Ner0 [~ADV~] 10-02-2024 16:36
| Hello Syrnians
We are writing this on top of our news post to inform players that we have taken a monumental step forward with our progression of the back end fixes to the game.
as of last night we opened our Player Test Realm
This is a clone of the live game that uses our updated code and server, whilst it is similar to the live game we play daily there are a few differences.
as I mentioned it is using the new code system and servers in place, Everything you do on the Player test realm will not transition over to the live game
what do we need to move forward?
We need you!
We are looking for players to come in and play the PTR as they would live and help us uncover bugs and issues that we can fix before we make the changes public to the live version.
last night was a great start and we uncovered a lot to work on thanks to the efforts of those who are already partaking.
however we are always in the need for more, so we can iron out the bugs and apply the new code to live which will allow us to get back on track with the road map and other fun updates to the game
How do I join it?
go to the site
there you will log in using the same credentials as you would to log in here!
(We advise as always to never share your log in details with anyone)
and from there just play test and enjoy the PTR
We thank you for the efforts made so far and those that will be made in the future
The Dev Team [W]23:59 Usagi[Choob]: weirdo.
#BringbackBex2024 |