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17-08-2021 20:59

The large locked wooden egg is on the top part of the thieving manual, but the contents are not listed.
And could we potentially get the different spades added to the farming section?

Moderator edit:
Added Spades to Farming manual.

Trading rank #4 07/24/2020
Trading rank #3 10/28/2020
Trading rank #2 12/5/2020
Trading rank #1 12/22/2020
Trading level 80 2/28/2021
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
20-08-2021 16:26

Rockfish, Spider crab and cavefish are not listed in the cooking section. They each give 34, 35 and 36 hp respectively. I am not sure about the exp gained.

Moderator edit:
Added, thank you!

In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song.

You have been playing Syrnia for 8760 hours and 0 minutes.
You have been playing Syrnia for 17520 hours and 0 minutes.
24-08-2021 05:28

At Tirnus Plateau it says that each action gains 969 exp but that isn't what I'm witnessing? I am getting a solid 1,000 Exp an action here.

Example of before and after completing an action: Woodcutting level: 120 (20212056 exp, 3830 for next level) --> Woodcutting level: 120 (20213056 exp, 2830 for next level)

Moderator edit:
When I first added the location to the manual, I was told it was 969 exp. Thank you for clearing this up.

Edit: Apparently exp at this location depends on either hatchet type or grows depending on your level. More info is needed.

"He who does not fear the sword he holds is not worthy of holding a sword." ~Hisagi Shuhei -Bleach

"My taste in music is your face" - TøP
13-09-2021 14:03

In the battlemage section of the combat guide:
- Equites helm isn't listed
-'Retiarii Gauntlets' should be 'Retiarii Gauntlet'

In the speed guide:
- Bald eagle boots doesn't specify what skill must be 50 to be worn. (50 speed required is self explanatory, but could be 50 defence required looking at bathide boots)
- 'Easter cosmo' should be 'Easter cosmos'

Edited on 03-10-2021 23:04

Moderator edit:
Fixed, thank you!

In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song.

You have been playing Syrnia for 26280 hours and 0 minutes.
20-10-2021 15:16

Manual shows 59 xp for the roughnecks... which is its invasion xp. Manual shows 35 for keelhails (44 is their invasion xp).
I believe the Roughneck xp should show its xp without the invasion bonus.
09-11-2021 06:21

On the farming page, on the amount of total needed gp for the farms, the comma is in the wrong place for the numbers
200 Slots 6,000 1,1250
400 Slots 1,2000 2,3250

Moderator edit:
Fixed, thanks.

Trading rank #4 07/24/2020
Trading rank #3 10/28/2020
Trading rank #2 12/5/2020
Trading rank #1 12/22/2020
Trading level 80 2/28/2021
The Grim Reaper
10-11-2021 18:23

The description in manual says: In order to dig up your crops, you must have some kind of Spade equipped.
However this is not correct you don’t need a spade equipped to harvest or plant crops.

Moderator edit:
Fixed, thanks :)
11-11-2021 05:22

Adding to Grim's post:

'In order to dig up your crops, you must have some kind of Spade equipped.'

Delete the above line.

When your crop is ready, you do NOT need a spade - you just click on the crop - You are now harvesting your (whatever). You have harvested your crop.
Your farmland is capable of holding 100 crops, you can seed 100 more crops.
Plant seeds! (No spade necessary)

The only time you need a spade equipped is when you are preparing the land for farming.

Edited on 24-06-2022 04:28

Moderator edit:
Fixed, thanks :)

Just Roamin!

You have married quagmire!
21 August 2020

Joined: June 1, 2006
11-11-2021 19:51

Under Trading Posts of Trading guide: 'Menzo Island' should be 'Mezno Island'

Moderator edit:
Thanks! Fixed.

In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song.

You have been playing Syrnia for 26280 hours and 0 minutes.
26-11-2021 03:56

Purchased from the Hidden Shop
at Rima City Center, only accessible
if you have a Scroll of Shopping in
your inventory. Full suit of armour costs
435,000 gp.

price of the full armour needs to be updated since the prices been lowered in patch notes

Moderator edit:
Replaced with ? because I don't know the new price.
Cousin Bubba
19-12-2021 15:38

On the Quests and Jobs page the quest "Accessing Arch. Cave 5" is listed as "Easy".

Since this quest requires moving thru Lost Caves "Easy" might be misleading.
22-12-2021 15:43

I can confirm you need level 190 for cave fish, fishing.

Moderator edit:
22-12-2021 16:19

Farming section in the manual states:
“In order to dig up your crops, you must have some kind of Spade equipped.”

This is not true.
You are now planting 251 Apple seeds.
21-02-2022 14:17

Magic section


Rare drop from fighting Karkinos the Seabeast.

Moderator edit:
Added! Thanks
18-03-2022 22:49

Turnip seeds - lvl 105 to plant
Grapefruit seeds - lvl 115 to plant
10-04-2022 00:19

Holiday suits now work as speed suits.
2022-02-20 02:53:24 ItsFearnyyy(108) did 53 damage to Darenth. Darenth had 0 HP left.

Savage struck and dealt 3 damage to Antha the Cave Troll. 1/3800

[0] 18:57 *Note to Self - Savage = no invasions* Got it!
10-04-2022 00:20

Minimum Trading Level for safes appears to be 16 (20000 total XP from quest) rather than 19.

Moderator edit:
Although impossible it is indeed level 10+ required to add Iron safes so this will be added to the manual. Thanks
The Grim Reaper
18-04-2022 19:49

Locked large wooden eggs need the contents added to manual. The contents were previously put on a forum post which has now been deleted since last easter. The locked wooden eggs are on there so could we also get the large locked wooden eggs? Thanks.
The Grim Reaper
18-04-2022 20:35

Forum -> Help -> Locked Large Wooden Egg contents
Never mind just read this
The Godfather
19-04-2022 12:50

Please add Borealum armour to the manuals
Defence level: 98 (9999999 exp, 1 for next level)

Sending Good Vibes from Vibes!!
G Bob
22-04-2022 23:38

The large wooden egg doesn not drop pink eggs. I opened almost 100 so far, and nothing. In rest I got every other drop many times.

Also, Can we get the Ore chest the gem chest and the tirnus chest in manual? thanks

L.E.: NVM in the LLWE nr. 149 I got 1 drop of pink eggs It was a very rare drop for me

Edited on 23-04-2022 09:35
I Hate the dude called: I Hate BOB!

[W]09:02 Bex[TLO]: haha you rock! made me giggle for real xD

[W]16:18 fraggelmupp[TLO]: we are the normal ones, the rest of the world are just squares :P
22-06-2022 11:01

In the description for Witch Bluebell Quest:

You find a witch at the edge of Eully, she looks rather strange. And it seems like she has been exiled from the town.

Hello, you seem other than the rest of the people around here. Could you help me out?

Sure, whats wrong ?

Change to you seem different, compared to the rest of the people around here.

(thanks Invii)

Edited on 24-06-2022 04:36

You have married quagmire!
21 August 2020

Joined: June 1, 2006
22-06-2022 11:04

different compared to*
[3]11:13 Lilyan[~Arc~]: you are awesome vicy!
07-07-2022 08:09

At the fishing manual, "Fishing tools" section, "where to use" table.

Rod, Bone rod, Skel rod = Singing River

We can't rod fish at Singing River


Moderator edit:
09-11-2022 09:18

Sheppards hut needs to be added to the speed section as there is a flower shop there also.

Moderator edit:

R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
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