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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Marley

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07-06-2020 17:23

Ive been preparing to write this post since 2015 when Marley/LadyMarbels was first diagnosed with Cancer.....
I'm not the greatest writer but i will try my best to do justice to the person she was.
Marley has battled multiple cancers for the last 5 years. After initially being told she had only 8 months to live she gutted it out and fought for every day for the last 5 years. i never thought a 5'2 90lb woman would be the toughest SOB id ever meet but Marley was that and more so. She was so tough that when she had her first surgery in 2015 she didn't stay in hospital she went home because she didn't want to be a burden on anyone.

Marley was an amazing woman, i will cherish the time she was part of my life, i will remember her infectious laugh, her warm smile and the warmth she emitted from her very soul. She saw the best in anyone no matter their obvious flaws, she even brought a smile to an Old Trolls face....She was a great clan leader who always put the needs of her clannies before her own and strived to be the best possible version of herself. She didn't burden others with her own problems despite having an increadibly hard upbringing. I lef this game in late 2015 and id pop in from time to time to see if their were updates. 2 things were guarentteed. There was not an update and id have a message in my inbox from Marley wishing me the best and hoping id rejoin the game.

They say the brightest Stars burn brighter but far shorter than their neighbours and i can say that Marley really was the brightest star in Syrnias night sky.

I'll never be able to bring myself to listen to your favorite song but i'll share it so all may hear it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= DKM516jRXvQ

Im glad your no longer suffering and in pain and i hope you know how much you were cherished by all that knew you and had the privilage to have you in their lifes if only for a while.

Player: Marley
Skill Level Exp
Totalskills 976 78304914
Combat level 89 15682729
Smithing 25 80914
Mining 49 869694
Fishing 78 4384334
Strength 65 2286750
Defence 70 2967371
Attack 91 7442906
Health 70 2985702
Speed 63 2069664
Trading 20 37199
Thieving 45 651003
Constructing 52 1045521
Woodcutting 105 12292623
Cooking 143 36853367
Magic 23 60266
Farming 77 4277600

Edited on 07-06-2020 20:09
I am the Bane and i bring the Pain.

R.I.P murderdoll22

Success has many fathers and failure is an Orphan.

Pain is Temporary Pride is Forever.

Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
Mr Coffee
07-06-2020 17:25

Marley was a sweet soul. She will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace, Marley. You will be remembered,
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
07-06-2020 17:29

RIP Marley
Vonstuker(165) attacked Hatertot, and did 95 damage. Hatertot had 0 HP left.

[3] 02:08 Redwingz[~FoS~]: Ain't no way I'm tasting my own ass
07-06-2020 17:31

This terribly sad news.

My thoughts and condolances to her family, friends and clan.

Rest in Peace Marley, it was a pleasure knowing you.
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!
07-06-2020 17:31

sad news RIP Marls
You Know You were
brought up by Irish parents if ...

in any crisis large or small, the first thing they say is,
Jesus,Mary,and Joseph.

07-06-2020 17:34

I am glad she is at peace now but love her and will miss her dearly.
07-06-2020 17:37

We were never great friends, we clashed and butted heads more often than not, you put me in my place plenty.. I always respected the hell out of you, you were such a strong person, you were wonderful to those around you, a caring person.

condolences to her friends clannies and family who will surely be missing a one of a kind woman.
God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order.

If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'.
07-06-2020 17:37

A sad day! RIP Marley!
Proud Leader of TLO

manducare primum, cogitare post

2019-11-15 22:10:43 fraggelmupp killed bellabell3

"My people skills are fine, it's my tolerance of idiots that needs a little more work*
07-06-2020 17:38

Woah, this is crazy. I never expected Marley to actually go, she was so strong

RIP Marbles x
~Sol~ :D

You have married Thorne!
5th March 2020.
The Godfather
07-06-2020 17:40

such a nice happy person to chat with.. Marley you will surely be missed by many of us here <3

Rest well my friend, rest in peace
A Special Thanks to the entire [C.] and "The original old" [Corps] Clan for their Support for me over the years.

[2] 13:27 (Mod)Moderator: Ankit muted

Yes, I've been a Naughty boy.
07-06-2020 17:41

You can finally rest now. It's done. Hope you can laugh and smile further on high above. Wishing great strength to your family and friends. RIP.

~ Seph
You have the choice, saint or the beast
Prove you can be force fed war and spit peace

So rise radiant
You are the way
You were born to the ascent
So rise, my radiant
07-06-2020 17:57

Sadden by this news
When I first talked to you in clan u were cheerful,funny and happy. Never knew of this condition till much later on.
Even after knowing it always saw you in a joyfull mood in clan chat,world chat.You were always helpful and supportive. Finding joys in helping others

Rest in peace Marley...

Some people are gone, but not forgotten. Some are still here, but already forgotten...
07-06-2020 18:05

Tim McGraw - My Old Friend

This song came on during my drive to work. I listened, then listened again.
"A few simple verses was the least that i could do tell the world, that you were here, because the love and the laughter, will live long after all of the sadness and the tears. We'll meet again, My Old Friend"

My heart breaks for her family and her friends.

Rest in Peace <3

Edited on 07-06-2020 18:16
2020-04-02 06:37:40 Hatertot killed JoveS

[2] 04:34 xxx[XXX]: Imma smack Joves...
[2]04:35 JoveS[-TL-]: I'm not afraid of your mobility scooter !
07-06-2020 18:15

So sad to hear the news. Rest in peace Marley!
In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song.

You have been playing Syrnia for 8760 hours and 0 minutes.
You have been playing Syrnia for 17520 hours and 0 minutes.
07-06-2020 18:19

She was always a bright and cheerful person who will be missed
07-06-2020 18:31

That is very unfortunate to hear. Hoping she can rest peacefully now and comfort is brought to those who need it by the knowledge she is at rest.
07-06-2020 18:35

Had a few chats with Marley, they were a gentle soul who surely will be welcomed into heaven as an angel. May they find peace.
Eryn, Daddy loves and misses you.
~Cloud Nine Forever,Forever Cloud Nine ~
87 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 87 damage to the Bouncing bunny. 0/22
The Obsidian flame dragon struck at Shinji_Ikari and did 1 damage
HillBilly Slim Shady
07-06-2020 18:36

Sad day
We'll miss you mar 💔😢
07-06-2020 18:41

Sad to hear. Syrnia a bit less now for her leaving us.
07-06-2020 18:42

With a heavy heart today my thoughts are with you Marley. May you be gloriously smiling and pain-free my friend.
07-06-2020 18:45

Very sorry to hear this.. rest in peace Marley
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019

Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019

80 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 80 damage to the Serpopard. 0/58 (120 str; 115 power)
07-06-2020 18:48

You fought the good fight, Marley- I will miss you so very much
[2]08:40 (Mod)Moderator: Borneo muted **05/25/16**

[2]04:03 Borneo[C.]: *takes his high heeled shoes off* **03/30/2017**
07-06-2020 19:08

Very sad news! I didnt know Marley well, but she always just wanted people to be happy and get along. Your trials are over, Marley. RIP
[3]20:09 fraggelmupp[TLO]: watch out! ari is here to kick ass and chew gum! and she is fresh out of gum!

Joined: October 23, 2011
One should strive to achieve, not sit in bitter regret
07-06-2020 20:16

She really stood out as an lovely and upstanding pillar of this game's community. She will be missed.
TLO Clan's most fantastic amazing woodcutter!

WC 100 02:07 10/2/2016
WC 120 23:06 10/1/2017
WC 100mill xp 24/03/2020
WC Level 114, #50 19/10/2016
WC Level 143, #25 7/2/2018
Anascan and Proud
Feral Flame
07-06-2020 20:52

No >.< No no no >.< This can't be... She was strong and still laughing last we talked >.< I was going to send her a headset to be able to voice chat with her again... one of my best friends...

RIP dear Marls... loved you to bits...
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Marley

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