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Forum -> Off-Topic -> Legendaries Come and Gone

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Dark NeroxusTemp
19-09-2010 22:12

i wa told killruna left id like to see his name up here many probably would not but in the short time ive been here and spoke to him killy was kind and a great person to talk to and a name i didnt need to fear in ols XD

Edited on 19-09-2010 22:13
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
Ricktimus Prime
19-09-2010 22:36

Killruna's name definitely belongs here. I've hesitated in bringing it up in hopes that he'd change his mind and return. I dont think it's going to happen though.
Drain you of your sanity, face the thing that should not be..

In madness we dwell..
20-09-2010 04:20

Totally agree with Affliction, great and long time player.
20-09-2010 06:05

Murderdol22 - Zetsu leader and was a friend to all * R.I.P *
Yes, agreed.

Edited on 24-09-2010 22:29
20-09-2010 08:43

On this thread page 6

02-03-2010 20:33


Only person to die in RL and end up at Sanfew XD


It was martijntje23 brogs...not Marti23...
He was my friend from Holland...
The last time we talked, he was speaking about his new car...

God rests his soul...farewell Marti...
20-09-2010 14:14

Edwin he didn't die. He lied. He was banned for multiple accounts. He tried to come back with a lie his gf had made up the cancer but seeing as the only person to play that account was him
I surrendered My flesh to Satan so God could save my Soul.

R.I.P murderdoll22

You have got no access to post on the forum because a moderator denied you access for the next 86399 minutes
20-09-2010 14:43

seconded for Killruna truly a great player, very good pker.
20-09-2010 15:06

Forgot the name, a [-TL-] member a very infamous pirate (top3 I think) got deleted by inactivity... not sure but I think that he/she was pirate captain for some time
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
20-09-2010 15:18

I agree with Killruna, one of the best players.
R.I.P. Dreamer.

[W]06:55 spindoc[O.G.]: you want fun? go to a malaria party :P

[W]09:56 (Mod)Ibiss[Fish]: Oh I know! You are a saint! :D
21-09-2010 02:06

martijntje23 didn't die ? o.O

Oh...i'm about to get mad...
why there's always someone who say "yes" and "No" in every matter...
Some say "Marti died"...others say "Marti is still alive"...
Oh well...i just cant be sure of anything

BTW brogs, i'm pretty sure that he had a cancer...
Because he was my clannies back at Phoenix Jewel's [Soul] and I trust my clan mates...(But I might be wrong)...
He also said his goodbye in forum, Forum -> Off-Topic -> martijntje23 quitting for a unknown time (I remember the thread's title because I get a ticket from Mod regarding my post on that forum)...
He said that he would get a major serious operation and he didn't know if he gonna make it or not...
That is the last contact of martijntje23 with the world of syrnia...
After that there's been no sign of martijntje23 again in the world of syrnia...

He also told me that his RL GF was playing syrnia too...
(For some1 who know about this, please tell me who is this martijntje23's GF name in syrnia)

I've been asking a few time in world chat to find out if he'd made it or not...
Most of the people said that he didn't make it...

BTW brogs...how did you know that marti is alive ?
21-09-2010 03:03

Edwin his GF doesn't play, that was Marti with another name, after he used that account to tell everyone he was dead both accounts got frozen. A few months later he logged in again with a new account and told world who he is and that him dying was all lies.
R.I.P. Dreamer.

[W]06:55 spindoc[O.G.]: you want fun? go to a malaria party :P

[W]09:56 (Mod)Ibiss[Fish]: Oh I know! You are a saint! :D
21-09-2010 03:08

I also have to say killy, great palyer, great ol hunter, and great friend
21-09-2010 04:21

I think the player Kojack is referring to is elsabahnur (spelling?). In my time in -TL- he was #2 in negative fame, not sure he was ever pirate captain though.
Why would I shoot a bloke BANG, then carry him to the bloody car and wizz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place.
21-09-2010 04:54

I completely agree on Killruna. Great Syrnian.
I've been visualizing the conceptualization process. That's the hard part.
24-09-2010 10:34

Killruna should definitely be added. Feared OL hunter/PKer, great friend and clannie, and in general a great Syrnian. A legend for sure.
24-09-2010 11:38

Gunsmoke and dosamigo are still playing!
Why would I shoot a bloke BANG, then carry him to the bloody car and wizz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place.
24-09-2010 18:18

Dreamer347 - Adored my most
[1]06:23 LeapOnOver[MUTED]: i just drooled on myself, thanks a lot foxy

[W] 16:57 Testament[O.G.]: Oooh... yes I have never seen a tail that looks so soft ;)

*lights a candle for Dreamer*
24-09-2010 21:07

dont forget qqqwwweee

most anoying player of all time^^
Don't do it >:(
24-09-2010 21:08

qqqwwweee or qwe still plays I believe...

Also, Waldini plays Syrnia again!
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

[W]16:56 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: wait... I thought you were much higher in fishing?
[W]16:57 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: I thought you were 100+ lol my bad

www.TLGrounds.com, your TRUE Syrnia resource!
24-09-2010 21:24

qqqwwweee started to play again in December 2009 by the name of stephaniebfgf
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
25-09-2010 00:26

RIP Attila
25-09-2010 01:57

Elsa was captain.
25-09-2010 01:58

Haven't seen Enola in a long time. I loved her stories.
Argue for your limitations,and sure enough, they're yours - Richard Bach
17-11-2010 11:35

I think thesunisdeep can be added to the list now...
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there!

No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew. -Lulu-

You have paid 324 gold to free JLock13.
Ricktimus Prime
19-11-2010 05:07

It seems Keg should also be added at this point
'cause we hunt you down without mercy, hunt you down all nightmare long..
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