing me syrnia and getting me hooked on it)

the newbies and noobs that asked stupid questions so i didn't have to
everyone that posted the link to DW-HQ when answering said stupid questions the people the wrote the manual
and all the DW-HQ staff

the only question i ask early on in my syrnia life was about clans and i don't remember who answered it.

edited cause i can't spell

Edited on 29-12-2007 19:03
29-12-2007 19:46

no one, i found my way through the darkness by myself

but ladyraven did help with price checks
01-01-2008 01:25

i remeber qqqwwweee helping me alot there were others that helped me but qqqwwweee helped me more
01-01-2008 01:41

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