Calliope [TAG] 15-09-2016 06:52

| My heart hurts SO MUCH tonight. Rami... What is Syrnia without you? You, who never knew a stranger and always had not only a kind word but an action to assist any who needed it. Rami, your love story with your husband aussiebeast... How you guys connected, how you guys lived and loved and how you moved across the planet to craft such a beautiful love story and an amazing family. My thoughts, love and prayers are tonight and always with Andrew (aussiebeast) and the D. children. I can't even begin to imagine the depths of your loss and sorrow. I don't even know what to say, other than this: Liz, you are loved and will be so very missed. Andrew, you and Liz's love is amazing and all-enduring, and my thoughts of love, light and healing are with you and your children now and always.
Truly, this is a huge loss for the Syrnia family. Sending my love now and always to the D. family.
-Calli. I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!
[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs? |
Mr. Addy Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic |
Foxy [TAG] 15-09-2016 07:43

| This is really sad news. My heart goes to you Aussie and your family *lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*
2016-09-10 20:16:11 Foxy killed cracker0509
You have married Maarten!
Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32 |
Ayna [-TL-] 15-09-2016 08:05

| Omg I cant believe it this morning :'( Cradle woke me up saying the bad new. Im so sorry to ear it. It makes me realized how long it was than I spoke with her and now I will always miss her
My condoleances aussie ladytabitha[TSoH]: actually--seeing Ayna chat this much is golden XD |
Thor [-TL-] 15-09-2016 08:26

| My sincere condolences, such sad news |
Cruz Nairb [InGen] 15-09-2016 08:48

| Thoughts are with Rami, aussie and their family.
RIP. [3]02:24 undying[InGen]: Wanted: Hercules-esque warrior to carry a forest worth of logs across a douche-infested wasteland.
Joined: 20 February 2008
- Cruz Nairb of [InGen] - |
poley [TLO] 15-09-2016 09:40

| Aussiebeast i am so sorry to hear about rami such a loss my thourghts are with you |
Bex [TLO] 15-09-2016 09:48

| All my love and Strength to Andrew and the kids.
No words can describe the size of Rami's heart, she had a place in it for everyone.
The time I spent with her will always be treasured and the time between calls that lasted hours will be regretted.
To one of my most caring friends, I'll miss you. xxx [3]12:54 fraggelmupp[TLO]: *raises dress over head and runs a victory lap of clan*
You and 0 players are attacking a Young Eagle (5) at Ogre cave entrance 1. |
Borneo [C.] Admin 15-09-2016 10:21

| I am floored. For the first time in recent memory I have no words.
My heartfelt thoughts and prayers. Maranda - The world is a lesser place without you. |
Whiskey [O.G.] 15-09-2016 10:45

| RIP my dear Rami. When I first heard last night, I was in denial. I've been up all night trying to find the words to even begin to describe what a wonderful and incredible person she was; she brought joy to so many people and she certainly brightened up my day when I saw her login.
I will forever miss you and our crazy convos about nothing in particular, one of the greatest and certainly a complete and total privilege to call you a clannie the past 7 years. Always in O.G.'s heart, Mistress Modly.<3 Parent & Doctor Approved.
I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. No problem.
That moment when you realize you should have worn underwear... |
Aglarele [-OLD-] 15-09-2016 10:50

| Damn, just read it on fb. I'm beyond speechless and staring at the screen pondering what to write. All those memories flooding in about old guiding and modding days.
I'm so sorry for your loss aussie Not everything is what it seems to be, so stop judging everything like something it might not even be. |
Evert [C.] 15-09-2016 11:14

| Such sad sad news. Rami was an amazing person with such a huge heart and will be missed by so many.
Prayers and thoughts with Aussie and the family.
RIP Rami I am Evert! |
Sabs [O.G.] 15-09-2016 12:04

| I've started to write this post about ten times, I am truly shocked and saddened by this news and I am really struggling to put into words what a wonderful person Rami was, both on here and in RL.
When I first arrived in Melbourne from overseas Rami and Aussie reached out and let me know they were around if I ever needed them. When I settled here and was pregnant with my son Rami gave me several of her own children's baby items, and then went out and brought my son a whole heap of other things, she said she knew I had no family and few friends over in Australia, and so basically threw me a one woman baby shower, she had the sweetest, kindest heart and I just wish I'd have made more effort to stay in better contact with her the last couple of years.
My heart breaks for her family.
Rest in Peace Liz
xxxxxx [3] 05:18 Stuball[O.G.]: WHERES KANZO CLANHOSE
[3] 05:22 ruboxjr[O.G.]: Kanzo
[3]10:01 Common Sense has left the clan |
Deedar [TAG] 15-09-2016 12:21

| Genuine and sincere condolences aussie. 2/102 The Skeleton king struck at Deedar and did 99 damage., Your TRUE Syrnia resource! |
Outlaw [CFH] 15-09-2016 13:16

| When I first started the game I was shunned and for the most part attempted to be ran off by some of the upity types on her, but not her. We only spoke briefly a handful of times but one thing I do remember is her ,with an O.G. tag if I recall correctly, managed to beg, borrow, steal, or use some of her charm to get my first huge DD back to me for free. She didn't know me, We did not even share the frequent hellos most do in chat, but I will always remember her kindness and one of a kind personality. My deepest condolences to Andrew and the tykes. If there is anything I can do to ease your situation don't hesitate to call on CFH. K.I.A. Ned Kelly[CFH]-thieved the shop and got 86868gp-and got 28920gp-and got 30159gp-and got 22858gp-and got 160177gp-In Tribute to Syrnia's Greatest Thief-Ranked 2nd overall in theft-7m+ xp-My friend and fellow thief, gone not forgotten. |
Lushy [O.G.] 15-09-2016 13:20

| I am guttered ... Rami was a true friend and clannie .... Thoughts and love to Aussie and family ... [3]20:51 mightywhite[O.G.]: *deathspanks lushy*
[3]12:21 lushes added 24 Puranium ore to Port Senyn |
Tess [TAG] 15-09-2016 14:52

| As I said elsewhere, my highest of highs and lowest of lows you were always one of the first to know and speak to me about it. We have known one another a long time now and it was a blessing.
My heart and thoughts are with the family. MadameMasque(87) attacked ShapeShifter, and did 22 damage. ShapeShifter had 80 HP left.
You died attacking ShapeShifter at The Outlands 65.
One day I will conquer! |
Gumby [TSoH] 15-09-2016 15:37

| Love and prayers for your whole family Aussie. I am sorry that you and your family must deal with such tragedy. My heart aches for you.
It is sad to see the many passings of such dear friends and co-players as we see here. I am very happy that my life was blessed by being touched by the brief time I got to share with Rami.
I wish you nothing but love and kindness and strength as you go forward. |
devildog [Cyber] 15-09-2016 15:37

| man, I'm so sorry to hear this aussiebeast, all my and my family's prayers and blessing your way battle tenacity and fury of the U.S. Marines had stunned the Germans. In their official reports they called the Marines "teufel hunden," meaning Devil Dogs, the ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore. |
Ricktimus Prime [O.G.] 15-09-2016 15:45

| What a genuinely good person she was. Aussie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray God give you strength and peace. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we, for no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves. |
Mobbie [O.G.] 15-09-2016 16:57

| So sad. Such a loss for everyone who managed to get to know her. I think I'd find it near impossible to name people who are as genuinely nice as she was.
My condolences to aussie and family. [3]05:22 Sabs[O.G.]: but you actually are brilliant Moobles
[3]14:31 Lenore[O.G.]: mobbie's a winner! |
Yuuko [TLO] 15-09-2016 17:37

| My thoughts are with Aussie and his family Hope you're doing okay bud. TLO Clan's most fantastic amazing woodcutter!
WC: 100 02:07 10th Febuary 2016
Anascan and Proud |
Oddiii [CFH] 15-09-2016 17:45
| My condolences and prayers. |
Mr Coffee [TSoH] 15-09-2016 19:02

| My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your children, AussieB. Such a terrible burden for all of you to bear. We will miss Rami so much. 8th Member of the 1000 TL club * 5th Member of the 1200 TL club * 7th Member of the 1300 TL club
[5] 20:50 (Mod)Moderator: ^what Prometheus said
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life! |
Arioch [Corps] 15-09-2016 20:33

Beastie,my friend, RAMI was so beyond awesome. I am so very sorry my friend. You guys stuck by me in this game even through my bad times. I still freaked out and shocked. You need anything my friend Ill try my best to help.
Love ya man.
Edited on 15-09-2016 20:38 Chuck Norris killed schrodinger's cat.
[1] 15:07 Shinobi[-TL-]: Well aren't you just the spawn of Stan >.> |
Vonstuker [~FoS~] 15-09-2016 23:45

| Thoughts and prayers Aussie, be strong my friend. [W] 17:08 (Admin)M2H: I don't love you Vonny. It's not's me..
2015-12-22 01:31:08 Vonstuker(143) attacked Brom, and did 68 damage. Brom had 0 HP left. |