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Forum -> Market -> Flower Auction

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10-01-2025 20:42

Time to clean out my greenhouse. Listing flowers in different lots.

Lot 1 = 1,000 Carnations : High Bidder - Ner0 - 12k

Lot 2 = 1,000 Gardenias : High Bidder - Ner0 - 12k

Lot 3 = 1,000 Gladiolas : High Bidder - Ner0 - 12k

Lot 4 = 1,000 Lady Sunshines : High Bidder - Ner0 - 12k

Lot 5 = 1,000 Purple Rhas : High Bidder - Ner0 - 12k

Lot 6 = 1,000 Tulips : High Bidder - Ner0 - 12k

Lot 7 = 1,000 Sunflowers

Bidding starts at 10k gp for lots 1 - 6. Lot 7 starts at 25k. Will end auction in one week or if bidding reaches a halt. Happy bidding.

Edited on 10-01-2025 20:42

Edited on 10-01-2025 20:44

Edited on 11-01-2025 05:19

Edited on 12-01-2025 06:06
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
10-01-2025 22:24

10k for lots 1-6
Love All!

The Gnome died. You got 13 strength experience.
You got 1 Syrnia Birthday Hat 2018!

[5]05:01 (Mod)Moderator: Donald_Trump - muted

You've gained a cooking level (100)
G Bob
11-01-2025 06:41

11k for each lot
[W]09:02 Bex[TLO]: haha you rock! made me giggle for real xD

[W]16:18 fraggelmupp[TLO]: we are the normal ones, the rest of the world are just squares :P

[2] 17:02 Declan[~FoS~]: TLO rules syrnia.
12-01-2025 00:08

12K EACH lot

Edited on 12-01-2025 00:09
Surround yourself with people that challenge how you think
Not people that nod their head and act like they agree.

Only users can reply.

Forum -> Market -> Flower Auction

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