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Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #35

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11-07-2007 08:10

The winner will receive 5 blue gifts that will have to be picked up at Eully for wining the contest
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
11-07-2007 08:12

the invasion is done by pirates
11-07-2007 08:13

Wood is the most important item?
11-07-2007 08:13

Pirates invade territories?
11-07-2007 08:13

Clans are very active?
11-07-2007 08:14

M2h is the creator of syrnia?
11-07-2007 08:15

RPG Syrnia, is very massed with players?
11-07-2007 08:15

Cooking level: 81 (4964993 exp, 199159 for next level)

I win.
11-07-2007 08:16

My signature is the answer.
"Work out your own salvation with diligence."-Buddha

Still fishing away. Fishing level: 114 (16402865 exp, 510006 for next level)
11-07-2007 08:16

Five blue gifts will be rewarded to the winner?
11-07-2007 08:18

j> ;‹¤â€œoáæ

That is the answer?
11-07-2007 08:19


11-07-2007 08:21

Have any of you thought about your answer before actully submitting it? How in the world do you figure a bunch of random numbers and letters relates to Syrnia?

Please, think your answers through before submitting.

Edited on 11-07-2007 08:21
11-07-2007 08:23

Its guesses. I can choose my answers. SOme of them are actually thoughten.
11-07-2007 08:32

It's not 6 bit binary!
11-07-2007 08:36

its not anything... either there is a mistake in the translation... or everyone is just stupid.. because i have tried various methods of translating it and still not able too get any sense
11-07-2007 08:39

011010 - 100011 - 111010 - 111010 - 100110 - 101110 - 011110 -- 101000 - 101110 - 011000 - 110110 - 111100 - 011010 -- 111100 - 101110 - 100100 - 100100 - 110110 -- 111100 - 011000 - 111000 - 011110 - 011010


106 62 186 154 231 168 185 141 188 107 203 164 147 111 24 225 230 2
11-07-2007 08:40

It's not binary to either ASCII, Unicode or Octal. It can't be binary to HEX (missing 2 bits).
If this is binary, then the decimal does not appear to relate to anything easily identifiable.
I've resorted back to plain old cryptogram solving with www.dw-hq.com open.

Or am I missing something more obvious?
11-07-2007 08:52

I think we need a hint cause i am getting a headache...lol
Been there,Done that,NEXT!!!
I found my destiny in Tora on 4-28-07
11-07-2007 08:54

You have gotten tired of working and stopped for a moment.
Been there,Done that,NEXT!!!
I found my destiny in Tora on 4-28-07
Cat Fact Bot
11-07-2007 09:11

we need someone japanese, their good with numbers...i think
11-07-2007 09:49

Is It "Welcome to syrnia"???
11-07-2007 09:50

All content on this website is copyrighted by M2H & Syrnia.

or mabye this?
11-07-2007 10:48

syrnia is a very fun game
11-07-2007 11:23

I believe the code contains 4 words, as there are 3 "--" within the code. They seem to be used to separate each word.

The 1st word of the code seems to contain 7 characters, where the 3rd and 4th characters are the same. Below is a list of matched common words. They may or may not be useful; thus consider it as your own risk: ^_^/

baffler, baggily, ballist, barring, battery, batting, battled, battler, bedding, beggary, bellhop, belling, bellman, bellows, betting, biggest, billyer, bittern, bitters, bloomer, blooper, boggler, boppist, bossing, bottled, bottler, brooked, budding, buffalo, buffing, bulldog, bulling, bullish, bullism, bullock, bumming, buttery, butting, buttock, buttons, buzzies, buzzing, calling, callous, cannery, cannily, capping, carried, carrion, catting, cellist, cession, cheerly, chooser, cobbler, codding, coddler, collage, collard, collate, collide, collied, collier, colling, collude, command, commend, comment, commune, commute, connive, coppery, copping, corrupt, cottage, cottier, creedal, crooked, cubbing, culling, cupping, currant, current, curried, cutting, dabbler, daggers, dallier, dazzler, derrick, dibbler, diffuse, dimmest, disseat, dissect, dissent, dissoul, dollier, donnism, dossier, dotting, dubbing, duffing, dullity, earring, faddism, faddist, falling, fattily, felling, ferrous, fiddler, fissure, fitters, flooder, foggily, foppish, freedom, freeing, freeman, freeway, fulling, funnily, furrily, furring, fussily, fuzzily, gabbler, gallery, gallium, gallows, gibbous, ginners, gobbler, goddize, greenly, gunnery, gunnies, guzzler, haddock, haggler, halling, hammock, happier, happily, happing, hatting, herring, hillman, hilltop, hobbler, hoggism, hoppers, hoppity, horrify, huddler, humming, hummock, hurried, jabbing, jarring, jazzily, jiggers, jitters, jittery, jobbing, joggler, jollier, jotting, juggler, jutting, kittles, kneecap, lapping, lassoer, lattice, lemming, lobbyer, lopping, lottery, madding, maggoty, manners, mappist, married, masseur, massive, matting, mattock, merrily, messily, messing, middler, misstay, misstep, mobbist, mollify, mollusk, mottled, mottler, muddily, mudding, muddler, muffled, muffler, muggily, mullein, mullion, muzzler, myrrhed, nattily, nibbler, niggler, nippers, nozzler, nullify, nullism, nullity, outtalk, outtask, outtear, outtire, owllike, padding, paddler, paddock, passing, passion, passive, pattern, peccary, pettily, piddler, pillage, pillory, pinnate, polling, pollute, pottery, potting, pudding, puddler, puffery, puffily, puffing, purring, puttier, puzzled, puzzler, queenly, raffish, rapping, rappist, rattled, rattles, redding, reddish, retting, robbing, rodding, rollick, rolling, rotting, rubbing, rubbish, ruddily, ruffian, ruffled, rummage, rummily, saddler, saffron, sallier, sapping, scooped, scooper, scooter, selling, sellout, setting, sheenly, sheerly, shoofly, shooter, snooker, snooper, sobbing, sodding, soggily, sopping, sorrily, spoofer, spooler, spooner, steeply, stooper, subband, subbank, subbing, suffice, summand, summary, summate, summity, sunnily, supping, support, sweetly, swooper, tallier, tallyho, tapping, tarrily, telling, terrain, terrify, tippler, tissued, toddler, toggler, tolling, tonnage, topping, toppler, tossing, tubbing, tuffing, vaccine, village, wadding, waddler, walling, wattled, webbing, wedding, welling, wetting, whooper, wiggler, wobbler, worried, yapping, yelling, yellows

Edited on 11-07-2007 11:33
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #35

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