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06-03-2019 18:04

WTB/WTS - Want to buy/sell
LTB/LTS - Like to buy/sell
WTT - Want to trade
PC - Price check

afk - away from keyboard
WC - Wrong chat
(W) - Whisper

GP - Gold pieces
XP - Experience Points
HP - Health points
EA - Each
xGP/hp - Amount of gold pieces per health points
xGP/xp - Amount of gold pieces per experience

CL - Combat level
TL - Total level
-TT - Minus time travel
DD - Death Drop

PTO - Penteza teleport orb
KTO - Kanzo Teleport Orb
HTO - Heerchey docks teleport orb
RSO - Rat Summoning Orb
C/HGFSO - Christmas/Halloween group fighting summoning orb
C/HCSO - Christmas/Halloween creature summoning orb
GSG orb - Gold scaled gaman orb

LTB - Locked toolbox
LMC - Locked moldy chest
LAC - Locked Ancient Chest
LSC - Locked Small Chest
LSARC - Locked Sarcophagus
LWE - Locked Wooden eggs
LCP - Locked Christmas Presents

BB - Burning Beach
OLs - Outlands
FOL - Fruit of life (seeds/grown)
SFB - Small Fishing Boat
4lc - 4 leaf clover

Edited on 21-03-2019 18:37
Makhai of The Legion
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
Mr Tiddles
06-03-2019 22:28

You and 5 players are attacking a Roodarus (211) at Castle Rose.
06-03-2019 23:46

BRB - Be right back
TY - Thank you
TYVM - Thank you very much
NVM - Never mind
OMW - On my way
IKR - I know right
ETA - Estimated time of arrival

COT - Cave of trades
TP - Trading post
BM - Battlemage

SH - Stock house

Edited on 06-03-2019 23:57
Burning beach wanted to thank you for providing them a 6871291 heaviest Toolbox.They paid you 100000 gold

Married to fatty ingame

Joined : Friday, October 27, 2007
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