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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Char1

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24-11-2020 22:27

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that our Char lost his battle with cancer and covid this morning.

We will miss your snark and sarcasm, and I hope you have found peace.
[3] 14:49 Errant[O.G.]: I mean everyone in this clan is on the Chaotic side of the spectrum

Property of Queenie[O.G]

Pirate general Svava has got 333 hours left to attack until pirates mutiny.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
24-11-2020 22:30

Shame he passed away.. Fun guy to talk with. May he rest in peace!
You have married JaninaLynn ! 15:22 05-05-2009

[3]22:45 (Mod)ruboxjr[O.G.]: You are your own tribe, in and of yourself, Brown :P
2011-08-21 10:03:05 Brown(51) attacked Klom, and did 9 damage. Klom had 0 HP left.
Mr Tiddles
24-11-2020 22:30

Oh nooo

I had no Idea I don't even know what too say. Char was an amazing person

RIP char1 and too those who knew them very well I am very sorry for your loss
You and 5 players are attacking a Roodarus (211) at Castle Rose.

The Platina flame dragon struck at Mr Tiddles and did 284 damage.

2019-11-15 20:54 Levels: 1 - 200 Mr Tiddles won and got a Desert arena medal
24-11-2020 22:51

I’m devastated. And at a loss for words.

Rest in peace mate, I hope your wife and kids find comfort.
24-11-2020 23:28

Truly one of the funniest Syrnians i have ever spoken to, such a joy to have in clan.
Rest in Peace sweet man. Sending all my love to Chars family, friends, and OG Family <3
[2]18:15 JoveS[-TL-]: less hater more potater

[6]09:51 Sephiroth[*TF*]: Got owned by the Great Potato

You have married Isaac!
24-11-2020 23:34

We chatted occasionally, he was a nice guy.

Condolences to his family, friends, and OG clan
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!
Ricktimus Prime
24-11-2020 23:40

What a guy. Char, you're going to be missed friend.
God kills indiscriminately and so shall we, for no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves.
24-11-2020 23:50

[0]01:16 Kat, Fatty and mrsgoat also got a Locked christmas present.
Married Kat 2/13/2008
24-11-2020 23:55

You will be missed, brother. Never forgotten
“Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go”
-Hermann Hesse

murderdol22, vincius, dreamer349, Maranda, littlebro, Rami, SilverBakk.. I am a better person for having known you.
25-11-2020 01:22

Man you will be so missed. You always had a way of making me laugh even when I wasn't feeling like laughing. RIP buddy
[2]11:40 Sephiroth[Choob]: Thou arsle slhalt be slpanked.

Creepers gonna creep
Mr Coffee
25-11-2020 01:57

Thoughts go out to friends, family, and OG.
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
25-11-2020 03:08

Sad to see him go.

Be easy, Char.
Popeye - I Yam What I Yam & Dats What I Yam!

You Married Maggie!

[6]08:25 Maggie[CLEAN]: lure you husband into the OL where you have hidden an assasin
25-11-2020 07:15

RIP Charliebear ... going to miss your humour
[3]20:51 mightywhite[O.G.]: *deathspanks lushy*

[3]12:21 lushes added 24 Puranium ore to Port Senyn
25-11-2020 07:23

RIP big man will be missed alot the memory's that we made will stay with me forever going camping and just the chats we had if it wasn't for me coming to stay with you and jord i would never have started playing this game even though we took the mick out how boring the game looked won't be the same coming down your way and not getting a catch up Rest well big man <3
25-11-2020 13:40

Devestated to always hear about a beloved Syrnian lose their fights, never spoke to them but I was talking to a few O.G. a couple days abck and it was evident how loved the player was and how much they meant to the clan as a friend and family.

Condolences and thoughts to the family, friends and O.G. in this tough time.

<3 you O.G.
God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order.

If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'.
25-11-2020 14:03

Took me some time to write this...it pains me the way it ended. He was a fighter in and out of Syrnia, but ultimately lost the most important one. He loved with all his heart and made everyone feel like they mattered. His humor and sarcasm will be missed, love you Chahhh rest easy my friend. We'll see you again mate *raises glass*

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone gives you courage. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness.
25-11-2020 15:56

im gutted, read it on fb today, good bye mate, ill miss all the laughs we had and the taking the piss out of each other, thought go to the family too xx
May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you are going, and the insight to know when you have gone too far.
07-12-2020 10:41

Hi all,

Not been to Syrnia in quite a few years but just logged in to pay my own respects to Charlie. I kept in touch with him on and off over the years, outside of Syrnia, and just had a chat with his eldest son.

Rest in peace Charlie.

From Fuggle fka mightywhite
11-12-2020 13:49

13-12-2020 12:43

Charlie will certainly be missed, was only talking to him a few weeks back.
An awesome guy allround
Joined : Saturday, October 21, 2006

[W] 02:42 Vonstuker[~FoS~]: if I had a son it would be you <3

[2]14:27 RedWyrm[Pond]: Headline News: afc is NOT really tasty. That is all. Thank you. *nods* :P
13-12-2020 12:56

25-12-2020 14:18

Rest In Peace Char
Why did the chicken cross the road?

asking for a friend
Blackout Vision
25-12-2020 15:55

Rest in peace Char. Keep my son company up there.
[2]20:16 (Mod)Moderator: I'm not available. I'm saving myself up for a cute little Commodore 64.
[2]05:16 Dragosani[Wino]: You can say what you want to about my face, I don't care. I'm too busy running fingers through your mama's hair
29-02-2024 10:33

i would like to thank each and everyone one of yous that to has take the time to pay your respect to my dad on this post, ive not played this game for a long time and it was myself that got him playing syrnia. i know he would have loved this memorial on his behalf. probibly a sarcastic comment or 2 would have been flying around. but he would have loved it

from myself and my family i thank yous all for this.

all my love (Bogan)
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Char1

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