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Forum -> General -> Oromis's Master List

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02-08-2023 05:46

I have been collecting Items off and on since 2011 and as time goes on it gets hard to remember all the items. Below is a master Item list I have been working on and will do my best to keep updated with information about items, date added to game and anything else that may be helpful for that specific item.

As some of you already know, Im a madman and since I have gone and put together a master list, I decided to attempt to collect 1 of everything (including every enchanted varient) wish me luck!

The new master item list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RtnTb0p15FLMadvyXOdpneDvhqwwsmCpTZILFNZQYzA/edit?uspharing

The below list is slightly out of date. Ill try and find a better way to edit the list other than reformatting the BB structure!

Oromis's Master Item List

Item NameItem InformationDate Added
15th Birthday cake
16th Birthday Glass
AmberDropped from [Mining]29-Mar-2005
Amber Fabrege Egg 20182018
Anasco Island Map
Ancient Chest
Ancient Wood
Anders Sword
Antelope Hooves
Anthas Club
Apple Pie
Apple Seeds
Arctic Fox
Avocado Seeds
AvrilDropped from [Mining]07-May-2005
Bald Eagle Boots
Balloon Dog
Bass Pinata
Bat HideDropped From Fighting Bats Can be traded at Tempa's Hut for Bat-Hide Boots & Bat-Hide Gloves14-Mar-2006
Bat Hide BootsObtained by trading Bat Hide at Tempa's Hut.15-Mar-2006
Bat Hide GlovesObtained by trading Bat Hide at Tempa's Hut.16-Mar-2006
Bear Claw
Beet Seeds
Beginner Horse
BerylDropped from [Mining]07-May-2005
Big Pirate KeyEvent - Keelhail invasion22-Sep-2005
Big Snowball
Birthday Cake
Birthday Cake With 10 Candles
Birthday Candle
Birthday Gift
Birthday Hat
Birthday Present
Black Candle Christmas Stocking
Black Cat
Black Christmas Sock
Black Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Black Easter Key
Black Holly Christmas Stocking
Black Snowflake Christmas Stocking
Blood Assassin Boots
Blood Assassin Gloves
Blood Assassin Grimoire
Blood Assassin Kunai
Blood Assassin Legs
Blood Assassin Mask
Blood Assassin Vest
Bloodmoon Dahlia
Bloodstone Ore
Blue Balloon
Blue Christmas Sock
Blue Easter Cactus
Blue Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Blue Easter Key
Blue Elf Christmas Stocking
Blue Gift
Blue Mistletoe Christmas Stocking
Blue Rudolph Christmas Sock
Blue Santa Christmas Sock
Blue Snowflake Christmas Sock
Blue Snowman Christmas Stocking
Bone CauldronHalloween Drop03-Nov-2011
Bone Fishing Rod
Bone Hammer
Bone Hatchet
Bone Lockpick
Bone Pickaxe
Bone Spade
Bone Tinderbox
Bonebreaker Summoning Orb
Borealum Boots
Borealum Hands
Borealum Hood
Borealum Legs
Borealum Shield
Borealum Tunic
Bouquette of Begonias
Bouquette of Bloodmoon Dahlias
Bouquette of Canna Lucifer
Bouquette of Carnations
Bouquette of Christmas Cacti
Bouquette of Daffodils
Bouquette of Easter Cacti
Bouquette of Easter Cosmos
Bouquette of Easter Lilys
Bouquette of Elven Flowers
Bouquette of Gadiolas
Bouquette of Gardenias
Bouquette of Glacial Lilys
Bouquette of Gladiolas
Bouquette of Hyacinths
Bouquette of Lady Sunshines
Bouquette of Matricarias
Bouquette of Meznolians
Bouquette of Pirate Crimsons
Bouquette of Plumerias
Bouquette of Poinsettias
Bouquette of Pulsatillas
Bouquette of Purple Rhas
Bouquette of Roses
Bouquette of Silver Widows
Bouquette of Skull Roses
Bouquette of Sunflowers
Bouquette of Syrnian Snow Petals
Bouquette of Tulips
Bouquette of White Remers
Bouquette of Winter Iriss
Bouquette of Witches Foxgloves
Broccoli Seeds
Broken GlassObtained by digging on the Heerchey Family Island (Results in 0 XP04-Mar-2006
Bronze Axe
Bronze Bars
Bronze Cauldron
Bronze Chainmail
Bronze CrownGiven to #3 top promoter30-Dec-2006
Bronze Dagger
Bronze Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Bronze Hammer
Bronze Hands
Bronze Hatchet
Bronze Large Helm
Bronze Large Shield
Bronze Legs
Bronze Long Sword
Bronze Mace
Bronze Medium Helm
Bronze Medium Shield
Bronze Pickaxe
Bronze Plate
Bronze Sabatons
Bronze Safe
Bronze Scimitar
Bronze Short Sword
Bronze Small Shield
Bronze Two Handed Sword
Brown Horse20-Mar-2005
Bunny Belly
Bunny Ears
Bunny Feet
Bunny Legs
Bunny Paws
Burnt Bass
Burnt Bone Fish
Burnt Catfish
Burnt Cavefish
Burnt Cod
Burnt Coral Fish
Burnt Crab
Burnt Eel
Burnt Frog
Burnt Giant Catfish
Burnt Grouper
Burnt Herring
Burnt King Spider Meat
Burnt Lantern Fish
Burnt Lantern Squid
Burnt Lobster
Burnt Mackerel
Burnt Mystery Meat
Burnt Obsidian Dragon Meat
Burnt Octopus
Burnt Parrotfish
Burnt Pike
Burnt Piranha
Burnt Platina Dragon Meat
Burnt Queen Spider Meat
Burnt Rockfish
Burnt Salmon
Burnt Salmon Shark
Burnt Sardine
Burnt Saurus Meat
Burnt Shark
Burnt Shrimps
Burnt Snapper
Burnt Spider Crab
Burnt Sturgeon
Burnt Swordfish
Burnt Syriet Dragon Meat
Burnt Trouts
Burnt Tuna
Burnt Wolf Fish
Cabbage Seeds
Calmere Island Map
Candle Patch
Candy Cane Hammer
Candy Cane Hatchet
Candy Cane Lockpick
Candy Cane Pickaxe
Candy Cane Spade
Candy Cane Staff
Candy Corn
Canlo Giant Skeleton
Canna LuciferHalloween Item30-Oct-2012
Carrot Cake
Carrot Seeds
Carrot Sword
Cave Gnome Skeleton
Centaur Axe
Centaur Helm
Cheetah Boots
Christmas Cactus
Christmas Candle
Christmas Cauldron
Christmas Creature Summoning Orb
Christmas Dove
Christmas Group Fight Summoning Orb
Christmas Present
Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree Snow Globe 2017
Cooked Bass
Cooked Bone Fish
Cooked Catfish
Cooked Cavefish
Cooked Cod
Cooked Coral Fish
Cooked Crab
Cooked Eel
Cooked Frog
Cooked Giant Catfish
Cooked Grouper
Cooked Herring
Cooked King Spider Meat
Cooked Lantern Fish
Cooked Lantern Squid
Cooked Lobster
Cooked Mackerel
Cooked Mystery Meat
Cooked Obsidian Dragon Meat
Cooked Octopus
Cooked Parrotfish
Cooked Pike
Cooked Piranha
Cooked Platina Dragon Meat
Cooked Queen Spider Meat
Cooked Rockfish
Cooked Salmon
Cooked Salmon Shark
Cooked Sardine
Cooked Saurus Meat
Cooked Shark
Cooked Shrimps
Cooked Snapper
Cooked Spider Crab
Cooked Sturgeon
Cooked Swordfish
Cooked Syriet Dragon Meat
Cooked Trouts
Cooked Tuna
Cooked Wolf Fish
Copper OreObtained by Level 1 [Mining]
Coral Fish
Corn Seeds
CucumberGrown from [Farming] Cucumber Seeds
Cucumber SeedsDropped from [Woodcutting] Level 25 Forrest
Cursed Scythe
DaffodilDropped from [Speed] without a horse
DarkfruitObtained by a hidden shop on Calmere. Scroll Of The Hidden Shop required. (Introduced 2020?)
Desert Arena MedalAwarded to the winner of the battlemage28-Aug-2006
DiamondSpecial drop from [Mining]29-Mar-2005
Diamond Pinata
Diamond Shaped Glass
DiasporeSpecial drop from [Mining]29-Mar-2005
Diaspore Fabrege Egg 2018
Dragon Boots
Dragon Eye StoneObtained by a hidden shop on Calmere. Scroll of the hidden shop required. (Introduced 2020?)
Dragon Gauntlets
Dragon Helm
Dragon Hide
Dragon Legs
Dragon Mask
Dragon Plate
Dragon Scale
Dragon Shield
Dragon Summoning Orb
Dressed Christmas Tree
Eagle Boots
Easter Basket
Easter Chick
Easter Cosmos
Easter Creature Summoning Orb
Easter Group Fight Summoning Orb
Easter Lily
Egg Thief Bag
Egg Thief Gloves
Egg Thief Mask
Egg Thief Net
Egg Thief Pants
Egg Thief Shoes
Egg Thief Top
Eggplant Seeds
Elder Eagle Summoning Orb
Elf patch
Elk Horns
Elven boots
Elven Casino Chips
Elven Casino Lottery Ticket
Elven Cocktail
Elven Flower
Elven Gate Pass
Elven Gloves
Elven Hatchet
Elven Helmet
Elven Legs
Elven Pickaxe
Elven Plate
Elven Shield
Elven Shoes
Elven Two Handed Sword
Emmas Book
Equites Helm
Equites Manica
Equites Sandals
Equites Shield
Equites Tunic
Excalibus Boots
Excalibus Gloves
Excalibus Helm
Excalibus Legs
Excalibus Plate
Excalibus Shield
Fairy Boots
Fairy Crown
Fairy Gloves
Fairy Shield
Fairy Skirt
Fairy Staff
Fairy Tunic
Fallen Star
Fishing Resource Summoning Orb
Four Leaf Clover
Fox Tail
Friddik Guest Letter
Frost Giant Skeleton
Frost Gloves
Frost Hat
Frost Legs
Frost Shield
Frost Shoes
Frost Staff
Frost Vest
Fruit Of Life
Fruit Of Life Seeds
Gaman Summoning Orb
GarnetDropped from [Mining]07-May-2005
Garnet Fabrege Egg 2018
Gem Chest
Ghost Crow
Glacial Lily
Gnome Summoning Orb
Gold Axe
Gold Bars
Gold Cauldron
Gold Chainmail
Gold CrownGiven to #2 top promoter - Added 30-DEC-2006
Gold Dagger
Gold Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Gold Hammer
Gold Hands
Gold Hatchet
Gold Large Helm
Gold Large Shield
Gold Legs
Gold Long Sword
Gold Mace
Gold Medium Helm
Gold Medium Shield
Gold Ore
Gold Pickaxe
Gold Plate
Gold Sabatons
Gold Safe
Gold Scaled Gaman Summoning Orb
Gold Scimitar
Gold Short Sword
Gold Small Shield
Gold Stocking Decorations
Gold Two Handed Sword
Golden RingNot Obtainable. Only the owner and his wife, as well as previous owners own this.
Golden Tamarin
Grain Seeds
Grapefruit Seeds
Green Birthday Gift
Green Christmas Sock
Green Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Green Easter Key
Green Gift
Green Pepper
Green Pepper Seeds
Green Rudolph Christmas Sock
Green Santa Christmas Sock
Green Snowman Christmas Sock
Green Teddybear
Grey Otter
Griffin Summoning Orb
Halloween Bag
Halloween Creature Summoning Orb
Halloween Group Fight Summoning Orb
Halloween Pumpkin
Halloween Skeleton
Halloween Spider
Hardened Spider Silk
Headhunter Skeleton
Heerchey Docks Teleport Orb
Holiday Crown
Holly Patch
Honeycomb Chunk
Hop Seeds
Hoplomachi Brimmed Helmet
Hoplomachi Leg Wrappings
Hoplomachi Long Spear
Hoplomachi Manica
Inventory Protection Orb
Iron Axe
Iron Bars
Iron Cauldron
Iron Chainmail
Iron Dagger
Iron Hammer
Iron Hands
Iron Hatchet
Iron Large Helm
Iron Large Shield
Iron Legs
Iron Long Sword
Iron Mace
Iron Medium Helm
Iron Medium Shield
Iron Ore
Iron Pickaxe
Iron Plate
Iron Sabatons
Iron Safe
Iron Scimitar
Iron Short Sword
Iron Small Shield
Iron Two Handed Sword
Ivory Staff
Jack Frost Doll
Jotunghul Skeleton
Kanzo Teleport Orb
Karkinos Shell
Keelhail Golden Cutalss
Keg Of Rum
King Spider Meat
Koban Axe
Koban Mask
Koban Pickaxe
Koban Shirt
Koban Summoning Orb
Krampus Doll
Lady Sunshine
Lantern Fish
Lantern Squid
Large Pirate Chest
Large Wooden Egg
Leather BootsCan be worn on feet (29-Mar-2005 - Players can now someteimes catch Leather Boots)13-Mar-2005
Lion Vest
Lizard Headdress
Lizard Machette
Lizard Two Handed Spear
Locked Ancient Chest14-Mar-2006?
Locked Birthday Present
Locked Christmas Present
Locked Gem Chest
Locked Large Pirate Chest
Locked Large Wooden Egg
Locked Moldy ChestCan be unlocked for [Thieving] XP06-Jan-2006
Locked Ore Chest
Locked Pirate Chest
Locked Sarcophagus
Locked Small chest
Locked Spectre Chest
Locked Tirnus Chest
Locked ToolboxCan be unlocked for [Thieving] XP06-Jan-2006
Locked Wooden Egg
Locked Wooden Santa Doll
LockpickCan be used to unlock Lockeds06-Jan-2006
Long Boat
Lost Girl
Lute Pinata
M2H Retirement Balloons
Mayan Calendar
Mayan Ceremonial Dagger
Mayan Ceremonial Staff
Mayan Mask
McGoggins Expedition Skeleton
Mining Resource Summoning Orb
Mistletoe Patch
Moldy Chest
MoonstoneDropped from [Mining]07-May-2005
Moonstone Fabrege Egg 2019
Morrie Fields Teleport Orb
Mrs Claus Bonnet
Mrs Claus Boots
Mrs Claus Coat
Mrs Claus Mittens
Mrs Claus Skirt
Mule Pinata
Mysterious Warrior Skeleton
North Pole Snow Globe 2017
Obsidian Axe
Obsidian Bars
Obsidian Cauldron
Obsidian Chainmail
Obsidian Dagger
Obsidian Dragon Hide
Obsidian Dragon Scale
Obsidian Hammer
Obsidian Hands
Obsidian Hatchet
Obsidian Large Helm
Obsidian Large Shield
Obsidian Legs
Obsidian Long Sword
Obsidian Mace
Obsidian Medium Helm
Obsidian Medium Shield
Obsidian Ore
Obsidian Pickaxe
Obsidian Plate
Obsidian Sabatons
Obsidian Safe
Obsidian Scimitar
Obsidian Short Sword
Obsidian Small Shield
Obsidian Two Handed Sword
Ogre BootsDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre ClubDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre GlovesDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre HatchetDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre LegsDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre MaceDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre Medium HelmDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre PickaxeDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre PlateDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre ShieldDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Ogre Spiked HelmDropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat]06-Jul-2005
Onion Seeds
Orange Christmas Sock
Orange Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Orange Easter Key
Orange Pomanders
Orange Rudolph Christmas Sock
Orange Santa Christmas Sock
Orange Seeds
Orange Snowman Christmas Sock
Ore Chest
Oxhide Shield
Paper Lantern
Peach Seeds
Pear Seeds
Penguin Chick
Penteza Teleport Orb
Pineapple Seeds
Pink Christmas Sock
Pink Easter Cactus
Pink Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Pink Easter Key
Pink Rudolph Christmas Sock
Pink Santa Christmas Sock
Pink Snowman Christmas Sock
Pirate Boots
Pirate Captain Doll
Pirate Chest
Pirate Crimson
Pirate Cutlass
Pirate Expedition Skeleton
Pirate Falchion
Pirate Gloves
Pirate Hat
Pirate Hook
Pirate Legs
Pirate Shield
Pirate Tunic
Platina Axe
Platina Bars
Platina Cauldron
Platina Chainmail
Platina Dagger
Platina Dragon Hide
Platina Dragon Scale
Platina Hammer
Platina Hands
Platina Hatchet
Platina Large Helm
Platina Large Shield
Platina Legs
Platina Long Sword
Platina Mace
Platina Medium Helm
Platina Medium Shield
Platina Ore
Platina Pickaxe
Platina Plate
Platina Sabatons
Platina Safe
Platina Scimitar
Platina Short Sword
Platina Small Shield
Platina Two Handed Sword
Plum Seeds
Polar Bear Cub
Presents Snow Globe 2017
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Seeds
Puppy Claws
Puranium Axe
Puranium Bars
Puranium Cauldron
Puranium Chainmail
Puranium Dagger
Puranium Hammer
Puranium Hands
Puranium Hatchet
Puranium Large Helm
Puranium Large Shield
Puranium Legs
Puranium Long Sword
Puranium Mace
Puranium Medium Helm
Puranium Ore
Puranium Pickaxe
Puranium Plate
Puranium Sabatons
Puranium Safe
Puranium Scimitar
Puranium Short Sword
Puranium Small Shield
Puranium Two Handed Sword
Purple Christmas Sock
Purple Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Purple Easter Key
Purple Paper
Purple Rha
Purple Rudolph Christmas Sock
Purple Santa Christmas Sock
Purple Snowman Christmas Sock
Purple Teddybear
QuartzSpecial drop from [Mining]29-Mar-2005
Quartz Fabrege Egg 2019
Queen Spider Meat
Radish Seeds
Rainbow Christmas Sock
Rainbow Rudolph Christmas Sock
Rainbow Santa Christmas Sock
Rainbow Snowman Christmas Sock
Rat Summoning Orb
Red BalloonIn celebration of Syrnias 1 year birthday05-Mar-2006
Red Bauble
Red Christmas Sock
Red Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Red Easter Key
Red Gift
Red Herring
Red Mistletoe Christmas Sock
Red Panda
Red Rudolph Christmas Stocking
Red Santa Christmas Stocking
Red Snowflake Christmas Sock
Red Snowman Christmas Sock
Red Squirrel
Red Teddybear
Red Trouts
Retiarii Boots
Retiarii Extended Manica
Retiarii Gauntlet
Retiarii Trident
Rima Gate Pass
Ringtail Lemur
RocksObtained by digging on the Heerchey Family Island (Results in 0 XP04-Mar-2006
Roodarus HornDropped from Roodarus in Arch Caves14-Mar-2006
Rose Crest Plate Mail
Rose Crest Shield
Rose Crest Sword
Rose Gate Pass
Rudolph Patch
Samnite Legs
Samnite Plumed Helmet
Samnite Shield
Samnite Two Handed Sword
Santa Boots
Santa Gloves
Santa Gnome Summoning Orb
Santa Goodie Bag
Santa HatObtained by fighting Santa Gnomes24-Dec-2005
Santa Hat And Beard
Santa Pants
Santa Patch
Santa Snow Globe 20172017
Santa Snow Globe 20182018
Santa Snow Globe 20192019
Santa Vest
Saurus HelmCan be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP14-Mar-2006
Saurus HideDropped From Wanerus, Stemosaurus, Roodarus14-Mar-2006
Saurus LegsCan be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP14-Mar-2006
Saurus MeatDropped From Wanerus, Stemosaurus, Roodarus14-Mar-2006
Saurus PlateCan be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP14-Mar-2006
Saurus ScaleDropped From Wanerus, Stemosaurus, Roodarus14-Mar-2006
Saurus ShieldCan be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP14-Mar-2006
Scroll Of Ancient Wood
Scroll Of Shopping
Scroll Of The Hidden Mine
Scroll Of the Hidden Shop
Scroll Of The Palace
Sekhemet Skeleton
Shield Pinata
Silver Axe
Silver Bars
Silver Cauldron
Silver Chainmail
Silver Christmas Sock
Silver CrownGiven to #2 Syrnia top promoter30-Dec-2006
Silver Dagger
Silver Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Silver Hammer
Silver Hands
Silver Hatchet
Silver Large Helm
Silver Large Shield
Silver Legs
Silver Long Sword
Silver Mace
Silver Medium Helm
Silver Medium Shield
Silver Pickaxe
Silver Plate
Silver Ring
Silver Rudolph Christmas Sock
Silver Sabatons
Silver Safe
Silver Santa Christmas Sock
Silver Scimitar
Silver Short Sword
Silver Small Shield
Silver Snowman Christmas Sock
Silver Two Handed Sword
Silver Widow
Skeletal Cauldron
Skeletal Fishing Rod
Skeletal Hammer2011?
Skeletal Hatchet
Skeletal Horse
Skeletal Lockpick
Skeletal Pickaxe
Skeletal Spade
Skeletal Tinderbox
Skeleton Arm
Skeleton Body
Skeleton Leg
Skeleton Skull
Skull Rose
Sleigh Snow Globe 2017
Sleigh Snow Globe 2018
Sleigh Snow Globe 2019
Small Chest
Small Fishing Boat
Small Pirate Key
Small Snowball
Snowflake Patch
Snowman Patch
Snowman Snow Globe 2018
Snowman Snow Globe 2019
Snowy Owlet
Soft Spider Silk
SparDropped from [Mining]07-May-2005
Spar Fabrege Egg 2019
Spectre Chest
Spider Monkey
Spinach Seeds
Spotted Bass
Spotted Black Fish
Spotted Blue Fish
Spotted Red Fish
Steel Axe
Steel Bars
Steel Cauldron
Steel Chainmail
Steel Dagger
Steel Hammer
Steel Hands
Steel Hatchet
Steel Large Helm
Steel Large Shield
Steel Legs
Steel Long Sword
Steel Mace
Steel Medium Helm
Steel Medium Shield
Steel Pickaxe
Steel Plate
Steel Sabatons
Steel Safe
Steel Scimitar
Steel Short Sword
Steel Small Shield
Steel Two Handed Sword
Stemosaurus Tail SpikeDropped from Stemosaurus in Arch Caves14-Mar-2006
Stocking Decorations 2012
Stocking Decorations 2013
Stocking Decorations 2014
Stocking Decorations 2015
Stocking Decorations 2016
Stocking Decorations 2017
Stocking Decorations 2018
Stocking Decorations 2019
Stocking Decorations 2020
Stocking Decorations 2021
Stocking Decorations 2022
Striped Blue Fish
Striped Green Fish
Striped Orange Fish
Striped Pink Fish
Striped Purple Fish
Striped Rainbow Fish
Striped Red FishNon Obtainable - Obtained from fishing at Holiday Lake24-Dec-2005
Striped Silver Fish
Striped Yellow Fish
Sturdy Cauldron
Sturdy Fishing Rod
Sturdy Net
Sturdy Tinderbox
Swiftlight Boots
Syriet Axe
Syriet Bars
Syriet Cauldron
Syriet Chainmail
Syriet Dagger
Syriet Dragon Hide
Syriet Dragon Scale
Syriet Hammer
Syriet Hands
Syriet Hatchet
Syriet Large Helm
Syriet Large Shield
Syriet Legs
Syriet Long Sword
Syriet Mace
Syriet Medium Helm
Syriet Medium Shield
Syriet Ore
Syriet Pickaxe
Syriet Plate
Syriet Sabatons
Syriet Safe
Syriet Scimitar
Syriet Short Sword
Syriet Small Shield
Syriet Two Handed Sword
Syrnia Birthday Hat 2018
Syrnian Snow Petal
Teps KeyNon Tradable
Teps LunchboxNon Tradable
Tin Ore
Tinsel Net
Tirnus Chest
Tiromyth Axe
Tiromyth Bar
Tiromyth Cauldron
Tiromyth Chainmail
Tiromyth Dagger
Tiromyth Hammer
Tiromyth Hands
Tiromyth Hatchet
Tiromyth Large Helm
Tiromyth Large Shield
Tiromyth Legs
Tiromyth Long Sword
Tiromyth Mace
Tiromyth Medium Helm
Tiromyth Medium Shield
Tiromyth Pickaxe
Tiromyth Plate
Tiromyth Sabatons
Tiromyth Safe
Tiromyth Scimitar
Tiromyth Short Sword
Tiromyth Small Shield
Tiromyth Two Handed Sword
Titanium Ore
Tomato Seeds
Turnip Seeds
Undead Boots
Undead Gloves
Undead Mask
Undead Pants
Undead Vest
Vaiva Elanor Skeleton
Valera Knight Doll
Valera Sword
Venomous Fang
Vervefruit Seeds
Waranerus SpikeDropped from Waranerus in Arch Caves14-Mar-2006
Warlock Staff
Warrior Insignia Level 1
Warrior Insignia Level 2
Warrior Token
Watermelon Seeds
Webbed Item
White Easter Cactus
White Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
White Easter Key
White Horse
White Rabbit
White Rabbit Fur
White Remer
Wildebeest Pants
Winter Iris
Winters Egg
Witch Boots
Witch Broomstick
Witch Cloak
Witch Hat
Witch Skirt
Witches Cauldron
Witches Foxglove
Wolf Fish
Woodcutting Resource Summoning Orb
Wooden Egg
Wooden Santa Doll
Wooden Sled
Worldmap Of A New IslandDearn island launch. Dropped around Syrnia20-Mar-2005
Wrapped Tinderbox
Wreath Shield
Yellow Bunny Ears
Yellow Christmas Sock
Yellow Easter Cactus
Yellow Easter EggFound Across Syrnia during Easter14-Apr-2006
Yellow Easter Key
Yellow Rudolph Christmas Sock
Yellow Santa Christmas Sock
Yellow Snowman Christmas Sock
Yeti Doll
Zombie Brain

Edited on 02-08-2023 05:51

Edited on 15-10-2024 22:44
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
02-08-2023 16:25

Comment slot Reserved in case I need to split the list in half.
Mazrim Taim
03-08-2023 03:55

the question is why do we care?
You found 1 Four leaf clover while walking!
[6]01:12 (Mod)Moderator: TheGnomeLord- Lord of all the Gnomes
10-4-22Mining level: 100 (10368516 exp, 358234 for next level)
mining level 120 12/31/22
03-08-2023 04:49

Because some people enjoy collecting, or learning about the history of items they find cool. Not everyone will care. Just like some people don't care about bikes, or some people don't care about science. The point is someone will care, and its something that I have been working on and wanted to share.
G Bob
04-08-2023 05:57

Nice list. Those rare items...wow. all 3 crowns, 2 keys, 2 maps. ah

1. You miss a lot of raw/cooked/burned fish (those are easy to get).
2. You dont have the golden pirate sword.
3. You need 6 more swiftlight items
4. Dragon Summoning Orb? you have that in your museum?

I am also a collector, dont have the rare ones I said above, pirate hook, and the tiro items (yet). Hope I can check the list more when I have time. But again: WOW

Edited on 04-08-2023 06:03
I Hate the dude called: I Hate BOB!

[W]09:02 Bex[TLO]: haha you rock! made me giggle for real xD

[W]16:18 fraggelmupp[TLO]: we are the normal ones, the rest of the world are just squares :P
04-08-2023 16:03

Thank you G Bob, This list will pretty much be a work in progress forever. But I enjoy working on it a lot so every week or two Ill update this post with more information and items as I find the time away from work haha.
G Bob
04-08-2023 23:29

so...about that Dragon Summoning Orb? Where did you get it?
I Hate the dude called: I Hate BOB!

[W]09:02 Bex[TLO]: haha you rock! made me giggle for real xD

[W]16:18 fraggelmupp[TLO]: we are the normal ones, the rest of the world are just squares :P
07-08-2023 02:48

the Dragon Summoning orb has never been found or dropped as it doesn’t exsist besides in the database (I’m not even 100% sure it’s in the database)
Proud Founder & Leader of Chaos Reborn [~CR~]
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Fat Thumbs
07-08-2023 03:27

I dont think these are items he has, just items he thinks that are in the game. There is no scroll of hidden shop, thats the scroll of shopping btw.
Proud leader of Squeaky Clean

Our mouths are clean, our hands are dirty!

Fortune favors the bold.
11-08-2023 06:09

The dragon summoning orb has long since been a myth(?) but I remember hearing about it from time to time. so I thought I would include it. In the next revision Im probably going to remove that listing.
09-11-2023 15:48

I'm loving this list. Helps to add an extra to the game
Thanks for sharing
09-11-2023 16:40

Yeah Oromis, I'd suggest keeping a list only of items that exist in the game already, just to avoid confusion. Dragon summoning orb definitely doesn't exist, they just had a picture of it added years ago.

Edit: you're also missing Burnt Trout (which is a unique, distinct item from Burnt Trouts and only a few exist still in the game (I believe. I have one, at least)).

Edited on 10-11-2023 01:56
[2]17:33 Schteve[~FoS~]: I try not to break chat rules.

Co-Founder of SyrniaGuide.
11-11-2023 02:12

I think the non-existent items should be included. It would be terrible to forget about the dragon summoning orb. How about the doll pieces and cool drinks that never end up in your inventory?
If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!

Bow ties are cool.
11-11-2023 16:11

Thank you so much for putting this list together! I certainly care that you did!
Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.
01-12-2023 21:20

Oh look, G Bob thinks he knows everything again. Super helpful, too!
[2]09:03 Durins_Bane[Moria]: follow makarov around and he'll drop items before he's seen flying to Sanfew
[2]15:23 (Mod)Moderator: Smitts is mod. Confirmed.

So long, Earth. Thanks for the air and whatnot.
15-10-2024 22:45

This list does include items that cannot be had by players anymore, they are either all gone, or reserved for game owners, etc. This list will continue to include them since they are still apart of the history of Syrnia. If 1 person finds this helpful, Ill consider it a win!
Ignis Vi
16-10-2024 08:59

It doesn't include Novariet tier items. For the help
Critical hit: You struck and dealt 99 damage to the Lost dweller. 0/63

[2]11:46 JoveS[-TL-]: if I need to use 7 gems to make an emerald on lumeria I'm quitting syrnia xD
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