Item Name | Item Information | Date Added |
15th Birthday cake | | |
16th Birthday Glass | | |
Amber | Dropped from [Mining] | 29-Mar-2005 |
Amber Fabrege Egg 2018 | | 2018 |
Amethyst | | |
Anasco Island Map | | |
Ancient Chest | | |
Ancient Wood | | |
Anders Sword | | |
Antelope Hooves | | |
Anthas Club | | |
Apple | | |
Apple Pie | | |
Apple Seeds | | |
Arctic Fox | | |
Avocado | | |
Avocado Seeds | | |
Avril | Dropped from [Mining] | 07-May-2005 |
Bald Eagle Boots | | |
Balloon Dog | | |
Bass Pinata | | |
Bat | | |
Bat Hide | Dropped From Fighting Bats Can be traded at Tempa's Hut for Bat-Hide Boots & Bat-Hide Gloves | 14-Mar-2006 |
Bat Hide Boots | Obtained by trading Bat Hide at Tempa's Hut. | 15-Mar-2006 |
Bat Hide Gloves | Obtained by trading Bat Hide at Tempa's Hut. | 16-Mar-2006 |
Bear Claw | | |
Beer | | |
Beeswax | | |
Beet | | |
Beet Seeds | | |
Beginner Horse | | |
Begonia | | |
Beryl | Dropped from [Mining] | 07-May-2005 |
Big Pirate Key | Event - Keelhail invasion | 22-Sep-2005 |
Big Snowball | | |
Birthday Cake | | |
Birthday Cake With 10 Candles | | |
Birthday Candle | | |
Birthday Gift | | |
Birthday Hat | | |
Birthday Present | | |
Black Candle Christmas Stocking | | |
Black Cat | | |
Black Christmas Sock | | |
Black Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Black Easter Key | | |
Black Holly Christmas Stocking | | |
Black Snowflake Christmas Stocking | | |
Blood Assassin Boots | | |
Blood Assassin Gloves | | |
Blood Assassin Grimoire | | |
Blood Assassin Kunai | | |
Blood Assassin Legs | | |
Blood Assassin Mask | | |
Blood Assassin Vest | | |
Bloodmoon Dahlia | | |
Bloodstone Ore | | |
Blue Balloon | | |
Blue Christmas Sock | | |
Blue Easter Cactus | | |
Blue Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Blue Easter Key | | |
Blue Elf Christmas Stocking | | |
Blue Gift | | |
Blue Mistletoe Christmas Stocking | | |
Blue Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Blue Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Blue Snowflake Christmas Sock | | |
Blue Snowman Christmas Stocking | | |
Boat | | |
Bone Cauldron | Halloween Drop | 03-Nov-2011 |
Bone Fishing Rod | | |
Bone Hammer | | |
Bone Hatchet | | |
Bone Lockpick | | |
Bone Pickaxe | | |
Bone Spade | | |
Bone Tinderbox | | |
Bonebreaker Summoning Orb | | |
Borealum Boots | | |
Borealum Hands | | |
Borealum Hood | | |
Borealum Legs | | |
Borealum Shield | | |
Borealum Tunic | | |
Bouquette of Begonias | | |
Bouquette of Bloodmoon Dahlias | | |
Bouquette of Canna Lucifer | | |
Bouquette of Carnations | | |
Bouquette of Christmas Cacti | | |
Bouquette of Daffodils | | |
Bouquette of Easter Cacti | | |
Bouquette of Easter Cosmos | | |
Bouquette of Easter Lilys | | |
Bouquette of Elven Flowers | | |
Bouquette of Gadiolas | | |
Bouquette of Gardenias | | |
Bouquette of Glacial Lilys | | |
Bouquette of Gladiolas | | |
Bouquette of Hyacinths | | |
Bouquette of Lady Sunshines | | |
Bouquette of Matricarias | | |
Bouquette of Meznolians | | |
Bouquette of Pirate Crimsons | | |
Bouquette of Plumerias | | |
Bouquette of Poinsettias | | |
Bouquette of Pulsatillas | | |
Bouquette of Purple Rhas | | |
Bouquette of Roses | | |
Bouquette of Silver Widows | | |
Bouquette of Skull Roses | | |
Bouquette of Sunflowers | | |
Bouquette of Syrnian Snow Petals | | |
Bouquette of Tulips | | |
Bouquette of White Remers | | |
Bouquette of Winter Iriss | | |
Bouquette of Witches Foxgloves | | |
Bread | | |
Broccoli | | |
Broccoli Seeds | | |
Broken Glass | Obtained by digging on the Heerchey Family Island (Results in 0 XP | 04-Mar-2006 |
Bronze Axe | | |
Bronze Bars | | |
Bronze Cauldron | | |
Bronze Chainmail | | |
Bronze Crown | Given to #3 top promoter | 30-Dec-2006 |
Bronze Dagger | | |
Bronze Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Bronze Hammer | | |
Bronze Hands | | |
Bronze Hatchet | | |
Bronze Large Helm | | |
Bronze Large Shield | | |
Bronze Legs | | |
Bronze Long Sword | | |
Bronze Mace | | |
Bronze Medium Helm | | |
Bronze Medium Shield | | |
Bronze Pickaxe | | |
Bronze Plate | | |
Bronze Sabatons | | |
Bronze Safe | | |
Bronze Scimitar | | |
Bronze Short Sword | | |
Bronze Small Shield | | |
Bronze Two Handed Sword | | |
Brown Horse | | 20-Mar-2005 |
Bunny Belly | | |
Bunny Ears | | |
Bunny Feet | | |
Bunny Legs | | |
Bunny Paws | | |
Burnt Bass | | |
Burnt Bone Fish | | |
Burnt Catfish | | |
Burnt Cavefish | | |
Burnt Cod | | |
Burnt Coral Fish | | |
Burnt Crab | | |
Burnt Eel | | |
Burnt Frog | | |
Burnt Giant Catfish | | |
Burnt Grouper | | |
Burnt Herring | | |
Burnt King Spider Meat | | |
Burnt Lantern Fish | | |
Burnt Lantern Squid | | |
Burnt Lobster | | |
Burnt Mackerel | | |
Burnt Mystery Meat | | |
Burnt Obsidian Dragon Meat | | |
Burnt Octopus | | |
Burnt Parrotfish | | |
Burnt Pike | | |
Burnt Piranha | | |
Burnt Platina Dragon Meat | | |
Burnt Queen Spider Meat | | |
Burnt Rockfish | | |
Burnt Salmon | | |
Burnt Salmon Shark | | |
Burnt Sardine | | |
Burnt Saurus Meat | | |
Burnt Shark | | |
Burnt Shrimps | | |
Burnt Snapper | | |
Burnt Spider Crab | | |
Burnt Sturgeon | | |
Burnt Swordfish | | |
Burnt Syriet Dragon Meat | | |
Burnt Trouts | | |
Burnt Tuna | | |
Burnt Wolf Fish | | |
Cabbage | | |
Cabbage Seeds | | |
Cake | | |
Caliburnus | | |
Calmere Island Map | | |
Candle Patch | | |
Candy | | |
Candy Cane Hammer | | |
Candy Cane Hatchet | | |
Candy Cane Lockpick | | |
Candy Cane Pickaxe | | |
Candy Cane Spade | | |
Candy Cane Staff | | |
Candy Corn | | |
Canlo Giant Skeleton | | |
Canna Lucifer | Halloween Item | 30-Oct-2012 |
Canoe | | |
Carnation | | |
Carnelian | | |
Carrot Cake | | |
Carrot Seeds | | |
Carrot Sword | | |
Carrots | | |
Catfish | | |
Cave Gnome Skeleton | | |
Cavefish | | |
Centaur Axe | | |
Centaur Helm | | |
Cheetah Boots | | |
Chimp | | |
Chipmunk | | |
Christmas Cactus | | |
Christmas Candle | | |
Christmas Cauldron | | |
Christmas Creature Summoning Orb | | |
Christmas Dove | | |
Christmas Group Fight Summoning Orb | | |
Christmas Present | | |
Christmas Tree | | |
Christmas Tree Snow Globe 2017 | | |
Clydesdale | | |
Coal | | |
Cod | | |
Compass | | |
Cooked Bass | | |
Cooked Bone Fish | | |
Cooked Catfish | | |
Cooked Cavefish | | |
Cooked Cod | | |
Cooked Coral Fish | | |
Cooked Crab | | |
Cooked Eel | | |
Cooked Frog | | |
Cooked Giant Catfish | | |
Cooked Grouper | | |
Cooked Herring | | |
Cooked King Spider Meat | | |
Cooked Lantern Fish | | |
Cooked Lantern Squid | | |
Cooked Lobster | | |
Cooked Mackerel | | |
Cooked Mystery Meat | | |
Cooked Obsidian Dragon Meat | | |
Cooked Octopus | | |
Cooked Parrotfish | | |
Cooked Pike | | |
Cooked Piranha | | |
Cooked Platina Dragon Meat | | |
Cooked Queen Spider Meat | | |
Cooked Rockfish | | |
Cooked Salmon | | |
Cooked Salmon Shark | | |
Cooked Sardine | | |
Cooked Saurus Meat | | |
Cooked Shark | | |
Cooked Shrimps | | |
Cooked Snapper | | |
Cooked Spider Crab | | |
Cooked Sturgeon | | |
Cooked Swordfish | | |
Cooked Syriet Dragon Meat | | |
Cooked Trouts | | |
Cooked Tuna | | |
Cooked Wolf Fish | | |
Copper Ore | Obtained by Level 1 [Mining] | |
Coral Fish | | |
Corn | | |
Corn Seeds | | |
Crab | | |
Cucumber | Grown from [Farming] Cucumber Seeds | |
Cucumber Seeds | Dropped from [Woodcutting] Level 25 Forrest | |
Cupcake | | |
Cursed Scythe | | |
Daffodil | Dropped from [Speed] without a horse | |
Darkfruit | Obtained by a hidden shop on Calmere. Scroll Of The Hidden Shop required. (Introduced 2020?) | |
Desert Arena Medal | Awarded to the winner of the battlemage | 28-Aug-2006 |
Diamond | Special drop from [Mining] | 29-Mar-2005 |
Diamond Pinata | | |
Diamond Shaped Glass | | |
Diaspore | Special drop from [Mining] | 29-Mar-2005 |
Diaspore Fabrege Egg 2018 | | |
Dragon Boots | | |
Dragon Eye Stone | Obtained by a hidden shop on Calmere. Scroll of the hidden shop required. (Introduced 2020?) | |
Dragon Gauntlets | | |
Dragon Helm | | |
Dragon Hide | | |
Dragon Legs | | |
Dragon Mask | | |
Dragon Plate | | |
Dragon Scale | | |
Dragon Shield | | |
Dragon Summoning Orb | | |
Dressed Christmas Tree | | |
Eagle Boots | | |
Easter Basket | | |
Easter Chick | | |
Easter Cosmos | | |
Easter Creature Summoning Orb | | |
Easter Group Fight Summoning Orb | | |
Easter Lily | | |
Eel | | |
Egg Thief Bag | | |
Egg Thief Gloves | | |
Egg Thief Mask | | |
Egg Thief Net | | |
Egg Thief Pants | | |
Egg Thief Shoes | | |
Egg Thief Top | | |
Eggplant | | |
Eggplant Seeds | | |
Elder Eagle Summoning Orb | | |
Elf patch | | |
Elk Horns | | |
Elven boots | | |
Elven Casino Chips | | |
Elven Casino Lottery Ticket | | |
Elven Cocktail | | |
Elven Flower | | |
Elven Gate Pass | | |
Elven Gloves | | |
Elven Hatchet | | |
Elven Helmet | | |
Elven Legs | | |
Elven Pickaxe | | |
Elven Plate | | |
Elven Shield | | |
Elven Shoes | | |
Elven Two Handed Sword | | |
Emmas Book | | |
Equites Helm | | |
Equites Manica | | |
Equites Sandals | | |
Equites Shield | | |
Equites Tunic | | |
Excalibus Boots | | |
Excalibus Gloves | | |
Excalibus Helm | | |
Excalibus Legs | | |
Excalibus Plate | | |
Excalibus Shield | | |
Fairy Boots | | |
Fairy Crown | | |
Fairy Gloves | | |
Fairy Shield | | |
Fairy Skirt | | |
Fairy Staff | | |
Fairy Tunic | | |
Fallen Star | | |
Fishing Resource Summoning Orb | | |
Four Leaf Clover | | |
Fox Tail | | |
Friddik Guest Letter | | |
Frog | | |
Frost Giant Skeleton | | |
Frost Gloves | | |
Frost Hat | | |
Frost Legs | | |
Frost Shield | | |
Frost Shoes | | |
Frost Staff | | |
Frost Vest | | |
Fruit Of Life | | |
Fruit Of Life Seeds | | |
Gaman Summoning Orb | | |
Gamanite | | |
Gardenia | | |
Garnet | Dropped from [Mining] | 07-May-2005 |
Garnet Fabrege Egg 2018 | | |
Gem Chest | | |
Ghost Crow | | |
Glacial Lily | | |
Gladiola | | |
Gnome Summoning Orb | | |
Gold Axe | | |
Gold Bars | | |
Gold Cauldron | | |
Gold Chainmail | | |
Gold Crown | Given to #2 top promoter - Added 30-DEC-2006 | |
Gold Dagger | | |
Gold Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Gold Hammer | | |
Gold Hands | | |
Gold Hatchet | | |
Gold Large Helm | | |
Gold Large Shield | | |
Gold Legs | | |
Gold Long Sword | | |
Gold Mace | | |
Gold Medium Helm | | |
Gold Medium Shield | | |
Gold Ore | | |
Gold Pickaxe | | |
Gold Plate | | |
Gold Sabatons | | |
Gold Safe | | |
Gold Scaled Gaman Summoning Orb | | |
Gold Scimitar | | |
Gold Short Sword | | |
Gold Small Shield | | |
Gold Stocking Decorations | | |
Gold Two Handed Sword | | |
Golden Ring | Not Obtainable. Only the owner and his wife, as well as previous owners own this. | |
Golden Tamarin | | |
Grain | | |
Grain Seeds | | |
Grapefruit | | |
Grapefruit Seeds | | |
Green Birthday Gift | | |
Green Christmas Sock | | |
Green Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Green Easter Key | | |
Green Gift | | |
Green Pepper | | |
Green Pepper Seeds | | |
Green Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Green Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Green Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Green Teddybear | | |
Grey Otter | | |
Griffin Summoning Orb | | |
Grouper | | |
Halloween Bag | | |
Halloween Creature Summoning Orb | | |
Halloween Group Fight Summoning Orb | | |
Halloween Pumpkin | | |
Halloween Skeleton | | |
Halloween Spider | | |
Hardened Spider Silk | | |
Headhunter Skeleton | | |
Heerchey Docks Teleport Orb | | |
Herring | | |
Holiday Crown | | |
Holly Patch | | |
Honeybee | | |
Honeycomb Chunk | | |
Hop | | |
Hop Seeds | | |
Hoplomachi Brimmed Helmet | | |
Hoplomachi Leg Wrappings | | |
Hoplomachi Long Spear | | |
Hoplomachi Manica | | |
Hyacinth | | |
Inventory Protection Orb | | |
Iron Axe | | |
Iron Bars | | |
Iron Cauldron | | |
Iron Chainmail | | |
Iron Dagger | | |
Iron Hammer | | |
Iron Hands | | |
Iron Hatchet | | |
Iron Large Helm | | |
Iron Large Shield | | |
Iron Legs | | |
Iron Long Sword | | |
Iron Mace | | |
Iron Medium Helm | | |
Iron Medium Shield | | |
Iron Ore | | |
Iron Pickaxe | | |
Iron Plate | | |
Iron Sabatons | | |
Iron Safe | | |
Iron Scimitar | | |
Iron Short Sword | | |
Iron Small Shield | | |
Iron Two Handed Sword | | |
Ivory Staff | | |
Jack Frost Doll | | |
Jade | | |
Jotunghul Skeleton | | |
Kanzo Teleport Orb | | |
Karkinos Shell | | |
Keelhail Golden Cutalss | | |
Keg Of Rum | | |
King Spider Meat | | |
Koban Axe | | |
Koban Mask | | |
Koban Pickaxe | | |
Koban Shirt | | |
Koban Summoning Orb | | |
Krampus Doll | | |
Lady Sunshine | | |
Lantern Fish | | |
Lantern Squid | | |
Lapis | | |
Large Pirate Chest | | |
Large Wooden Egg | | |
Leather Boots | Can be worn on feet (29-Mar-2005 - Players can now someteimes catch Leather Boots) | 13-Mar-2005 |
Lion Vest | | |
Lizard Headdress | | |
Lizard Machette | | |
Lizard Two Handed Spear | | |
Locked Ancient Chest | | 14-Mar-2006? |
Locked Birthday Present | | |
Locked Christmas Present | | |
Locked Gem Chest | | |
Locked Large Pirate Chest | | |
Locked Large Wooden Egg | | |
Locked Moldy Chest | Can be unlocked for [Thieving] XP | 06-Jan-2006 |
Locked Ore Chest | | |
Locked Pirate Chest | | |
Locked Sarcophagus | | |
Locked Small chest | | |
Locked Spectre Chest | | |
Locked Tirnus Chest | | |
Locked Toolbox | Can be unlocked for [Thieving] XP | 06-Jan-2006 |
Locked Wooden Egg | | |
Locked Wooden Santa Doll | | |
Lockpick | Can be used to unlock Lockeds | 06-Jan-2006 |
Long Boat | | |
Lost Girl | | |
Lute | | |
Lute Pinata | | |
M2H Retirement Balloons | | |
Mackerel | | |
Matricaria | | |
Mayan Calendar | | |
Mayan Ceremonial Dagger | | |
Mayan Ceremonial Staff | | |
Mayan Mask | | |
McGoggins Expedition Skeleton | | |
Meznolian | | |
Mining Resource Summoning Orb | | |
Mistletoe Patch | | |
Moldy Chest | | |
Moonstone | Dropped from [Mining] | 07-May-2005 |
Moonstone Fabrege Egg 2019 | | |
Morrie Fields Teleport Orb | | |
Mrs Claus Bonnet | | |
Mrs Claus Boots | | |
Mrs Claus Coat | | |
Mrs Claus Mittens | | |
Mrs Claus Skirt | | |
Mule | | 05-Mar-2005 |
Mule Pinata | | |
Mustang | | |
Mysterious Warrior Skeleton | | |
Net | | |
North Pole Snow Globe 2017 | | |
Obsidian Axe | | |
Obsidian Bars | | |
Obsidian Cauldron | | |
Obsidian Chainmail | | |
Obsidian Dagger | | |
Obsidian Dragon Hide | | |
Obsidian Dragon Scale | | |
Obsidian Hammer | | |
Obsidian Hands | | |
Obsidian Hatchet | | |
Obsidian Large Helm | | |
Obsidian Large Shield | | |
Obsidian Legs | | |
Obsidian Long Sword | | |
Obsidian Mace | | |
Obsidian Medium Helm | | |
Obsidian Medium Shield | | |
Obsidian Ore | | |
Obsidian Pickaxe | | |
Obsidian Plate | | |
Obsidian Sabatons | | |
Obsidian Safe | | |
Obsidian Scimitar | | |
Obsidian Short Sword | | |
Obsidian Small Shield | | |
Obsidian Two Handed Sword | | |
Octopus | | |
Ogre Boots | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Club | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Gloves | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Hatchet | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Legs | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Mace | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Medium Helm | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Pickaxe | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Plate | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Shield | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Ogre Spiked Helm | Dropped from ogres in the ogre cave via [Combat] | 06-Jul-2005 |
Onion | | |
Onion Seeds | | |
Orange | | |
Orange Christmas Sock | | |
Orange Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Orange Easter Key | | |
Orange Pomanders | | |
Orange Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Orange Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Orange Seeds | | |
Orange Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Orb | | |
Ore Chest | | |
Oxhide Shield | | |
Paper Lantern | | |
Parrot | | |
Parrotfish | | |
Peach | | |
Peach Seeds | | |
Pear | | |
Pear Seeds | | |
Penguin Chick | | |
Penteza Teleport Orb | | |
Pike | | |
Pineapple | | |
Pineapple Seeds | | |
Pink Christmas Sock | | |
Pink Easter Cactus | | |
Pink Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Pink Easter Key | | |
Pink Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Pink Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Pink Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Pirate Boots | | |
Pirate Captain Doll | | |
Pirate Chest | | |
Pirate Crimson | | |
Pirate Cutlass | | |
Pirate Expedition Skeleton | | |
Pirate Falchion | | |
Pirate Gloves | | |
Pirate Hat | | |
Pirate Hook | | |
Pirate Legs | | |
Pirate Shield | | |
Pirate Tunic | | |
Platina Axe | | |
Platina Bars | | |
Platina Cauldron | | |
Platina Chainmail | | |
Platina Dagger | | |
Platina Dragon Hide | | |
Platina Dragon Scale | | |
Platina Hammer | | |
Platina Hands | | |
Platina Hatchet | | |
Platina Large Helm | | |
Platina Large Shield | | |
Platina Legs | | |
Platina Long Sword | | |
Platina Mace | | |
Platina Medium Helm | | |
Platina Medium Shield | | |
Platina Ore | | |
Platina Pickaxe | | |
Platina Plate | | |
Platina Sabatons | | |
Platina Safe | | |
Platina Scimitar | | |
Platina Short Sword | | |
Platina Small Shield | | |
Platina Two Handed Sword | | |
Plum | | |
Plum Seeds | | |
Plumeria | | |
Poinsettia | | |
Polar Bear Cub | | |
Presents Snow Globe 2017 | | |
Pulsatilla | | |
Pumpkin | | |
Pumpkin Pie | | |
Pumpkin Seeds | | |
Puppy Claws | | |
Puranium Axe | | |
Puranium Bars | | |
Puranium Cauldron | | |
Puranium Chainmail | | |
Puranium Dagger | | |
Puranium Hammer | | |
Puranium Hands | | |
Puranium Hatchet | | |
Puranium Large Helm | | |
Puranium Large Shield | | |
Puranium Legs | | |
Puranium Long Sword | | |
Puranium Mace | | |
Puranium Medium Helm | | |
Puranium Ore | | |
Puranium Pickaxe | | |
Puranium Plate | | |
Puranium Sabatons | | |
Puranium Safe | | |
Puranium Scimitar | | |
Puranium Short Sword | | |
Puranium Small Shield | | |
Puranium Two Handed Sword | | |
Purple Christmas Sock | | |
Purple Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Purple Easter Key | | |
Purple Paper | | |
Purple Rha | | |
Purple Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Purple Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Purple Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Purple Teddybear | | |
Quartz | Special drop from [Mining] | 29-Mar-2005 |
Quartz Fabrege Egg 2019 | | |
Queen Spider Meat | | |
Radish | | |
Radish Seeds | | |
Rainbow Christmas Sock | | |
Rainbow Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Rainbow Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Rainbow Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Raipal | | |
Rat Summoning Orb | | |
Red Balloon | In celebration of Syrnias 1 year birthday | 05-Mar-2006 |
Red Bauble | | |
Red Christmas Sock | | |
Red Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Red Easter Key | | |
Red Gift | | |
Red Herring | | |
Red Mistletoe Christmas Sock | | |
Red Panda | | |
Red Rudolph Christmas Stocking | | |
Red Santa Christmas Stocking | | |
Red Snowflake Christmas Sock | | |
Red Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Red Squirrel | | |
Red Teddybear | | |
Red Trouts | | |
Reindeer | | |
Retiarii Boots | | |
Retiarii Extended Manica | | |
Retiarii Gauntlet | | |
Retiarii Trident | | |
Ribbon | | |
Rima Gate Pass | | |
Ringtail Lemur | | |
Rockfish | | |
Rocks | Obtained by digging on the Heerchey Family Island (Results in 0 XP | 04-Mar-2006 |
Rod | | |
Roodarus Horn | Dropped from Roodarus in Arch Caves | 14-Mar-2006 |
Rose | | |
Rose Crest Plate Mail | | |
Rose Crest Shield | | |
Rose Crest Sword | | |
Rose Gate Pass | | |
Ruby | | |
Rudolph Patch | | |
Salmon | | |
Samnite Legs | | |
Samnite Plumed Helmet | | |
Samnite Shield | | |
Samnite Two Handed Sword | | |
Santa Boots | | |
Santa Gloves | | |
Santa Gnome Summoning Orb | | |
Santa Goodie Bag | | |
Santa Hat | Obtained by fighting Santa Gnomes | 24-Dec-2005 |
Santa Hat And Beard | | |
Santa Pants | | |
Santa Patch | | |
Santa Snow Globe 2017 | | 2017 |
Santa Snow Globe 2018 | | 2018 |
Santa Snow Globe 2019 | | 2019 |
Santa Vest | | |
Sarcophagus | | |
Sardine | | |
Saurus Helm | Can be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP | 14-Mar-2006 |
Saurus Hide | Dropped From Wanerus, Stemosaurus, Roodarus | 14-Mar-2006 |
Saurus Legs | Can be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP | 14-Mar-2006 |
Saurus Meat | Dropped From Wanerus, Stemosaurus, Roodarus | 14-Mar-2006 |
Saurus Plate | Can be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP | 14-Mar-2006 |
Saurus Scale | Dropped From Wanerus, Stemosaurus, Roodarus | 14-Mar-2006 |
Saurus Shield | Can be traded at Tempa's Hut for Saurus Scale, Saurus Hide, and GP | 14-Mar-2006 |
Scroll Of Ancient Wood | | |
Scroll Of Shopping | | |
Scroll Of The Hidden Mine | | |
Scroll Of the Hidden Shop | | |
Scroll Of The Palace | | |
Scythe | | |
Sekhemet Skeleton | | |
Serendibite | | |
Shield Pinata | | |
Silver | | |
Silver Axe | | |
Silver Bars | | |
Silver Cauldron | | |
Silver Chainmail | | |
Silver Christmas Sock | | |
Silver Crown | Given to #2 Syrnia top promoter | 30-Dec-2006 |
Silver Dagger | | |
Silver Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Silver Hammer | | |
Silver Hands | | |
Silver Hatchet | | |
Silver Large Helm | | |
Silver Large Shield | | |
Silver Legs | | |
Silver Long Sword | | |
Silver Mace | | |
Silver Medium Helm | | |
Silver Medium Shield | | |
Silver Pickaxe | | |
Silver Plate | | |
Silver Ring | | |
Silver Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Silver Sabatons | | |
Silver Safe | | |
Silver Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Silver Scimitar | | |
Silver Short Sword | | |
Silver Small Shield | | |
Silver Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Silver Two Handed Sword | | |
Silver Widow | | |
Skeletal Cauldron | | |
Skeletal Fishing Rod | | |
Skeletal Hammer | | 2011? |
Skeletal Hatchet | | |
Skeletal Horse | | |
Skeletal Lockpick | | |
Skeletal Pickaxe | | |
Skeletal Spade | | |
Skeletal Tinderbox | | |
Skeleton Arm | | |
Skeleton Body | | |
Skeleton Leg | | |
Skeleton Skull | | |
Skull Rose | | |
Slamyeord | | |
Sleigh Snow Globe 2017 | | |
Sleigh Snow Globe 2018 | | |
Sleigh Snow Globe 2019 | | |
Sloop | | |
Small Chest | | |
Small Fishing Boat | | |
Small Pirate Key | | |
Small Snowball | | |
Snapper | | |
Snowflake Patch | | |
Snowman | | |
Snowman Patch | | |
Snowman Snow Globe 2018 | | |
Snowman Snow Globe 2019 | | |
Snowwoman | | |
Snowy Owlet | | |
Soft Spider Silk | | |
Spade | | |
Spar | Dropped from [Mining] | 07-May-2005 |
Spar Fabrege Egg 2019 | | |
Spectre Chest | | |
Spider Monkey | | |
Spinach | | |
Spinach Seeds | | |
Spotted Bass | | |
Spotted Black Fish | | |
Spotted Blue Fish | | |
Spotted Red Fish | | |
Squirrel | | |
Staff | | |
Steel Axe | | |
Steel Bars | | |
Steel Cauldron | | |
Steel Chainmail | | |
Steel Dagger | | |
Steel Hammer | | |
Steel Hands | | |
Steel Hatchet | | |
Steel Large Helm | | |
Steel Large Shield | | |
Steel Legs | | |
Steel Long Sword | | |
Steel Mace | | |
Steel Medium Helm | | |
Steel Medium Shield | | |
Steel Pickaxe | | |
Steel Plate | | |
Steel Sabatons | | |
Steel Safe | | |
Steel Scimitar | | |
Steel Short Sword | | |
Steel Small Shield | | |
Steel Two Handed Sword | | |
Stemosaurus Tail Spike | Dropped from Stemosaurus in Arch Caves | 14-Mar-2006 |
Stocking Decorations 2012 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2013 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2014 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2015 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2016 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2017 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2018 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2019 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2020 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2021 | | |
Stocking Decorations 2022 | | |
Strawberry | | |
String | | |
Striped Blue Fish | | |
Striped Green Fish | | |
Striped Orange Fish | | |
Striped Pink Fish | | |
Striped Purple Fish | | |
Striped Rainbow Fish | | |
Striped Red Fish | Non Obtainable - Obtained from fishing at Holiday Lake | 24-Dec-2005 |
Striped Silver Fish | | |
Striped Yellow Fish | | |
Sturdy Cauldron | | |
Sturdy Fishing Rod | | |
Sturdy Net | | |
Sturdy Tinderbox | | |
Sunflower | | |
Swiftlight Boots | | |
Syriet Axe | | |
Syriet Bars | | |
Syriet Cauldron | | |
Syriet Chainmail | | |
Syriet Dagger | | |
Syriet Dragon Hide | | |
Syriet Dragon Scale | | |
Syriet Hammer | | |
Syriet Hands | | |
Syriet Hatchet | | |
Syriet Large Helm | | |
Syriet Large Shield | | |
Syriet Legs | | |
Syriet Long Sword | | |
Syriet Mace | | |
Syriet Medium Helm | | |
Syriet Medium Shield | | |
Syriet Ore | | |
Syriet Pickaxe | | |
Syriet Plate | | |
Syriet Sabatons | | |
Syriet Safe | | |
Syriet Scimitar | | |
Syriet Short Sword | | |
Syriet Small Shield | | |
Syriet Two Handed Sword | | |
Syrnia Birthday Hat 2018 | | |
Syrnian Snow Petal | | |
Teps Key | Non Tradable | |
Teps Lunchbox | Non Tradable | |
Tin Ore | | |
Tinderbox | | |
Tinsel | | |
Tinsel Net | | |
Tirnus Chest | | |
Tiromyth Axe | | |
Tiromyth Bar | | |
Tiromyth Cauldron | | |
Tiromyth Chainmail | | |
Tiromyth Dagger | | |
Tiromyth Hammer | | |
Tiromyth Hands | | |
Tiromyth Hatchet | | |
Tiromyth Large Helm | | |
Tiromyth Large Shield | | |
Tiromyth Legs | | |
Tiromyth Long Sword | | |
Tiromyth Mace | | |
Tiromyth Medium Helm | | |
Tiromyth Medium Shield | | |
Tiromyth Pickaxe | | |
Tiromyth Plate | | |
Tiromyth Sabatons | | |
Tiromyth Safe | | |
Tiromyth Scimitar | | |
Tiromyth Short Sword | | |
Tiromyth Small Shield | | |
Tiromyth Two Handed Sword | | |
Titanium Ore | | |
Tomato | | |
Tomato Seeds | | |
Toolbox | | |
Torch | | |
Trawler | | |
Trouts | | |
Tulip | | |
Turnip | | |
Turnip Seeds | | |
Undead Boots | | |
Undead Gloves | | |
Undead Mask | | |
Undead Pants | | |
Undead Vest | | |
Vaiva Elanor Skeleton | | |
Valera Knight Doll | | |
Valera Sword | | |
Venomous Fang | | |
Vervefruit | | |
Vervefruit Seeds | | |
Waranerus Spike | Dropped from Waranerus in Arch Caves | 14-Mar-2006 |
Warlock Staff | | |
Warrior Insignia Level 1 | | |
Warrior Insignia Level 2 | | |
Warrior Token | | |
Watermelon | | |
Watermelon Seeds | | |
Webbed Item | | |
White Easter Cactus | | |
White Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
White Easter Key | | |
White Horse | | |
White Rabbit | | |
White Rabbit Fur | | |
White Remer | | |
Wildebeest Pants | | |
Winter Iris | | |
Winters Egg | | |
Witch Boots | | |
Witch Broomstick | | |
Witch Cloak | | |
Witch Hat | | |
Witch Skirt | | |
Witches Cauldron | | |
Witches Foxglove | | |
Wolf Fish | | |
Wood | | |
Woodcutting Resource Summoning Orb | | |
Wooden Egg | | |
Wooden Santa Doll | | |
Wooden Sled | | |
Worldmap Of A New Island | Dearn island launch. Dropped around Syrnia | 20-Mar-2005 |
Wrapped Tinderbox | | |
Wreath Shield | | |
Yellow Bunny Ears | | |
Yellow Christmas Sock | | |
Yellow Easter Cactus | | |
Yellow Easter Egg | Found Across Syrnia during Easter | 14-Apr-2006 |
Yellow Easter Key | | |
Yellow Rudolph Christmas Sock | | |
Yellow Santa Christmas Sock | | |
Yellow Snowman Christmas Sock | | |
Yeti Doll | | |
Zombie Brain |