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Forum -> Mod's Corner -> Roadmap Update - June 2023

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13-06-2023 16:46

First of all this will be a lengthy post so please bear with us here. As some updates are seen as just mere words, it may get slightly more technical so hopefully we can help explain what is going on behind the scenes!

New Team Member
We alluded to having a new member join the development team back in January. We would now like to officially welcome Akkarin into the team! We are hoping his experience as a coder and long term player brings good things to this team.

Boring Stuff Part 1 - Processes Involved
Here begins some of the boring parts of this update to a lot of the community, but we would like to share regardless! Since January we’ve been implementing and documenting key processes to the development cycle. We are now at a stage where each developer has the ability to develop updates/fixes individually and will then be reviewed by another team member.

The next stages for processing updates are to look at improving the wider testing process, and hopefully automating some of that too.

Whilst this is in its infancy, it will slow content/fixes reaching the production site, but the long term vision is to provide a stable cycle giving confidence to the community in the updates that are released.

Boring Stuff Part 2 - Rewrite Phase 1
We’ve prioritised focus on the rewrite of the code base, over some of the other updates. Whilst this has been sad news for some of the community (especially the pirates), we believe that delivering this will not only provide long term stability but also performance increases.

Simply logging into the game generates more errors than Aussie has collected wood! Hyperbole, but hopefully that helps explain the scale of this. The fixing process involves finding each error individually and testing a fix so that it hasn't broken the rest of the game.

If you look at the wider picture of the whole game, and not just logging in, there is a lot of work here! As you can see this requires an extensive overhaul to complete.

Once this is complete, we will look at starting the testing process, to then move it to the production site. The next steps after, are rewriting any existing functionality that is no longer supported by the newer software. Combining this and newer architecture we hope to provide the long term stable platform we are aiming for.

Questions for the community
Updates going forward? How would people appreciate them, monthly, or after milestones are reached?

Discord - there are many unofficial discord, but do you guys want an official discord which would hope to provide a closer communication link between staff and players, especially a place to talk outside of the games chat.

Whilst there are no community facing updates, behind the scenes work is on-going at a steady pace trying to provide the platform everyone wants so the game can go another 20 years!

"Thank God I'm an atheist"

You are attacking a Roodarus (211) at Crab nest.

[1]02:44 Rami[-=D=-]: cradle is like the swine flu.. he is everywhere

[1]02:43 Rictor[~X~]: love ya Cradle XD
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
The Grim Reaper
13-06-2023 17:22

Discord would be cool but also in moderated so could be hectic.

Can we bring back special items for more medium/higher levels such as ogre tools or koban axes etc we need new special items again it makes the game fun and worth grinding
13-06-2023 17:23

Updates going forward? How would people appreciate them, monthly, or after milestones are reached?

I would prefer regular updates, even if it's to inform us that there are no new updates to share. It provides reassurance things are still being worked on.

Discord - there are many unofficial discord, but do you guys want an official discord which would hope to provide a closer communication link between staff and players, especially a place to talk outside of the games chat.

Can't comment as I don't use Discord.
[3]23:41 Kunzite[TLO]: i would think sis, a day with sheep would be like sunshine every day

[3]21:58 Malekith[TLO]: Yeah that Sheep looks hot
13-06-2023 17:56

Hard no to an official Discord.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall not.

[6]00:39 king1104[Pond]: Ask it how to out pizza the hut.
[6]00:39 (Mod)Moderator: Warning: this subject is no longer appropriate for chat, please move it along.
13-06-2023 18:06

Also hard no to DC, all syrnia content should remain on syrnia's site. Nothing to stop those who want to use it already.
13-06-2023 19:51

I would prefer consistent (monthly or so?) updates from the team as to how things are going, even if barely any progress was made. Having that sort of communication would be good for the game, in my opinion.
[2]17:33 Schteve[~FoS~]: I try not to break chat rules.

Co-Founder of SyrniaGuide.
14-06-2023 00:58

Congratulations to Captain Akkarin on joining the Dev team! This is nice to hear.

I’d prefer updates on game forum over discord. Monthly or Quarterly would be nice.

Thanks for the update!

Edited on 15-06-2023 12:42
Proud Founder & Leader of Chaos Reborn [~CR~]
Est. Feb. 27th 2020
You have married Elbaroda! 9-21-20

Chief Contributor at SyrniaGuide.com

5 Ragnar ~CR~ -89,062
14-06-2023 02:09

Yes to a Discord, because why not?
[2]09:03 Durins_Bane[Moria]: follow makarov around and he'll drop items before he's seen flying to Sanfew
[2]15:23 (Mod)Moderator: Smitts is mod. Confirmed.

So long, Earth. Thanks for the air and whatnot.
G Bob
14-06-2023 07:32

We have: chats, forum, news section. If you ask me, no need for adding news on something else, something new, just cause...we dont have a discord thingy. If you all wanna chat, pls make one and chat, but the news about Syrnia, should always be on Syrnia.

Yes pls, updates every month or every 4 months(spring, sumer..etc).
I Hate the dude called: I Hate BOB!

[W]09:02 Bex[TLO]: haha you rock! made me giggle for real xD

[W]16:18 fraggelmupp[TLO]: we are the normal ones, the rest of the world are just squares :P
Ignis Vi
14-06-2023 11:08

Seasonal updates sounds pretty nice and realistically sustainable for the team. Every 4 months like G Bob is suggesting.
14-06-2023 12:43

News on Syrnia should stay on Syrnia!

You have married quagmire!
21 August 2020

Joined: June 1, 2006
14-06-2023 20:27

I'm neutral towards discord.

I'd love a three-monthly update or so. Thanks a lot for this one, was fun to get a look behind the scenes!
15-06-2023 03:37

Agreed with the majority - quarterly updates posted to either the forums or news section of syrnia! There's no need for discord; we have plenty of avenues of communication built in the game and website already.

Consider giving us a choice to opt in to the occasional news bulletin email if you're looking for additional ways to spread information.
[2]03:39 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: most mountains are also 95% mountains

[2]03:40 vatsuak[*TF*]: mountains are big because they have no natural predators
18-06-2023 16:38

Dont care much for a discord channel, a few have been and gone and its hard to keep track of them all.

Personally id like to see a chat update that is more modern than the current. If everything is being revised with a vision of running for the next 20 years, id rather see that, which in turn will probably help new players as the new generation of younger people will not bother.

As for updates, id like to see a plan and action style, based on player input / feedback. quarterly works for me but id also like to see more random / spontaneous things propping up as well. such as random invasions of the creatures within syrnia. The creatures of kingswood forest have attacked the villagers of Rima city etc, please help save them. Use the lore from syrnia and bring the game to life a bit more

Same with fishing, mining cooking etc all the skills really.

But yeah, keep up the great work and keep us updated, its good to know what goes on behind the scenes, it may seem like normal day to day stuff, but to us players its nice to know of progress

Edited on 22-06-2023 11:21
M2H has payed 10780 gold to free you from the Sanfew jail.

The corpses of Peglegs are all that remain at Pensax after being hit by a St0rmz_

All pirates fear St0rmz_ and with good reason after what he did to the Peglegs.
18-06-2023 19:18

Well said St0rmz_

Edited on 18-06-2023 19:19
Proud Founder & Leader of Chaos Reborn [~CR~]
Est. Feb. 27th 2020
You have married Elbaroda! 9-21-20

Chief Contributor at SyrniaGuide.com

5 Ragnar ~CR~ -89,062
11-07-2023 16:58

I strongly request an Official Discord. It doesn't need to have news/announcements there per se (or at least, not only there).. but I would prefer to use Discord for general chatting and leave in-game chat to clan/pirates/etc. something a little more low-traffic than general chat.
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Forum -> Mod's Corner -> Roadmap Update - June 2023

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