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Forum -> In Memoriam -> FarinSongteeth

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15-01-2021 14:13

TermaMatrix let me know that Farin was knocked off his motorbike yesterday and was sadly killed.

I am devastated. He was a friend and mentor, kind and funny and patient.

One of the great ones is gone. Make sure the people you love know it.

Moderator edit:
As a show of respect and appreciation for all of the work they did as part of the Syrnia Staff team and their contribution towards the game as a whole, the location text of Kingswood forest has been amended with a small tribute.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
15-01-2021 14:18

I am heartbroken. He was so nice and a great friend even outside of syrnia. We shared a love for Disney and we even traded Disney pins a few times. Best wishes for his family 😭
[2]21:09 qqqwwweee[QWE]: QueenOfGirls...are you a girl or a guy?
[2]02:11 Arioch[Core]: thats queenie for you... pk you in a pillow fight

joined: Nov 2, 2007
The Grim Reaper
15-01-2021 14:21

RIP Farin
15-01-2021 14:27

May he rest in peace, he will be missed
[2]23:34 (Mod)Prometheus[TSoH]: except for smitts. we are allowed to bully him.
[2]21:08 (Mod)Prometheus[TSoH]: should rename, Youhit Idie.

Ad Astra ~ADV~
15-01-2021 14:28

Almost a decade of knowing one another. You were always such a kind person to me, we enjoyed checking in and seeing how life was going for the other. Friendships obtained in this game are just as valued as ones out in the world. Yours was one of them. You had so much to look forward to this year.

I am thinking of your family and wishing them strength.
15-01-2021 14:33

Genuine nice lad, a bit nuts at times but that was part of his charm...

will certainly miss our random conversations, lovely lad...

Luck is when skill meets opportunity.
15-01-2021 14:38

Spent a good few years together in Core, back in the day. Talked quite a lot back then - good guy, easy to get along with. Just a shame we didn't speak all that much in more recent times. Definitely sad news, that I'm sure will impact a noticeable portion of the remaining player base here. Condolences to his family.
Joined 07/12/2006 (7th Dec for you 'muricans)

[W]01:08 Mobbie[O.G.]: cool.. we're the same person then cause I'm a multi of Kenny!

Best week: +1,029,069 <-- See Rubo, I'm NOT ALWAYS a slacker. ;)
15-01-2021 14:38

Im so shocked about the news of his passing. I can't believe I wont ever talk with him again... RIP glad a town in Syrnia that is going to keep you in the memories of everyone
Edited on 16-01-2021 11:31
ladytabitha[TSoH]: actually--seeing Ayna chat this much is golden XD
15-01-2021 14:54

I do not want to process this, I am heart broken, I am devastated, I am shocked.

the last message you sent was asking if I was ok with my mental health and everything I was going through, and you asked how the missus was.

that just showed how kind and warm hearted you were, you always checked up on me and I cherished our conversations.

I do not want to say goodbye my friend, I do not want to see our conversation stopped where it was stopped, I want to log into the game and see you there or see your message pop up from time to time.

RIP my friend, I share warm prays and love to your family in this trying time, they lost one of the best guys, father, husband I have ever had the privilege of talking to.
God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order.

If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'.
15-01-2021 14:57

So sad to hear this, a genuine model human from the few chats we had, super supportive, i miss you already <3
[2]23:17 (Mod)Moderator: Move Drego into a new zone please

[2]17:39 VipersLFC[Snake]: Drego 4 syrnian admin. down with the administration.

Dregozone got 1 Emmas book!
15-01-2021 15:18

Was a good guy. He will be missed.
15-01-2021 15:43

I don't really have words .... he was one of those genuine world chat presences that knew how to relate to most people. Super friendly and hilarious too.

He will be missed and I was glad to have known him.
15-01-2021 16:02

RIP Farin. You let me into CORE when I first started this game, and were a good friend then and have been ever since. I never expected to read this post, I am so sad to hear about this
~Sol~ :D

You have married Thorne!
5th March 2020.
15-01-2021 16:16

Damn. What a great guy. Theres a huge hole now in this community that is where that man was. Farin was a wonderful guy that is going to be missed.
Proud leader of Squeaky Clean

Our mouths are clean, our hands are dirty!

Fortune favors the bold.
15-01-2021 16:29

I'm shocked as well. RIP Farin, was a nice guy.
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019

[2]03:59 Koban Knight[CFH]: everyday.. i really do try hard to say the dumbest things here...
15-01-2021 17:05

This absolutely breaks my heart.

Rest In Peace Mr. Farin <3
[2]18:15 JoveS[-TL-]: less hater more potater

[6]09:51 Sephiroth[*TF*]: Got owned by the Great Potato

You have married Isaac!
15-01-2021 17:40

Rest in peace, Farin.
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12

Mining level: 156 (50000000 exp, 403263 for next level)
15-01-2021 18:34

Oh no , RIP Farin, you will be missed
[0]10:01 Waiting for Zuvan...

[3] 22:29 (Mod)Prometheus[TSoH]: naw, not really.
[3] 22:29 (Mod)Prometheus[TSoH]: Zuvan -- Muted

[2]14:05 (Mod)Moderator: Zuvan - No Red Chat for you!
15-01-2021 18:39

Omg. I am at a loose. Such a sweet kindred soul.
We had some wild times in Core for sure, and on movo.

May you rest in peace
*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

You have married Redwingz!

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
15-01-2021 21:58

When I found out last night I couldn't get a handle on this. I still can't really process and find the words to truly express how devastating this news is to me. Farin helped me so much over the years and was right by my side when I took over the game helping me in so many ways. Like Queenie, he and I shared a love of Disney and exchanged trinkets and pins over the years. We have long talked about family trips to finally meet and greet each other and share our Disney with the other. Now the chance has passed and I will hold the regrets that I never made that happen.

My heart-felt sorrow and condolences to his family and his friends. You will be truly missed. May Kingswood Forest stand forever as a monument to my friend.
Maranda - The world is a lesser place without you.
15-01-2021 22:30

It breaks my heart to hear that Farin is no longer with us. A truly grounded, charming and much loved guy who was strong minded but known as a gentle giant by all that knew him. Condolences to his family who he often mentioned.

Farin was the first in line to rip up his roots and move clan with me back in the day. We spent quite a bit of time talking about the Core website he was working on,despite him having no previous website creation knowledge. He was always willing try new things and improve himself . You always knew what you was getting with Farin.

R.I.P David, you will be missed by many but remembered with a smile.

Moderator edit:
While this post was made by a long-banned player, and the account has been frozen, this will remain in light of the circumstances and the genuine nature of the post.
Cruz Nairb
16-01-2021 00:02

He was always a pleasure to chat with and will be missed by many.

16-01-2021 03:24

I have no words. He was my one and only in-game husband. I am crushed beyond words.

Praying hard for his family and friends as they navigate this awful tragedy.
I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!

[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs?
Mr Coffee
16-01-2021 03:53

OMG! This is terrible news. Farin was such a great person. I can't find the words. Prayers out to his family, his friends. He is one that will be sorely missed. RIP Dave, you will not be forgotten.
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
16-01-2021 04:06

I've been thinking about this the entire day, and I am just heartbroken...

Farin was an all-around wonderful human being, and he will be so very missed...

I only recently started really getting to know him, talking to him about coding and his website and such. I regret that it didn't happen sooner. I didn't know him as long as many of you have, but his absence leaves an obvious hole.

I'll always remember you and our recent chats, Farin. You've left a grand mark on this community, but I simply wish you could have had more time on this earth...
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> FarinSongteeth

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