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Forum -> In Memoriam -> littlebro

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28-07-2014 03:42

My condolences to littlebro's family and friends.
Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion.

My felicitations upon this historical happenstance. I bring you the gift of bodily salivas.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
28-07-2014 03:50

R.I.P mate, will be thinking of you when I'm in Arch 4 next.
53 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 53 damage to the Pegleg. 0/34

You have successfully thieved the shop and got 93746 gold!

Proud member of -The Legion-
Kitchen Witch
28-07-2014 03:52

R.I.P. littlebro. SO hard to believe you are gone. Prayers to his family...especially Halie
28-07-2014 13:16

R.I.P Kelly M.
What people don't see, people don't know.
I can talk the walk, but have hard times walking while talking.
Married ingame to poley :)
[1]05:33 JLock13[~DoS~]: *puts on wig and dress* Hi freddy
28-07-2014 15:24

Goodbye and Rest in peace, sweet littlebro!!
I never had no one
I could count on
I've been let down so many times
I was tired of hurtin'
So tired of searchin'
'Til you walked into my life
28-07-2014 15:27

RIP my friend, you will be missed.
You have married PaddingtonBear! 10/28/2012

You are now planting 400 Plum seeds.
28-07-2014 16:48

Took so long to reply because replying makes it real

Kelly was a great guy. He was a great friend who wore his heart on his sleeve which made so many people able to relate to him. He helped so many just by talking about what he was going thru in life (this was even more evident while reading thru the memories). He loved his daughter and his family very much. These are his legacies. It is a great one!

I will miss very much the flowers he sent me in game. He sent them often. It was so great to pop on syrnia and have a message waiting and flowers
I will miss chatting about anything and everything.
I will miss my RL friend and my in game hubby.
I will miss the *kisses on the cheek* and his *turns head quickly and catches it on the lips* (*smiles thru the tears*)

praying for all the broken and hurting hearts of Kelly's friends and family. especially his daughter who he loved and adored.
You have married littlebro!
: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
28-07-2014 16:54

RIP little bro, and condolences to family and friends.
28-07-2014 18:20

RIP my friend...know that you will be greatly missed...this is still shocking to me...
www.TLGrounds.com, Your TRUE Syrnia resource!
28-07-2014 20:36

Littlebro be at peace. Syrnia is sadder place.
Your gonna have to face it your addicted to Crow. ;)

I don't need to fight! To prove I'm right. I don't need to be forgiven.

Hatched 28/01/2007
28-07-2014 23:16

I am completely shocked. Kelly and I had grown very close through the years. We had many talks. When he had trouble sleeping he'd call and we'd talk about many things that were keeping him awake. Unfortunately, recently life had been so busy we hadn't talked as much. I will miss him dearly. My heart aches for his daughter, she was his world!! I will miss the talks we had and the joking and teasing. The funny stories about his dog. I am sure your brother was waiting on you with open arms it brings some peace knowing that you are now pain free and reunited with him. I will miss you terribly, but I know you're smiling down arm in arm with your brother watching over that precious little girl.

Edited on 02-03-2016 01:59
I make mistakes, I am out of control & at times, hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve my BEST!! ~~Marilyn Monroe~~

*SMILES* ~~Panda~~
29-07-2014 00:21

<--- very sad mouse, misses his friend
& praying for your loved ones
R.I.P. bro
"There is only one way to succeed in anything and that is to give everything... Any man's finest hour is when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle... victorious."
-Vince Lombardi
31-07-2014 23:15

Words cannot express our loss.
01-08-2014 14:43

Condolances to his family and friends R.I.P
03-08-2014 08:48

WHAT? WhAT? Please tell me that this is some sick joke. littlebro is gone? I always called him "pounder" because his name was abbreviated "lb" = pound. how is Pounder gone? How? no way. I am just crushed.
I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!

[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs?
03-08-2014 09:24

I am so sorry my first post was so self-absorbed... I can only blame my shock as the lamest of excuses. To littlebro's family and friends, please extend my love, thoughts and prayers. Please let them find peace and comfort in their loss in the days, weeks and months to come.
I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!

[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs?
Burnt Cod
04-08-2014 03:11

What news to come back from. This guy was one of my favorite people on syrnia. Rest easy littlebro :'(
[6]18:19 (Mod)Moderator: *Comes to Burnt Cods rescue*

You have successfully thieved the Burnt Cod!

[3]15:06 Killruna[O.G.]: all hail the burnt Cod!

08-08-2014 21:35

We miss you littlebro..
The Couch YetiTemp
08-08-2014 22:03

It has taken me some time to post on this. Littlebro was and always will be a dear friend. Is a pleasant feeling when reminiscing the past recalling times in clan chat we had, the "family" we are a part of here in syrnia, and the community that he helped pull together.

LB will always be greatly missed, but his presence will always remain. He left a carving in the foundation of syrnias community to many of us, and for that... he will not ever be forgotten, always missed. His name and his being will live on through those who call him family.

I pray his real life family has been keeping strong, and staying safe through this hardship.

I pray for LadyTabitha and all those whom got to know him beyond his screen name, and hope that they too keep strong and secure.

Littlebro lives on through you, through them, and through us. He will not ever be gone, only missed. He left his mark, that's definite.

Rest in Peace, my dear friend.
My Skills Neglected, My Pockets Collected.
Pirates life complete dedication.
09-08-2014 21:56

Syrnians will come and go lilbro's are for life...may you rest well my friend
05:17 dixierose[MAAN]: It's Feel Your Boobies Week!
10-08-2014 07:54

Sad to read this upon returning. My thoughts go out to the family and friends and all who knew him. R.I.P.

We only chatted a little bit, but sad to lose anyone from the community.
Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits
Both by Albert Einstein

[2]08:49 (Mod)Moderator: Pawned by Vipers :(
11-08-2014 23:21

well now this is crappy news, we have shared conversations in the past some pleasant some not so but all in all you were a brightness in the dark a real character who always made the bad seem better and you can rest easy now Little one My condolences to your family and friends I can see you have touched the hearts of many.
Adapt or Perish
TLgrounds.com your number one go to for syrnia info
14-08-2014 04:53

Omg last time we talked his health was getting better.
Rip hun, will miss you, and our long talks
You have married lestro!

2013-09-02 01:37:01 Foxy killed Jeffreyj
2013-11-20 07:06:02 Foxy killed wikid

*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
15-08-2014 00:35

RIP Littlebro!
17-08-2014 10:34

aww, littlebro, my whisper buddy known you so long man, sad to see you gone, but to a better place! may the life beyond, or after, this treat you better, love ya littlebro...even if you weren't little xD <3
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