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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Vincius

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26-01-2013 17:38

My pal Oskar aka Vincius, you've been known for being a killer, lover, and most of all one of the most memorable friends to all. You have been in the game since the curtain opened and it's sad you won't see it end. People will remember you for your humor and those special moments you brought to our hearts.

We would like to dedicate this post in honor of Oskar who passed away on January 19th, 2013 in his sleep.

Clan comments:

chanmr - I will remember you for being in and out of game true friend with our odd humorous comments that we shared while making the clan mates laugh with awkwardness.

Hodhyu - Oh vin. You had the biggest ego of them all along with the biggest heart, and I am so thankful for how you cared for my girl. You truly had a way of making anyone's day brighter when dull. I will surely miss your crazy outbursts, youtube links, and one liners (Like saying you wanted to dress like Flava Flav, I just cannot get over that one). You will never be forgotten my dear friend.

Ardarel - It's really hard to believe you're really gone. I'm still in shock. Reading chan's post was hard. All this.. put in "official" words.. was not easy to accept. I still can't. It's so unreal.

But as much as I'd like to change it, as much as I'd like to deny it, you're gone. You're really gone.

You're an amazing man. You always had an easy way to make anyone smile. You always managed to brighten up my day every day. You have such a big heart.. (and like Hod said.. a big ego. But that's all right. I love you anyway. ;) )

I will forever miss our conversations, the silly pictures you'd send me, the webcam sessions, and all the silly and serious things you had to say. You were one heck of a man.. brilliant, intelligent, with a great sense of humor.

I remember, one time long ago when we weren't really talking.. you and Hodhyu were talking in clan chat about abandoned, haunted, houses. You said you'd take your girlfriend, when you had one, to the one near you. You said you'd try and make loud noises to scare her, so you'd seem really brave.

I was wondering, as a deaf person myself, "What if he had a deaf girlfriend? "

And then.. even though it was never official, you did.

You'll always have a place in my heart. I love you.

Rest in peace.

wikid - Vincius, you touched my heart with your great sense of humour.

Never a day went by where you failed to crack me up with laughter, you made it fun for me to log in each day, I looked forward to your wit and friendly banter.

I will never forget you, RIP my good friend.

Dirk - What an absolute tragedy.. will be tough to see chat without your name there.

For the past few years you have been there to make me laugh, and hard to believe that this will not be the case anymore.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. We have truly lost one of the greats in Syrnia and in real life. Rest in Peace my friend.

Edited on 26-01-2013 20:54
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
26-01-2013 17:40

Rest in peace Vin!!!

A great lost this game inherit right now! Such a great guy, will always remember the nice time together! God bless your soul my friend!

*Mourn in sadness*
Where I stand, high between heaven and hell, I guide all my fellows to an unreached place called Knowledge! "Give troops food and skills, they'll move mountains, give erudits whispers and thoughts, they'll bring us a New World Order".
26-01-2013 17:41

Mutual Love was shared by everyone he spoke too. he touched our hearts and I am sorry to all Loyal this is sad news he will be missed
26-01-2013 17:43

A great loss too all who knew him. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends.
Rest in peace vinny, you will be missed!
Rest in peace dear dreamer. ~4/22/10~
Proud leader of Wild! Founded: Dec 26th, 2007.
Gary Hans Slug
26-01-2013 17:44

Its such a shame, I really liked the guy. Very funny chap, this is the first time something he's done hasnt made me smile. I'm gonna miss him.
26-01-2013 17:44

Rest in peace mate, we may have never talked much, but you were a great man.

Condolences to his family and clan.
26-01-2013 17:46

Rest in peace mate! You are a great guy and I respect you in many ways. You'll always be remembered and never forgotten!

My condolences to your family, friends and Loyal.
26-01-2013 17:48

Wow, a great Syrnian and person, I didn't know him too well but I know how much he was loved and respected.


You will be greatly missed
Magic - 32 - 197136 - 14907
26-01-2013 17:50

We had an argument and fell out, We did not speak to each other from that day on. Im sorry for that and wish I took the chance to try and settle things. RIP mate.
26-01-2013 17:55

Rest in Peace, my friend.

As sad as I am to hear this news, the only thing I keep on remembering is your singing and the offer you made to Bex and I to sing at our wedding (provided we paid for your plane tickets to Aus).

A wonderful sense of humour and alway fun to run into in OL.

A true legend of Syrnia.

Will be missed by ALL that knew him.

Remembered forever.
An angel in the book of life
wrote down your baby's birth.
And whispered as he closed the book
Too beautiful for this earth.

Rest in Peace my Son (18th Feb 2012)
26-01-2013 18:06

Such sad news. I was just hoping it might not be true.
Vinnie has been such a part of Syrnia since it began, and its hard to imagine the game without him.
We chatted a lot in the early days.
His gentle manner and great sense of humour will be missed by everyone here.
RIP Vinnie

Edited on 26-01-2013 18:07
26-01-2013 18:08

I'll miss you a lot, vinny. You were at the core of Syrnia from the beginning.

I remember Vinny from the old Sphinx days when he was the 'greatest kid' in the game, and probably the tallest. And then from SaS days - growing up, moving on from his kid days, turning into the interesting guy he was going to be. Cut way too short - this is such sad news.

RIP, Vinny.
No horses were harmed making this avatar.
26-01-2013 18:09

RIP Vincus. I'll miss stalking your world chat posts, and avoiding your deadly stare in the OL.

You touched Syrnia, changed it's community for the better, ever since you joined. We never spoke, though due to my habit of lurking in world chat, I knew you. I remember watching your posts as a newb, watching your nearly untouchable levels rise.

Again, RIP. I can hardly believe that this has happened, due to the presence you have had in Syrnia... If there is an afterlife, I wish you the best of luck in it.

Edited on 26-01-2013 18:09
26-01-2013 18:12

Vini was a fantastic guy, sifting through all the memories he's given will always bring a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.
The "wedding singer" audition on Skype was one of the funniest, so many saw the fun side to Vini and even the mentioned ego was in good fun.

I'll always miss the slaps in OL followed by the brag of which weapon you did it with and when you got it as well as the humour you brought to Syrnia.

R.I.P. Vini.
R.I.P. Dreamer.

[3]04:35 Zomb[1-Sec]: I like wearing the dress though, get to feel that breeze you know.

Bex Reason: Ex-pirate 3655 minutes left. Pay 219264 gold bribe
26-01-2013 18:16

R.I.P Vinny
[2] 11:59 Sabs[O.G.]: Vonny :D I was just telling Brownie on msn how I want your babies :D *hugs*

~FoS~ "Powered by Obsidian"
26-01-2013 18:24

Vinny was a lovely guy, one of the few players I don't think I've ever complained about. He kept me company in the OL more than a couple times, but never tried to kill me. RIP.
[3]17:17 fraggelmupp[~TLO~]: there there, dont let the mean south african moustache scare you
26-01-2013 18:30

I cannot say I knew you well, if at all.

It is truly unfair to lose someone so young, who has his whole life ahead of him.

My hopes that you find peace where you are and that the life you led, well lived brings comfort to those who know you.
"In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world there is no love for you like mine." Maya Angelou

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." -- Bern Williams
26-01-2013 18:43

He will be missed very much by players all over syrnia...
the clan and the game feels differently with him gone. He was the most funny, cheerful, and helpful syrnians i knew... i will especially miss his amusing random youtube links.

Rip vin
With Love,
26-01-2013 19:12

As someone who utterly detests the concept of the memoriam style threads and boards, I find myself in a quandary with this one. On the one hand, my dislike of the concept of this board and the other, an element of sympathy and actually somewhat caring.

Comrade Vincius, you shall be receiving a very rare notion of respect from myself, I enjoyed the witty banter, a person who talked a deal of sense and I found engaging and humorous. You always did know how to poke the right amount of fun at people. You are one of the few I can never find myself getting genuinely hostile towards, which is a complement. Another reason for the occasional chat entries of mine has passed.

At the same time part of me is also wondering the reaction he would have used and I wonder, if it were him reading and contributing on his own, would he simply make do with a shrug of the shoulders and a "Nice knowing you" and not one for the publicity of it all?

In either case to borrow a quote from Scout Marine Sergeant Cyrus from the DoW series:
"May we meet again at the right side of the Emperor."

Edited on 26-01-2013 19:16
Comrade Stalin salutes you!
26-01-2013 19:28

My condolences to the family and friends of Vincius. His reputation was high in my clan.
Rest in Peace
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift: that's why they call it the present." Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
"fook off Sarah" Ben (Rupert Glint) in Driving Lessons (2006)
26-01-2013 20:31

R.I.P Vinny fun guy. you will be missed.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
It's Bush's fault and you are a racist!!

The Roodarus died. All warriors got 667 experience in attack,defence,strength and health. Arioch got 5 Saurus meat!
26-01-2013 20:55

R.I.P Vinny and may fly with the angles
Reynn Dogg
26-01-2013 20:59

Rest In Peace, vincius.
26-01-2013 21:09

A part of Syrnia has passed from this mortal coil, may you rest in peace Vincius.
Proud member of [Choob]

Hotdog killed you at Desert arena 3 :-D

Thorntree got 1 Waranerus spike!
Thorntree got 1 Stemosaurus tail spike!
26-01-2013 21:39

Rest in Peace
Thank You to Spartaness for the awesome avatar!!

Like a BulbaSir
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