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04-02-2010 15:00

I fully agree with Calgor on this. I don't like the way this has been almost listed as an 'actual' set of rules (to the point of being stickied for all to see). Its is completely up to the individual how they decide to play, and they shouldn't have real life ethics or morals shoved in their faces in a fantasy game. Unsticky this please mods, its an insult to intelligence, let people make their own decisions as to how to properly act.

Edited on 04-02-2010 15:01
My superiority complex is waaay better than your's.

'I may be going to hell in a bucket babe, but at least I'm enjoying the ride' ~Grateful Dead
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
04-02-2010 15:06

highly arrogant.... i remember when there was a time that death drops were not a cool thing now i see older players and newer bragging and its status qou.
yes syrnian honor only exists at face value for most,and when there is no profit to be made at the expense of ones name...
Ham is good...
04-02-2010 15:32

Several things are to be said here.

First, these are not rules. These are 'suggestions' on how to avoid confrontations with other players. In this very thread we have seen people discovering some details of how they behaviour actually affects players around them.

The word 'honor' has been used specifically for this reason. Honor is not a set of rules, it is just a model of polite and decent behaviour.

It is up to the player's own free will to walk along or over this 'code'. So this takes nothing away from syrnia being an RPG.

And to whoever agrees with calgor, I hope you know that he would have complained about any thread. I bet he would have tried to convince you that water isn't wet.

I haven't seen him trying to get the mods to unsticky his own thread about clan advertising, when he himself says that people who should read these sort of things don't.

EDIT: Quoting from calgor post in clan forum, on how to write a decent clan ad...

"It doesnt always reach the intended audience I agree but as long as it is here, I believe that it has the potential to reach some people."

Edited on 04-02-2010 15:34
04-02-2010 15:54

Thunder may I point out this simple thing.

A thread is not going to teach what parents should teach those who play this game. I doubt a thread is going to be a life changing moment for anyone who reads this.

As said this is all common sense and to have to post that is quite sad. Infact a little belittling.

If someone has no manners or common decency, this thread will not change that.
Offering lessons in how to grow a backbone. Message Me.

Rudilyn My wife. Only Woman who will put up with Me

P.S mods if your gonna delete My signature a reason would be nice unless you paid for it?
04-02-2010 16:03

"I doubt a thread is going to be a life changing moment for anyone who reads this."

I don't think that's the purpose of this thread, Viper.

Edited on 04-02-2010 16:03
- Wyks of The Legion -

Visit our new fansite, www.TLGrounds.com! recently upgraded to V4.
04-02-2010 16:04

I think it is, to change how they act in online life Wyks. If was not to try change people why was it posted?

Anyway am not against this thread might help some players.

My point am trying to get across is, some will always be a lost cause.

Edited on 04-02-2010 16:05
Offering lessons in how to grow a backbone. Message Me.

Rudilyn My wife. Only Woman who will put up with Me

P.S mods if your gonna delete My signature a reason would be nice unless you paid for it?
04-02-2010 20:56

There is a big difference between this and Calgors clans post. At no point in his thread does he tell people what they should or shouldn't do, he merely offers information relevant to choosing a clan or creating a clan post (actual useful information!). I am well aware that Cal likes to play devils advocate, but he is right on occasions, including this one. If this is not a set of rules ,then why list them like one?, why call it a 'code of honor', which suggests universal agreement? It is not your's or anybodys place to set moral guidelines for others to follow. Such things do not exist in a computer game, especially a text based one in my opinion. And these are just your opinions as well, so get off your high horse before bashing Calgor for his views.
This doesn't need to be stickied, its insulting, offers nothing useful that we dont already know and broaches a subject which is not as black and white as you make it sound. As such, it should be allowed to drop off the bottom of the list along with all other such threads.
My superiority complex is waaay better than your's.

'I may be going to hell in a bucket babe, but at least I'm enjoying the ride' ~Grateful Dead
04-02-2010 21:02

its all a question of ethics, to which this unfortunately would be the wrong forum for. as an example, i couldnt care less about if someone jumped in and killed a dino if i had done 99% of the dmg to it. because i think it would be wrong to be so petty about something that isnt real. trades and such well yes, its nice when someone says "well il be a little late" but i dont really get all hateful and stuff unless it comes up to a couple of days worth of waiting, at which point i just ignore it forever and ever.

one thing that goes with ethics tho, what you think is ethically right might be really wrong for someone else. so while playing a game with players in id assume all but one continent of the world dont let it surprise you if you find someone you think is wrong(as in a ethical question). others will eventually think the same about you.
Take back what was stolen.
04-02-2010 21:07

Oh my God this is a life-changing moment for me!

But seriously, Calgor is completely right. When I first read this when it was first posted, I was like "Hmm, this is pretty right, it should be stickied", but now, I realize that this IS stuff that parents should have taught people, and theres no reason for this, because its very doubtful that this will be a life-changing moment for anyone. It's mostly just common courtesy, which most people on this game dont have. Theres absolutely no reason to have stickied this, let alone post it.
05-02-2010 00:37

Actually, I will be trying to convince you today that red is in fact green. Water and wetness is next week.

Point is, by sticking this to the forums, staff are effectively leaving this and saying it's an unofficial set of rules and regulations on how to behave and of etiquette which, in a role playing game, is something you cant do. If someone wants to play a complete evil git, then why should you stop them or suggest that they dont act like that?

Now as you correctly quoted Thunder, I did assess that the target audience is indeed limited although consider when it was written, a few years ago.

Also consider that every one of those points are suggestions and not a set of authoritarian commands. You're very tone itself, you even say that they are "little rules". Last I checked, you were not staff to decide what is a rule for people to follow and what isn't, so I suggest you change that. Having it stuck down though, seems to indicate that they somehow are becoming rules, much to the disapproval of some. People do not have to comply with them although the reason it was stickied is because people do use it. This is just a piece of trash though, one that needs to be unstuck and allowed to drift off the forums.

If it is as you said, up to players to listen to it or not then I dont suppose you will object to players will to have it unstuck and allowed to drift off the forums.

Credit to genezen, Hexis and willie for their wonderful support.

Edited on 05-02-2010 00:39
Discuss, with examples from past experiences, why all your opinions are worthless along with your very existance. (15 marks)
05-02-2010 01:28

its just a sticky, calm down
You are now planting 400 Orange seeds.

You have married Redhood !
Redhood killed you at The Outlands 92.

<-- This week i have been mostly... planning to take over the world!
05-02-2010 07:28

"And to whoever agrees with calgor, I hope you know that he would have complained about any thread."

Is that your only defense against his and others opinions? That he would complain about any thread?
Regardless of whether a person complains on 1 thread of 1000 threads, When a person has a valid point, He has a valid point. Stating that the person is known for complaining doesn't make his point any less valid.

I don't agree with Calgor often, But on rare occasions, He does make some good points. It would be stubborn and ignorant of me to assume his points are not valid, based solely on his previous rants. That would be "judging a book by its cover".
U.S.A. - Home of the brave politicians who are willing to sacrifice someone else's life just to make themselves richer.

My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am.
05-02-2010 08:36

genezen, most (95%) of newbies never read anything.. just want to get into the gameplay. I doubt any new players or anyone who this applies to will actually change their ways.
06-02-2010 03:42

Nice post.
06-02-2010 15:02

Ok I just found this and HAD to laugh. I don't need any poncey post telling me how I "ought" to act in order to "avoid awkward situations". Its the awkward situations in life, be it virtual or real, that can be more insightfull than just coasting along conforming to what everyone or even just someone thinks we should all be like.

I'm fully with Calgor on this.. to heck and back with avoiding these situations, if I wanna be a git and have you wait at a TP whilst I amble along looking for Tulips, hey ho, its up to the individual I'm trading with to decide if they want to wait and just how long is acceptable.

I will ONLY concede the AC4 Dino point made. Due to the expense of fighting a Dino single handed, both in time and food, you SHOULD ask before joining in imo but hey, its not in the rules, so do what ya feel is right
06-02-2010 18:37

i like it
07-02-2010 18:21

Hi, I'm Ddiablos. Calgor wanted someone to argue with, but I agree with him for the most part.
This topic has seem to evolved into mannerisms that parents may teach their kids in real life. And as far as my experience goes, the only specific "game ethics" that parents teach are humility, honesty (cheating and such), and whatever not being a sore loser falls into. Other than these, we usually want to play to win and will have to do plenty of things to stomp on other players to ensure our victory.
It the case of Syrnia I will define winning as ranking in the Highscores, but of course anyone may have a differing opinion.In most cases, you want to benefit your character as fast as possible. Thus it seems perfectly human to do anything that is not specifically coined cheating or breaking the rules of the game. Of course this game has elements of team play, and if you rub a possible benefactor the wrong way, you may have caused more damage for yourself than good.
All in all, I am trying to make the point that most of the manners my mother has taught me for normal interaction do not apply in the case of a game. A stock of rules should not be applied to Syrnia specifically, unless with the intention of turning it into a new game with new rules.
What's invisible and smells like carrots?
Answer: /o/
Lord Of Fire
07-02-2010 19:08

i dont agree, its like when you grow up you are ever told to eat with your mouth shut or not. Same here you choose, but if you chew with ur mouth open everyone looks at you with a digusted air. Your choice

Btw: i chew with my mouth shut
08-02-2010 20:14

I personally like this, but that is me, and I don't need to have it written to remember them.

As for other ppl, it would be nice, but I doubt that everybody would be the same.

Times have changed too, ppl that used to go by the code in arch 4, don't bother with it now.

I found out that you can't make ppl be honorable if they don't want to.
Feb 14/09 You have married HolyEvil !
21-07-2010 04:24

Honour is not a rulebook, nor is it a religion. It is a code. The code of honour is something that some people choose to attempt to live up to, or their translation of its meaning. Human society once lived and breathed by such a code - which has been lost to us over the years. Yet, some still attempt to live up to it. If you disagree with such views, you can choose to post nothing on the subject.

Edited on 21-07-2010 04:27
21-07-2010 05:35

"I don't agree with the premis that " guides " like this are preventing people from roleplaying bad guys though. You have to be reasonably smart to *be* an effective thief, murderer etc. You do not need to have any brains or roleplaying skills at all to be an idiot, a scammer, a rude pottymouth, careless, clueless, ignorant, irritating, whiny, annoying, unreasonably demanding or a general all round pain in the gluteus maximus.

Art imitates life."

Post of the year. Well done Greenlady
--> Doesn't trade/buy/sell with ~DoS~ or HATED. <--

[3]18:55 Skunyun[WoTo]: what is your advice? move up, or keep pwning the 30-39 BM
[3] 18:56 bogan[WoTo]: move up m8, you`ve rode that pony too long ..Lol
22-07-2010 09:25

I am curious about something, assuming for just one moment that someone actually has not been introduced to these concepts. Because to be fair nothing oriented on social behavior is common sense. Is it really appropriate to bash this thread, irellavent of your approval of its content? All that does, if you disagree with the content is demonstrate your own need to pick a fight. If you didnt agree with the topic of the thread, then the choice was yours not to read it. The same goes for every player, it is their choice weather or not they read the actual content of this post or just pass on it.

If however, someone does read the content, and is either educated, or has their own moral judgment reaffirmed then this thread has served the purpose the author intended it for.

To Calgor and those who stand with him on this threads validity or necessity, why is it you need to sit here and pick apart the author's opinions. Or the opinions of those who have read and agreed upon the content.

To Thunder- I compliment you, while I may not agree with every point or even any of them, I respect what this thread was meant to try to do. Which was to make people look at their own behavior and think is this right. I also respect the clarity with which each point is identified separately, this has the side affect of making your points look like rules. But to be honest if they were separated any less clearly then identifying the whole point would be difficult.

For my own opinion, I would state that I enjoyed reading what the author believed to be a good guideline for moral judgment where it concerns peaceful play. I am curious as to weather anyone actually disagrees with any point the author made, or if those who object are just objecting to the premise of the thread and not the content. Finally, I would remind everyone that this is all about judgment, how you choose to make the decision. If you choose to abide by one of these points, or none of them or all of them, that is your judgment, and you are responsible for the result it has on your game play for better or worse.

That is my two cents
22-07-2010 13:05

Two cents worth of "picking a fight" with those who disagree. Well done!

People are allowed opinions, even you being hypocritical
Offering lessons in how to grow a backbone. Message Me.

Rudilyn My wife. Only Woman who will put up with Me

P.S mods if your gonna delete My signature a reason would be nice unless you paid for it?
Warrior on Wheels
22-07-2010 13:21

Is this some sort of joke?. This is stickied like it is some sort of rules, sorry but real life does not apply to an online "fantasy" game or the internet for that matter.

This should not be stickied
22-07-2010 13:22

100% agrees with WoW.
"Everybody's normal till you get to know them."

*^* KoJack's Duty store *^* in all Syrnia 15/51 shops til now.

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Forum -> General -> Syrnian code of Honor

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