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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Vincius

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07-04-2013 23:00

RIP bro will miss you
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
08-04-2013 12:03

RIP Number 4. I deserve to say very little, so I will say, that you vincius, were a friend to me, and that's hard to believe for me, because not many people are really, truly, friends, to somebody who can probably never help them in any way.

Thank you vincius, may you be blessed.
011-12-03 05:07:30 barun511 arvindr(43) attacked Ceba, and did 11 damage. Ceba had 0 HP left.

barun511 arvindr(41) attacked wikid, and did 21 damage. wikid had 53 HP left.

You have married Assilim!
10-04-2013 02:51

Forever young. You will always be in our thoughts. RIP my friend.
bellabell3 struck and dealt 97 damage to the Obsidian flame dragon.

bellabell3 struck and dealt 75 damage to the Obsidian flame dragon.

You successfully enchanted the Puranium axe, you gained 570 magic experience.
The Grim Reaper
11-04-2013 09:51

R.I.P Vincius- Gone but never forgotten.
mida veel
28-03-2014 15:02

I'm one year late but.... So sorry to hear that.. Mr 4 as I always called him..
28-03-2014 21:51

A year has passed already my friend

Hope you have had a good one up there partying and running amock as you did down here no doubt

Miss you still bud and they say time heals all wounds but the one you have left in our hearts still remains
Eye for an Eye a tooth for a tooth evil for evil

www.TLGrounds.com, your TRUE Syrnia resource!

was and will always be Dark Neroxus (Ero-Sennin)
22-04-2014 05:08

I come back to Syrnia from an extended leave and find that an old Syrnian but young man is gone. I am really saddened to hear this. Rest in Peace, my friend.
[1]22:50 nirvanaishdude[BytMe]: King Cancun will not quit before every Roodarus is exterminated. ;o
07-05-2015 05:05

You were one that I talked to when I signed in on those rare occasions. I remember back when you first started. You will be missed although I just found out about it and so much time has gone by. RIP
If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you then you know, you can keep it forever and ever, and ever.......lol
14-10-2020 01:48

I may not have said it here, but it's still as true as it always has been; I miss you, old friend.

Thank you for being a part of my life.
17-02-2021 07:48

rip Vincius i will always remember you posting your sign up number everytime i would post mine.. i know your making them laugh in heaven
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Vincius

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