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Forum -> Mod's Corner -> Update Roadmap 26-11-2020

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04-12-2020 17:34

Buying a scroll only gives more benefit to the players whose "rng" was lucky enough to already get an advantage over other players for months. Why would I want to reward them even further?
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
04-12-2020 17:55

I would strongly advise against selling scrolls, there seems to be a restriction in place that you can get every type of scroll only once (which makes it even more silly).
04-12-2020 18:20

askeladd - Be good to dig up the old Borneo notes and look at the plan for these after the current stuff is finished and polished of course.

So if it takes Borneo to polish and finish previous updates then who is in charge of these new updates and how are they able to do them? You're answer to why other things haven't been fixed totally contradicts any updates at all. If Borneo isn't around then how are there updates at all. You are telling me you can put in new content but can't do something so simple as putting a price on ogre shields etc... or just take the skeletons out of the game for the time being or fixing the orb issue so players aren't constantly confused about where they can use them. I find that very hard to believe. It seems more like the staff doesn't care about "current" issues but instead seem to be concentrating on "new" updates that are beneficial to certain players.

This is again the circle talk that players are sick of and is the main reason why players are leaving.
What you see depends on what you're looking for.
- Anonymous
04-12-2020 18:45

So even if you can get a scroll to be able to enter the caves you need to fight yetis and the yeti king so for everyone under cl 75 at least they can not get in to the caves.This seems like pointless thing to do put in a bigger cave system when people can not get it to them now.
07-12-2020 14:26

- Be good to dig up the old Borneo notes

what I said was dig up the old Borneo notes.

it does not take Borneo to finish something, I was agreeing with the comments that it would be good to get something done, however like I said here we can not just go out and undo the concept the Owner wants, but there are notes and conversations around for Devs to paint the picture he wanted and potentially finish small updates like the Skeletons and Dino's.

I apologise for the misunderstanding, I have also been away for a few days, it is Christmas season so work is incredibly busy.

I like the road map idea, I like the road map itself but since I left the team I can not directly say what is doable and what is not.

With that said I do agree with you to some degree BCNU, I would love the smaller things finished, I would love the small things tweaked, I would love some time dedicated to polishing instead of brand new.

when this road map is finished maybe we will see what is in store

I am not here trying to create more conflict I was in agreement somewhat to what you have said I was just merely pointing out that the things mentioned prior in your first point were actually addressed and a few actions were taken, all be it not finished which is somewhat the key go to point here a lot. but I am far more confident with this team at hand than Mike, Hazgod or Borneo.
God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order.

If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'.
07-12-2020 14:29

So even if you can get a scroll to be able to enter the caves you need to fight yetis and the yeti king so for everyone under cl 75 at least they can not get in to the caves.This seems like pointless thing to do put in a bigger cave system when people can not get it to them now.

From what i gather the Tirnus caves is High end levelling, so the requirements for a low CL to thrive in Tirnus is a little odd, just like arch caves 2,3,4,5 you need to climb the levels to safely traverse the place.

Not saying the combat requirements are stupidly difficult, I am pretty sure CLs under 80 can enter the tirnus and do the quests as long as the health is ok, but that might want checking first.
God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order.

If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'.
23-01-2021 05:33

Only FOUR (4) of the 'Vote for Syrnia' sites work and you do not gain green gifts.
I'm Clean!

You have married quagmire!

21 August 2020
23-01-2021 15:39

askeladd i get your point but, i think that if they keep putting in stuff for high level players then the low level never have a chace to catch up. For example with the bosses when you fight Emma you get at least 1k experace in each skill for low level players that would take 1 to 7 days depending on the player and how new they are. I personaly dont really think that it is fair to put in very high level stuff when low level players cant get to it to get the high amount of experace making it impossible for them to get first place in anything.
24-01-2021 18:01

That would be great St0rmz_! Where do we collect this 100 million experience?
24-01-2021 18:13

i think that the higher level exp is unfair because i only have 8 mil exp total and some people can get that in a week or two weeks.
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Forum -> Mod's Corner -> Update Roadmap 26-11-2020

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