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07-06-2024 02:38

Please post what you know to help the community!

Guard: "HALT, you need a Arch. cave 6 gate key to go through this door! You can buy a Arch. cave 6 gate key for 40000 gold." Buy Arch. cave 6 gate key.

Edited on 07-06-2024 17:54
Please contact a Pond representative for boutique raw fish.

2021-12-26 22:03:38 Puddles killed Santa Gnome
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
07-06-2024 02:48

Iron mine build event:

1 Clearing 19/9000
2 Adding resource Rocks 0/7500
3 Adding resource Wood 0/5000
4 Building 0/10000
McLovin killed you at The Outlands 66.

lilsweetheart tried to thieve you at Beset, but was caught on the crime scene and has been sent to jail for 150 seconds.
07-06-2024 02:49

Tiro gamans are a random encounter here as well
McLovin killed you at The Outlands 66.

lilsweetheart tried to thieve you at Beset, but was caught on the crime scene and has been sent to jail for 150 seconds.
07-06-2024 02:56

6.1: You break through into a pitch-black chamber. The darkness here is suffocating, with only the occasional drip of water breaking the silence. The air is humid and heavy, making each breath a labor.
6.2: You stumble over loose rocks and uneven ground, the rough texture underfoot reminding you of the cave's treacherous nature. The darkness conceals any potential hazards.
6.3: The heat is stifling, causing sweat to bead on your forehead almost instantly. The air feels thick and oppressive, filled with the distant rumble of volcanic activity.
6.4: The ground here is uneven and slippery, making every step a calculated risk. You can feel the heat rising from below, a constant reminder of the volatile environment.
6.5: A low, constant rumble fills the air, the sound of the earth itself shifting and moving. The noise is both unsettling and oddly comforting in its regularity.
6.6: The smell of damp earth and minerals pervades the air, mixing with the ever-present smoke. It's a stark reminder of the cave's raw, untamed nature.
6.7: Faint echoes of dripping water create a rhythmic backdrop, contrasting with the oppressive silence. The darkness makes it impossible to gauge the size of the chamber you're in.
6.8: The cave narrows here, forcing you to squeeze through tight gaps. The claustrophobic environment heightens your sense of unease as you navigate the cramped space.
6.9: The walls are rough and jagged, making it easy to lose your balance. Every touch leaves your hands covered in dust and grime.
6.10: The texture of the walls changes here, becoming smoother and almost polished. It's as if someone or something has passed through here many times.
6.11: The walls close in around you, making you feel claustrophobic and trapped. The space is tight and restricted, forcing you to move carefully to avoid injury.
6.12: The cave opens up slightly here, giving you a brief sense of space before closing in again. The reprieve is short-lived, as the darkness quickly reclaims its hold.
6.13: Hissing steam escapes from fissures in the ground, creating a dense fog that burns your skin on contact. The air smells of sulfur and scorched earth.
6.14: The air here feels charged with static, as if a storm is about to break. Tiny sparks occasionally flicker in the dark, adding to the eerie atmosphere.
There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it... (mined 1 titanium ore)
6.15: A distant roar, like that of a large beast, echoes through the tunnels, sending a shiver down your spine. It's hard to tell if it's real or just your imagination.
6.16: The air is so thick with smoke that it's difficult to see your hand in front of your face. Each breath feels like inhaling hot ash.
6.17: Soft, rapid skittering noises echo off the walls, making your heart race. Whatever is making the sound remains hidden, just beyond your sight.
6.18: In the distance, a pair of glowing, burning eyes pierce through the darkness, unblinking and malevolent. You can't tell how far away they are, but they fill you with unease.
There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it... (mined 1 oby ore)
6.19: You feel a cool draft coming from somewhere ahead, a stark contrast to the heat of the cave. It's a small comfort in an otherwise hostile environment.
6.20: This vast chamber has an oppressive atmosphere, the air thrumming with an unseen power. You sense a great presence lurking, but it has not revealed itself.
6.21: Cold breath on the back of your neck makes you whirl around, but nothing is there. The sense of a looming presence is almost tangible, sending chills through you.
6.22: The unsettling sound of tiny feet moving quickly over the stone reverberates in the chamber. You strain your eyes but see nothing in the pervasive darkness.
6.23: ?
6.24: Strange, almost musical sounds emanate from the walls, as if the cave itself is alive and singing a haunting tune. The melody is both beautiful and unsettling.
6.25: The ground here feels unusually soft underfoot. Occasionally, you catch a glint of something valuable buried in the rock, although just as quickly it vanishes.
There is a building event to build a new work location!
6.26: A shiver runs down your spine as you sense something lurking in the darkness, its gaze never wavering from you. The silence is oppressive, broken only by your own breathing.
6.27: The ground is littered with small, sharp stones that make walking painful. Each step sends a jolt of discomfort through your body.
6.28: A faint light flickers in the distance, but as you move closer, it disappears. It was likely just your mind playing tricks, but it leaves you feeling uneasy.
6.29: The walls are marked with deep gouges, as if some massive creature had clawed its way through. The sight is a grim reminder of the cave's dangers.
6.30: A low hum fills the air, the source of which is indiscernible. It's a constant, almost soothing presence in the otherwise silent cave.
6.31: The air is dry and brittle, making your throat feel parched. It's as if all moisture has been sucked out, leaving only dust and ash.
6.32: The heat here is intense, making your skin prickle with sweat. Every breath feels like you're inhaling fire, adding to the overall discomfort.
6.33: The pungent smell of sulfur is almost overpowering here, making it hard to breathe. The air feels thick and toxic, adding to the discomfort.
6.34: Flames lick at twisted, blackened roots protruding from the rocky floor. The source of the smoke is clear here, with dark patches of earth glowing with embers.
6.35: The acrid smell of burning vegetation stings your nose as you enter a chamber filled with smoldering plants. A dark, tar-like substance bubbles on the ground, adding to the smoke.
6.36: The ground here is sticky and treacherous, each step feeling like you're wading through tar. The effort required to move is exhausting.
6.37: ?
6.38: The oppressive heat and darkness make it feel as though the cave itself is alive and watching you. Every sound, every movement, seems amplified in the thick, smoky air.
6.39: A strange, metallic smell hangs in the air, mixing with the scent of burning rock. It's an unusual combination that makes your senses tingle.
6.40: The ground is uneven and treacherous, with sharp rocks jutting out at odd angles. Each step is a reminder of the cave's natural hostility.
6.41: The air here feels unusually heavy, as if the weight of the cave is pressing down on you. Breathing becomes a conscious effort in the stifling atmosphere.
There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it... (mined 1 novariet ore)
6.42: https://prnt.sc/ziU2XahTMebU
6.43: The heat intensifies in this area, making the air shimmer. You can almost feel the lava flowing beneath your feet, its presence a constant threat.
6.44: You feel eyes on you, an unshakable sense of being observed. The air feels heavy with unseen scrutiny, and every noise seems amplified in the silence.
There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it... (mined 1 syriet ore)
6.45: Ancient stone structures hint at a bygone era of craftsmanship. The style is unmistakably gnomish, with intricate carvings and sturdy design, now partially crumbled.
6.46: The darkness is almost complete in this section, save for the occasional glint of something reflective embedded in the rock. The floor is uneven, with large, jagged stones that make progress slow and careful. There's an unsettling stillness, as if the very air is holding its breath, waiting for something to break the silence.
6.47: A narrow passage opens into a wider cavern, the walls adorned with strange, ancient carvings partially obscured by soot. The air is cooler here, but a faint, sulfuric scent still lingers. You can hear the soft dripping of water somewhere in the distance, a reminder that even here, life finds a way.
6.48: An unsettling feeling of being watched makes the hair on your neck stand up. Shadows seem to shift and move just out of sight, keeping you on edge.
6.49: The ground here is littered with shards of obsidian, sharp and glistening in the faint light that occasionally flickers from unseen cracks in the walls. The air feels thick and heavy, each breath filled with the metallic taste of iron. An eerie silence pervades the chamber, broken only by the distant rumble of volcanic activity.
6.50: You come across a dead end. The silence here is absolute, broken only by the occasional creak of shifting rock. It feels as if the entire cave is holding its breath, waiting.

Edited on 07-06-2024 05:36
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
Mining 215 152482097 1850848 28/06/2022
07-06-2024 05:14

got ammy off pura gaman
5] 02:25 willie[~HaJ~]: I heard it's easier to get locked items from deep in the Arch Caves than it is by digging, is that true?

[5] 02:25 Twitxhy[~L~]: Maybe if you're pedro
07-06-2024 06:14

The Colossus olm died. You got 338 health experience.
You got 2 Locked ancient chest!
veredek[Army!]: -.- i refuse to call you that
Gods Messenger[Army!]: Oh you will.
Gods Messenger[Army!]: Want these raws? You know what to say.
veredek[Army!]: >.> daddy
Gods Messenger[Army!]: Yea that's right.
07-06-2024 07:24

Diaspore from Lycan Cave Spider
Garnet from Lycan Cave Spider
The Lycan cave spider died - You got 2 Locked sarcophagus!
Lycan Cave Spider - 35 gold
The Lycan cave spider died - You got 1 Hardened spider silk!
The Colossus olm dropped 30 Gold!
The Lycan cave spider died. - You got 1 Avril!
You got 1 Spar < Colossus Olm

You got 1 Ruby! < Lycan cave spider

Edited on 09-06-2024 22:36
[2]22:47 Borneo[C.]: I hate this game &amp;amp;amp;gt;.&amp;amp;amp;lt;

[2] 04:23 Kitty[V.I.P]: xD You never disappoint, Robert

98 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 98 damage to the Serpopard. 0/58
07-06-2024 08:38

Arch. cave 6.37
The intense heat here is nearly unbearable, as molten lava flows nearby, casting an eerie glow that dances on the rocky walls. The air is thick with the scent of melting and reforming, and the soft hiss of cooling rock is a constant reminder of the volcanic activity just below the surface. Shadows flicker and shift, creating an almost hypnotic effect as you move through the chamber. The heat shimmers in waves, distorting your vision and making it difficult to focus. Despite the harsh conditions, there's a strange sense of peace here, as if the cave itself is taking a moment to rest and recover.
bellabell3 struck and dealt 97 damage to the Obsidian flame dragon.

Critical hit: You struck and dealt 124 damage to the Rima Knight.
Critical hit: You struck and dealt 127 damage to the Rima Soldier.
07-06-2024 09:58

Arch. cave 6.42
This chamber is the hottest in the entire cave system, with rivers of molten lava flowing freely through channels in the rock. The intense heat makes the air shimmer and dance, distorting everything you see. The walls are bathed in a deep red glow, giving the room an almost otherworldly appearance. The scent of burning is overwhelming, filling your lungs with each breath. The floor is cracked and uneven, with small pools of molten rock bubbling up through the fissures. The heat is so intense that it feels like your skin is burning, even without direct contact. Despite the discomfort, there's a sense of awe at the raw power and beauty of the molten rock—a reminder of the earth's untamed energy. The extreme heat makes this the perfect location to purify the most unyielding of materials.
[2] 22:34 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: math is for dummies...

xxx(xxx) attacked Shadowgate, and did 0 damage. Shadowgate had 73 HP left.
07-06-2024 11:14

You are attacking a Novariet scaled gaman (156) at Arch. cave 6.28

The Novariet scaled gaman died. You got 434 attack experience.
[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!

Thieves locked up: Fearn Reason: Ex-pirate 6089 minutes left. Pay 365312 gold bribe
07-06-2024 11:25

You are attacking a Tiromyth scaled gaman (145) at Arch. cave 6.24.

The Tiromyth scaled gaman died. You got 393 attack experience.
[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!

Thieves locked up: Fearn Reason: Ex-pirate 6089 minutes left. Pay 365312 gold bribe
07-06-2024 12:36

The Tiromyth scaled gaman died. You got 393 attack experience.
You got 1 Locked sarcophagus!
[2]17:25 Isaac[AdC]: it amazes me how people keeps dying
[2] 17:04 Isaac[AdC]: well i would be dumb if i died again
[2]16:56 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: Working at McDonalds is harder than being a Doctor :P
07-06-2024 13:12

The Lycan cave spider struck at you and did 57 damage.
[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!

Thieves locked up: Fearn Reason: Ex-pirate 6089 minutes left. Pay 365312 gold bribe
07-06-2024 15:14

[1]15:08 MTB123[Vibes]: You are attacking a Torvite scaled gaman (170) at Arch. cave 6.20
[1]15:08 MTB123[Vibes]: 162hp

[1]15:11 MTB123[Vibes]: The Torvite scaled gaman died. You got 612 strength experience. You also gained 62 defence experience from your dragon armour.
Surround yourself with people that challenge how you think
Not people that nod their head and act like they agree.

07-06-2024 15:16


[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!
07-06-2024 15:20



Edited on 07-06-2024 15:20
Surround yourself with people that challenge how you think
Not people that nod their head and act like they agree.

07-06-2024 16:30

Colossus olm (130)
You got 1 Locked ancient chest!
You got 1 Diamond!
The Colossus olm dropped 31 Gold!
The Colossus olm dropped 29 Gold!
You got 1 Beryl!
You got 2 Locked ancient chest!

Puranium scaled gaman (122)
You got 1 Amethyst!

Tiromyth scaled gaman (145)
You got 2 Locked sarcophagus!

6.41 There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it...
6.14 There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it...
6.19 There used to be a rare ore to mine here, but someone else already took it...

Edited on 08-06-2024 01:27
bellabell3 struck and dealt 97 damage to the Obsidian flame dragon.

Critical hit: You struck and dealt 124 damage to the Rima Knight.
Critical hit: You struck and dealt 127 damage to the Rima Soldier.
07-06-2024 20:31

The Lycan cave spider struck at you and did 73 damage.

Full Gold Armor Def 69
07-06-2024 21:17

The Lycan cave spider died. You got 356 attack experience.
You got 1 Avril!
[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!
08-06-2024 11:54

You got 1 Novariet ore!

From novariet gaman auto
Proud Leader of TLO

manducare primum, cogitare post

"My people skills are fine, it's my tolerance of idiots that needs a little more work*
08-06-2024 16:35

"That's What"
08-06-2024 18:19

You got 1 Titanium ore!

from tiromyth gaman auto
Proud Leader of TLO

manducare primum, cogitare post

"My people skills are fine, it's my tolerance of idiots that needs a little more work*
08-06-2024 21:51

AC6 Dipping:

Don't fancy getting stuck in AC6 destined to blow all your food?

Given you always land at 6.1 when passing through the gate, you can do the auto attack then immediately return to the safety of 5.12. Then repeat.
09-06-2024 00:54

The Colossus olm died. You got 338 attack experience.
You got 1 Locked sarcophagus!
[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!
09-06-2024 01:46

The Lycan cave spider died. You got 356 attack experience.
You got 1 Hardened spider silk!
[7] 13:59 LeMorse[Arch]: Fearn will always be Fearn... thats why everyone loves him so much!
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Forum -> General -> Arch 6 Information!

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