SYRAID [Evol] 28-08-2011 18:12
| Here's the 70th contest. Try to identify the following 20 top 250 ranked Syrnia players using the clues below. Again no editing of answers. First to guess all 20 get a nice prize.
Orange Nations smelly stuff
Large Indonesian Island
Sugar coated feline
Shreks spouse
Was always going to happen
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
Slang for a traveller
Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Wolf misses little clothing
Valley where barrels were made
Electronic Weather condition
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
Mad bloke
Olivers pet
The devils deity
Young childs place of rest
Tin makes Chinese measurement
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air
Mod Team.
Moderator edit: Mill won and recived the Seeds Prize (250 Orange seeds)
The correct answers were:
Orange Nations smelly stuff Edam
Large Indonesian Island Borneo
Sugar coated feline SweetKitty
Shreks spouse Fiyona
Was always going to happen Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages Latvian Knight
Gabriel God's Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween Toffy
Sacrificed by the Gauls? Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing Redhood
Valley where barrels were made dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy Ruboxjr
Mad bloke Krazydude
The devils deity Thor666
Young childs place of rest Cradle
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Greensky
Slang for a traveller tinka
Olivers pet moorcat
Tin makes Chinese measurement cancun Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.
-Theodore Roosevelt, 1910 |
Mr. Addy Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic |
Greensky [Cloud] 28-08-2011 18:24
| I think I'm an electronic weather condition! Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. |
Joh [~TLO~] 28-08-2011 18:32
| Orange Nations smelly stuff
Was always going to happen
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
Slang for a traveller
Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Wolf misses little clothing
Valley where barrels were made
Electronic Weather condition
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
Olivers pet
Don't know the rest :/ |
Fuggle [O.G.] 28-08-2011 19:08
| Orange Nations smelly stuff EDAM
Large Indonesian Island BORNEO
Sugar coated feline SWEETKITTY
Shreks spouse FIYONA
Was always going to happen FATE
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages LATVIAN KNIGHT
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween TOFFY
Slang for a traveller ROADWARRIOR?
Sacrificed by the Gauls? WICKERMAN
Wolf misses little clothing REDHOOD?
Valley where barrels were made DALEFCOOPER
Electronic Weather condition STORMZ
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy RUBOXJR
Olivers pet (No idea)
The devils deity HOLYEVIL?
Young childs place of rest CRADLE
Tin makes Chinese measurement TINKA?
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air GREENSKY Mightyprawn
mightywhite would be here, but it's undefined
migigity |
Greensky [Cloud] 28-08-2011 19:13
| Drakkar - Orange Nations smelly stuff
Borneo - Large Indonesian Island
Sweetkitty - Sugar coated feline
Fiyona - Shreks spouse
Fate - Was always going to happen
Latvian Knight - Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Gods Messenger - Gabriel
Toffy - Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
OzarKKrazO - Slang for a traveller
Wickerman - Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Redhood - Wolf misses little clothing
dalefcooper - Valley where barrels were made
St0rmz_ - Electronic Weather condition
Radiognome or Ruboxjr - Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
krazydude - Mad bloke
allycat - Olivers pet
HolyEvil - The devils deity
Cradle - Young childs place of rest
Tinka - Tin makes Chinese measurement
Greensky - Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. |
Greensky [Cloud] 28-08-2011 19:15
| Drakkar - Orange Nations smelly stuff
Borneo - Large Indonesian Island
Sweetkitty - Sugar coated feline
Fiyona - Shreks spouse
Fate - Was always going to happen
Latvian Knight - Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Gods Messenger - Gabriel
Toffy - Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
OzarKKrazO or Roadwarrior - Slang for a traveller
Wickerman - Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Redhood - Wolf misses little clothing
dalefcooper - Valley where barrels were made
St0rmz_ - Electronic Weather condition
Radiognome or Ruboxjr - Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
krazydude - Mad bloke
allycat - Olivers pet
HolyEvil - The devils deity
Cradle - Young childs place of rest
Tinka - Tin makes Chinese measurement
Greensky - Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air
Added Roadwarrior Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. |
Greensky [Cloud] 28-08-2011 19:17
| Edam - Orange Nations smelly stuff
Borneo - Large Indonesian Island
Sweetkitty - Sugar coated feline
Fiyona - Shreks spouse
Fate - Was always going to happen
Latvian Knight - Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Gods Messenger - Gabriel
Toffy - Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
OzarKKrazO or Roadwarrior - Slang for a traveller
Wickerman - Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Redhood - Wolf misses little clothing
dalefcooper - Valley where barrels were made
St0rmz_ - Electronic Weather condition
Radiognome or Ruboxjr - Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
krazydude - Mad bloke
allycat - Olivers pet
HolyEvil - The devils deity
Cradle - Young childs place of rest
Tinka - Tin makes Chinese measurement
Greensky - Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air
Changed first answer to Edam Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. |
Bandion [LLL] 28-08-2011 19:18
| Orange Nations smelly stuff = edam
Large Indonesian Island = Borneo
Sugar coated feline = Sweet Kitty
Shreks spouse = Fiyona
Was always going to happen = fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages = Latvian_Knight
Gabriel = Gods Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween = toffy
Slang for a traveller = road warrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? = wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing = redhood
Valley where barrels were made = dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition =Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy = ruboxjr
Mad bloke = krazydude
Olivers pet = alleykat
The devils deity = HolyEvil??
Young childs place of rest = Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement = tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air = Greensky?? |
DukeDomo [Choob] 28-08-2011 19:20
| Edam - Orange Nations smelly stuff
Borneo - Large Indonesian Island
Sweetkitty - Sugar coated feline
Fiyona - Shreks spouse
Fate - Was always going to happen
Latvian_Knight - Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Gods Messenger - Gabriel
Toffy - Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
preacher - Slang for a traveller
Wickerman - Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Redhood - Wolf misses little clothing
Monterey Jack - Valley where barrels were made
St0rmz_ - Electronic Weather condition
Ruboxjr - Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
krazydude - Mad bloke
allycat - Olivers pet
HolyEvil - The devils deity
Cradle - Young childs place of rest
Tintin2007 - Tin makes Chinese measurement
Greensky - Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Sergeant Sam has paid 220 gold to free you from the Sanfew jail.
[3]08:31 Ulagrand[Choob]: "may those that worthy, drink the beer from the sky" Ulagrand to Choobians 5:3 |
Tikal [-TL-] 28-08-2011 19:21
| Orange Nations smelly stuff = Monterey Jack
Large Indonesian Island = Borneo
Sugar coated feline = SweetKitty
Shreks spouse = Fiyona
Was always going to happen = Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages = Latvian Knight
Gabriel = God_Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween = Toffy
Slang for a traveller = Aussiebeast
Sacrificed by the Gauls? = Preacher
Wolf misses little clothing = beowulf
Valley where barrels were made = Ascotvale
Electronic Weather condition = Stormz
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy = ruboxjr
Mad bloke = Krazydude
Olivers pet = Whelpers
The devils deity = thor666
Young childs place of rest = Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement = Tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air = Greensky |
HolyEvil [~FoS~] 28-08-2011 19:22
| Orange Nations smelly stuff - drakkar
Large Indonesian Island - Borneo
Sugar coated feline - sweetkitty
Shreks spouse - fionya
Was always going to happen - Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages - latvian knight
Gabriel - Gods Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween - toffy
Slang for a traveller - RoadWarrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing - redhood
Valley where barrels were made - dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition - esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy - ruboxjr
Mad bloke - krazydude
Olivers pet - Reynn Dogg
The devils deity - HolyEvil
Young childs place of rest - cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air - greensky [3] 15:32 HolyEvil[FFX]: You have married lilypurr !
Attack level: 88 (6666666 exp, 216494 for next level)
~FoS~ "Powered by Obsidian" |
redhdsrbtr [JADED] 28-08-2011 19:24
| Monterey Jack
Sweet Kitty
Gabriel = Gods Messenger
road warrior
tinka "Mortal ears cannot bear to hear the roaring silence of the thundering quiet"
"It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations"
Heart of Flame, Soul of Fire |
Bandion [LLL] 28-08-2011 19:24
| Orange Nations smelly stuff = drakkar
Large Indonesian Island = Borneo
Sugar coated feline = Sweet Kitty
Shreks spouse = Fiyona
Was always going to happen = fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages = Latvian_Knight
Gabriel = Gods Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween = toffy
Slang for a traveller = road warrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? = wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing = redhood
Valley where barrels were made = dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition =Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy = ruboxjr
Mad bloke = krazydude
Olivers pet = alleykat
The devils deity = HolyEvil??
Young childs place of rest = Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement = tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air = Greensky?? |
redhdsrbtr [JADED] 28-08-2011 19:26
| misspelled a few
Monterey Jack
Sweet Kitty
Gabriel = Gods Messenger
road warrior
tinka "Mortal ears cannot bear to hear the roaring silence of the thundering quiet"
"It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations"
Heart of Flame, Soul of Fire |
Lamb [Pond] 28-08-2011 19:27
| Orange Nations smelly stuff Edam
Large Indonesian Island Borneo
Sugar coated feline SweetKitty
Shreks spouse Fiyona
Was always going to happen Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages Latvian Knight
Gabriel God's Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween Ebobs?
Slang for a traveller Roadwarrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing Redhood
Valley where barrels were made dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy Ruboxjr
Mad bloke Krazydude
Olivers pet Allycat
The devils deity DevilDuckie
Young childs place of rest Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement Tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Greensky "This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country."
- Clint Eastwood
[3]17:37 Jeffreyj[Pond]: Lets just say that uhm.. You are different then all others Lamb :P |
Cloud [O.G.] 28-08-2011 19:28
GREENSKY Go the Fro!
Cloud killed brogs <3
[3]13:47 mightywhite[O.G.]: Hello Lisa my darling facebook stalker.
Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go. ;) |
Lamb [Pond] 28-08-2011 19:28
| Orange Nations smelly stuff Edam
Large Indonesian Island Borneo
Sugar coated feline SweetKitty
Shreks spouse Fiyona
Was always going to happen Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages Latvian Knight
Gabriel God's Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween Toffy
Slang for a traveller Roadwarrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing Redhood
Valley where barrels were made dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy Ruboxjr
Mad bloke Krazydude
Olivers pet Allycat
The devils deity DevilDuckie
Young childs place of rest Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement Tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Greensky "This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country."
- Clint Eastwood
[3]17:37 Jeffreyj[Pond]: Lets just say that uhm.. You are different then all others Lamb :P |
Bandion [LLL] 28-08-2011 19:29
| Orange Nations smelly stuff = drakkar
Large Indonesian Island = Borneo
Sugar coated feline = Sweet Kitty
Shreks spouse = Fiyona
Was always going to happen = fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages = Latvian_Knight
Gabriel = Gods Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween = toffy
Slang for a traveller = road warrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? = wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing = redhood
Valley where barrels were made = dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition =Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy = ruboxjr
Mad bloke = krazydude
Olivers pet = alleykat
The devils deity = Thor666
Young childs place of rest = Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement = tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air = Greensky?? |
Lamb [Pond] 28-08-2011 19:29
| Orange Nations smelly stuff Edam
Large Indonesian Island Borneo
Sugar coated feline SweetKitty
Shreks spouse Fiyona
Was always going to happen Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages Latvian Knight
Gabriel God's Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween Toffy
Slang for a traveller Roadwarrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing Redhood
Valley where barrels were made dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition Esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy Ruboxjr
Mad bloke Krazydude
Olivers pet Allycat
The devils deity Holyevil
Young childs place of rest Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement Tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Greensky "This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country."
- Clint Eastwood
[3]17:37 Jeffreyj[Pond]: Lets just say that uhm.. You are different then all others Lamb :P |
King Albatross [Cyber] 28-08-2011 19:30
| 1.Orange Nations smelly stuff - Edam
Large Indonesian Island - Borneo
Sugar coated feline - Sweetkitty
Shreks spouse - Fiyona
Was always going to happen - fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages - Latvian Knight
Gabriel - Gods Messanger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween - Toffy
Slang for a traveller - Tinka
Sacrificed by the Gauls? - Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing - redhood
Valley where barrels were made -Dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition - St0rmz_
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy - rictor
Mad bloke - Krazydude
Olivers pet - Reynn Dogg
The devils deity - Evilordimmortal
Young childs place of rest - cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement - Tintin07
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air - Greensky -Innovate, not Imitate-
Light a match, blow it out and then look at what you're doing here.
Alla gillar brudar
75th obby miner
[2]20:22 DeSoRDoR[Snake]: God darn friggle dummus clufus! |
Apatheia [N] 28-08-2011 19:30
| Orange Nations smelly stuff - edam
Large Indonesian Island - Borneo
Sugar coated feline - SweetKitty
Shreks spouse - Fiyona
Was always going to happen - Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages - Latvian Knight
Gabriel - Gods Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween - Toffy
Slang for a traveller - roadwarrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing - Redhood
Valley where barrels were made - dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition - esnow
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy - Ruboxjr
Mad bloke - krazydude
Olivers pet - allycat
The devils deity - HolyEvil
Young childs place of rest - Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement - Tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air - Greensky You're either Nexus or against us.
Active bondslady to any/all clannies and pirates iffin I has the gold :)
Some days you're the pigeon; some days you're the statue.
Joined: July 21, 2007 |
Bizkiteater [MAAN] 28-08-2011 19:33
| 1. Edam
2. Borneo
3. Sweetkitty
4. Fiyona
5. Fate
6. Latvian Knight
7. Gods Messenger
8. Toffy
9. Roadwarrior
10. Wickerman
11. Redhood
12. dalefcooper
13. esnow
14. Ruboxjp
15. Krazydude
16. Alleycat
17. Holyevil
18. Cradle
19. Tinka
20. Greensky 2010-04-20 13:50:17 Bizkiteater killed lushes
2010-08-08 09:38:27 Bizkiteater killed Desert Medic
TBD: Bizkiteater killed Pedro |
Greensky [Cloud] 28-08-2011 19:33
| Edam - Orange Nations smelly stuff
Borneo - Large Indonesian Island
Sweetkitty - Sugar coated feline
Fiyona - Shreks spouse
Fate - Was always going to happen
Latvian Knight - Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Gods Messenger - Gabriel
Toffy - Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
Roadwarrior - Slang for a traveller
Wickerman - Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Redhood - Wolf misses little clothing
dalefcooper - Valley where barrels were made
St0rmz_ - Electronic Weather condition
Ruboxjr - Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
krazydude - Mad bloke
allycat - Olivers pet
HolyEvil - The devils deity
Cradle - Young childs place of rest
Tinka - Tin makes Chinese measurement
Greensky - Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. |
Red [Zen] 28-08-2011 19:37
| Orange Nations smelly stuff = Drakker
Large Indonesian Island = Borneo
Sugar coated feline = SweetKitty
Shreks spouse = Fiyona
Was always going to happen = Fate
Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages = Latvian Knight
Gabriel = God_Messenger
Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween = Toffy
Slang for a traveller = Roadwarrior
Sacrificed by the Gauls? = Wickerman
Wolf misses little clothing = beowulf
Valley where barrels were made = Dalefcooper
Electronic Weather condition = Stormz
Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy = Fragglemupp
Mad bloke = Krazydude
Olivers pet = Tazz
The devils deity = thor666
Young childs place of rest = Cradle
Tin makes Chinese measurement = Tinka
Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air = Greensky Joined Zen 22nd August 2010
XXXXXXX(65) attacked ReDzAr(21), and did 1 damage. ReDzAr had 25 HP left.
[Zen] ReDzAr 21 (1 hp) <- I got away ;)
Thanks Spartaness for the Avii ! |
Greensky [Cloud] 28-08-2011 19:38
| Edam - Orange Nations smelly stuff
Borneo - Large Indonesian Island
Sweetkitty - Sugar coated feline
Fiyona - Shreks spouse
Fate - Was always going to happen
Latvian Knight - Ex Russian warrior from the middle ages
Gods Messenger - Gabriel
Toffy - Bite through to get to the apple at Halloween
Roadwarrior - Slang for a traveller
Wickerman - Sacrificed by the Gauls?
Redhood - Wolf misses little clothing
dalefcooper - Valley where barrels were made
St0rmz_ - Electronic Weather condition
Ruboxjr - Sounds like the son of an 80s childs toy
krazydude - Mad bloke
allycat - Olivers pet
HolyEvil - The devils deity
Cradle - Young childs place of rest
Tintin2007 - Tin makes Chinese measurement
Greensky - Environmentally friendly colour looks into the air Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. |