bardok42 [Vital] 21-12-2011 09:14
| b6 I want to die sleeping peacefully like my grandfather did, not crying and screaming like the other people in his car.
[2]09:57 (Mod)Moderator: Skydragon - what bardok said ^ ;) |
Mr. Addy Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic |
DrDeath [TSoH] 21-12-2011 09:25

| d2 *I wanted to say something profound and inspirational. It took a while, but this is what I came up with: Always wear clean underwear... |
fraggelmupp [~TLO~] 21-12-2011 09:44

| H17 |
Shivers [~TC~] 21-12-2011 10:00

| e16 “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” - Mark Twain |
ctaylorboy69 [Scorp] 21-12-2011 10:16
| c 14 today please, thankyou |
Kitty [-DRS-] 21-12-2011 10:20

| E 14 "Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair." |
kkman 21-12-2011 10:27
25-12-2009 13:15
Well you clever Syrnians, I thought that would keep you busy all day but within 2 hours is fantastic going!
Congratulations to kkman who wins the Competition |
John Doe 21-12-2011 10:35

| A11 "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
There are 210 other players working here. |
Ceba [-TL-] 21-12-2011 10:45

| D 12 The Roodarus died. All warriors got 333 experience in attack,defence,strength and health.
Ceba won and got a Desert arena medal and 200 combat experience.
28 Ceba struck and dealt 28 damage to the Stemosaurus. |
barun511 [Elves] 21-12-2011 11:10

| Well today, I've changed my mind, so B-19 011-12-03 05:07:30 barun511 arvindr(43) attacked Ceba, and did 11 damage. Ceba had 0 HP left.
barun511 arvindr(41) attacked wikid, and did 21 damage. wikid had 53 HP left.
You have married Assilim! |
Solunar [Choob] 21-12-2011 11:21

| H5 [2]00:42 (Mod)Moderator: *Hugs Solunar*
[2] 00:45 Solunar[Choob]: Mod, can I has a piggy-back? :o
[2] 00:47 (Mod)Moderator: Ok jump on :)
[2]01:11 Solunar[Choob]: You have married Poppins! (06-10-2011) |
Amira [SB] 21-12-2011 12:18
| I15 |
Dark Avenger [TSoH] 21-12-2011 12:34

| D7 The answers you seek shall be yours, once I claim what is mine!
TSoH 4 Life! |
HolyEvil [~FoS~] 21-12-2011 13:00

| C12 [3] 15:32 HolyEvil[FFX]: You have married lilypurr !
Attack level: 105 (12345678 exp, 362243 for next level)
~FoS~ "Powered by Obsidian" |
brokelad [~HaJ~] 21-12-2011 13:15
| h9 |
Spooff 21-12-2011 13:19

| G2 *This is not a Signature!* |
Tinay [Crupt] 21-12-2011 13:26
| J 10 |
AMC 21-12-2011 13:28
| J9 please |
Neslon [Fangz] 21-12-2011 13:40

| j19 Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. |
nighthunter [Fangz] 21-12-2011 14:17

| a2 The search for wisdom is a great challenge; to act on wisdom is an even greater challenge.
By someone i cant remember.
From Nighthunter king of World chat |
Cloud [Pond] 21-12-2011 14:32

| G15 [3]12:40 mightywhite[O.G.]: I prefer you to be around though cos I like hating on you.
You have gained clanleadership of the Smexyness clan. Jeffreyj has stopped as clanleader, you took over his place.<3 ;) |
DeadKennedy 21-12-2011 15:39

| G 14 |
kiwi [msp] 21-12-2011 17:51
| K13 |
bellabell3 21-12-2011 23:09

| b3 ... |
Nuthouse [Choob] 21-12-2011 23:14

| D9 Im not crazy!
Im just a little unwell |