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21-04-2013 20:23

The Lost Caves and Arch Caves 5

It appears that there are still a lot of unknown’s regarding Syrnia’s two newest areas. Back in November 2012 when these areas first came into the game, there was a huge amount of questions being asked about these places by players who couldn't quite get there yet or didn't want to take a gamble on exploring the regions themselves. However the players who led the charge into the caves were reluctant to give out all the answers and information, particularly regarding Arch Caves 5, for fear of “spoiling” the fun for those who wished to take on the unknown risks presented by the Caves.

It’s now been roughly 6 months and those who wanted to find out and explore the Caves have had ample opportunity to do so. Therefore I decided to write this guide/walk-through for the players yet to gain this knowledge. Hopefully it will be useful for future Cave users and a curiosity satisfier for those who never intend to venture quite so deep, but just like to know.

The Lost Caves

The connecting tunnel between Arch Caves 4.5 and Arch Caves 5.1 comprises of The Lost Caves. There are 10 Lost Caves in total and they were introduced to the game during Syrnia’s largest ever group event. Many players worked together and used their various game skills to construct each Cave sequentially; as the quest developed and progressed into subsequent stages, the amount of effort needed to complete that Cave increased, until finally Lost Caves 10 was created and the event came to an end.

The end of this event activated a new solo quest called “Accessing Arch. caves 5” and as a bonus for their efforts the amount of time each player had put into helping construct the Lost Caves during the event would count towards the solo quest; allowing them to complete the quest more quickly! As the name suggests, this quest grants player permission to access the Arch Caves 5 area upon completion.

The Lost Caves are accessed via Arch Caves 4.5; you can only travel this path at certain times each day, when the lava flow cools down and solidifies so that it can be walked on. These times are 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00, where the path stays open for just 1 hour. Once inside the Lost Caves, it is possible to leave at anytime back through to Arch Caves 4.5 or you can travel deeper into the cave system towards Arch Caves 5. The map is very easy to navigate; if you click the top half then you will move deeper into the caves and if you click the bottom half you will move back towards Arch Caves 4.

At each location within the Lost Caves you will be automatically attacked by either a Platina Scaled Gaman (CL79) or a Syriet Scaled Gaman (CL92) upon arrival.

There are no regular working spots found in these caves, they simply act as a travel route. At Lost Caves 10 an additional travel link is available (if you have completed the previously mentioned quest) that lets you travel to Arch Caves 5.1; the starting point of the Arch Caves 5 system.

Quest - Accessing Arch. Caves 5

The location of this quest lies at Lost Caves 10. You are required to perform 8,000 actions of a 45 second timer in either Construction or Mining; 100 hours of work in total. If you participated in the group event on Heerchey Island then this quest reduces to just 5,000 actions and is reduced even further by the number of actions you performed during the event. In order to do this quest you will need to have a Torch equipped at all times and depending on whether you choose to mine or construct, a pickaxe or hammer of any type. The timer is fixed at 45 seconds so the usual work time reductions tools give is irrelevant here.

Arch Caves 5

Similarly to the Lost Caves, you will be automatically attacked upon arrival at all locations in this cave system. The auto attack creatures are the same as that found in Lost Caves with the addition of Obsidian Scaled Gamans (105).

There are a total of 13 locations within Arch Caves 5 but this can be split up into 4 distinct areas or activities; Ore Mining, Ore Smelting, Strange Chest Opening and Dragon Slaying.

With the exception of Ore Smelting, these are all “Spawn” dependent activities. This is the same system that is employed in both Arch Caves 2 and Arch Caves 4; in fact all 3 cave systems are linked via the spawning system, so for instance if a Dino spawns in Arch Caves 4, that would also trigger the spawns to occur in both Arch 2 and 5, if the spawning areas were clear at the spawning time. ‘Clear’ means that either an ore spot has no ores present or a Dragon has been killed and therefore not occupying a potential spawn location.

Spawning times are fixed and they have the potential to occur up to 4 times every hour at ‘xx:01’, ‘xx:16’, ‘xx:31’ and ‘xx:46’. If all spawning areas are cleared at spawning time it does not necessarily mean a spawn will happen, this is still down to ‘random’ chance. If however all spawn areas are cleared and at a spawning time a spawn gets activated, then this would trigger all spawns to occur in all caves.

Permutations exist within this though, so for example if a Dragon had not been killed but an ore spawn location was clear, then the ores would still have the potential to spawn at a spawning time and vice versa!

Ore Smelting

The smelting spot lies at the deepest part of the cave system at location 5.13; this is a level 70+ working area that allows Platina, Syriet, Obsidian and Puranium bar smelting. The location text informs you that the lowest temperature here is equal to the highest temperature at Arch Caves 4.7. This means that being able to smelt Platina and Syriet bars is a permanent fixture here! But Obsidian and Puranium bar smelting can only be achieved at certain times of the week!

The Obsidian and Puranium smelting schedule is as follows;
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday – Closed
Wednesday and Saturday – Open

The required smithing level, bar formulas and the experience gained for Platina, Syriet and Obsidian bar smelting remains the same as any other smelting location in the game.

Puranium Bars
Smithing Level = 120
Formula = 1 Puranium Ore, 5 Obsidian Ores and 10 Silver Ores.
Experience Gained = 7500

Ore Mining

There are two level 70+ spawn mining locations within Arch Caves 5 that allow the gathering of Platina, Syriet, Obsidian and Puranium ores. These are situated at 5.3 and 5.4. Unlike the two mining spots in Arch Caves 4, these spawn mines act independently of one another and therefore ores can be present at both 5.3 and 5.4 at the same time. Consequently at spawning time if both mining spots are clear they equally have the potential to spawn ores and on rare occasions a double ore spawn can occur. Likewise if 5.3 has an ore spawn present but 5.4 is clear at spawning time, 5.4 is still able to spawn ores and vice versa!

The other major difference with these mining spots is that each time ores spawn a small gaman invasion also spawns alongside it. These gaman invasions protect the ore from being mined and so the invading gamans must first be killed before any miners can begin to mine the ores at the location! Any player can kill these invasions, you do not need to have the level to mine the ores they protect and likewise to mine the ores once the invasion has been killed, you don’t need to have fought in the invasion.

Ore spawns are always protected by gamans that are 1 metal type below them i.e. Gold Scaled Gaman’s protect Platina ores whilst Obsidian Scaled Gaman’s protect Puranium ores. The size of each gaman invasion is random and the higher the level of ore the smaller the gaman invasion protecting them will be; this is due to the higher combat level and therefore difficulty those creatures represent. For example Puranium ores are protected by an invasion force of between 5-10 gamans, but Platina ores can be guarded by up to 20 gamans. As with any other invasion a 25% exp bonus is applied to any gamans killed as part of the spawn.

Once the invasion has been killed a new link will immediately be available in the town screen that enables you to begin mining and informs you how many ores are present i.e. Mine Syriet ore [3 left]. Ores are distributed to miners on a “first come first served” basis and so whoever is the quickest to click the mining link and begin the timer will receive the ore. Any subsequent ores mined after the initial clicking frenzy is dependent on the miner’s level and who can finish their timer first and move onto another ore!

Ores spawn in the following amounts;

Puranium 2 - 3
Obsidian 2 - 4
Syriet 3 - 6
Platina 15 - 30

The required mining level, timers and the experience gained for Platina, Syriet and Obsidian ores is equal to that found in the Outlands mines. There is also a random chance of finding a gem whilst mining.

Puranium Ores
Mining Level = 120
Experience Gained = 5000
Timer at level 120 = 770 (Puranium Pickaxe) 800 (Obsidian Pickaxe)

Dragon Slaying

Arch Caves 5 is the home of the Dragons! These beasts are large group fighting creatures like the Dino’s found in Arch Caves 4. Comparably however the Dragons make the Dino’s look like cute little Gnomes! Only 1 Dragon exists at any given time and they can spawn at any location within Arch Caves 5 with the few exceptions of 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4.

There are 3 types of Dragon; namely the Platina Flame Dragon (286), Syriet Flame Dragon (356) and Obsidian Flame Dragon (426). Each round of fighting is 30 seconds long and a Dragon will always drop an item to the player who lands the final killing blow during the fight. If you fight a Dragon solo then the Dragon will hit you back every round, but if you fight the Dragon with at least one other fighter then there is a chance that the Dragon will not hit you and sometimes not hit any fighter in a fight round. The combat experience gained for killing the Dragon is split equally between all fighters involved.

Information about how to kill a Dragon can be found at several locations within Arch Caves 5 in the town screen descriptions. There are also two quests available to complete which guide you through the history of the original Arch Caves 5 discoverers and they part the knowledge they have gathered about Dragons onto you, so that you are equipped to deal with them should the need arise! It’s worth noting at this point, that you do not need to complete the quests in order to be able to see and/or fight Dragons.

So how do you kill a dragon? It’s actually quite straightforward! The Dragon’s flames are very strong and can deliver very high amounts of damage and break armour effortlessly. But the effects of these flamed attacks are greatly weakened by equipping armour that matches the Dragons own. Along with lower damage it also prevents them from being able to destroy your armour and weapon. After all, the Dragon needs to be defended against its own attacks! Therefore if you fight a Platina Flame Dragon you will need to equip Platina armour in all available slots along with a Platina weapon. The use of any other type of weapons or armour, lower or higher in level than Platina, will simply cause a damage multiplier to take effect and the Dragon’s attacks will become much stronger, in addition to breaking the weapon and armour pieces. The exception to this rule is Dragon Armour.

Dragon Armour

This is a special type of armour that requires defence level 115 to equip. It is obtained by trading gold pieces and resources dropped by the Dragons to Waleak and Alidiana at their camp situated at 5.9. This camp is actually a hidden location and access is only given to those who have completed the “Killing the dragons” quest and therefore deemed worthy of the precious armours they produce.

Each piece of Dragon Armour is fashioned from the scales and hides of all 3 Dragon types and as a result becomes resistant to Platina, Syriet and Obsidian Flames during combat, allowing you to equip it to fight any Dragon. Due to this armour’s ‘special powers’ you cannot upgrade its durability using Spider Silk.

This however is not the only bonus that Dragon Armour gives to its wearer! Each piece gives a defence experience bonus of 1.5% of any combat exp gained whilst it is equipped. Equipping the full suit gives a further 1% bonus for a maximum of 10%. For example if you had the full suit equipped whilst gaining 100k attack experience you would also pick up 10k defence experience.

The table below gives an overview of each Dragon Armour piece and the resources needed to produce it.

Item Armour Value Gold Pieces Dragon Scale Dragon Hide Platina Scale Platina Hide Syriet Scale Syriet Hide Obsidian Scale Obsidian Hide
Dragon Boots 25 5,000 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Dragon Gauntlets 25 5,000 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Dragon Helm 40 7,500 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
Dragon Shield 55 7,500 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
Dragon Legs 50 10,000 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 1
Dragon Plate 70 15,000 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 1
Full Suit 265 50,000 18 18 18 18 12 12 6 6

Strange Chest Opening

A Strange Chest may spawn at all locations within Arch Caves 5 with the exception of the two mining spots, 5.3 and 5.4. They are the same combination chests that are found in Arch Caves 2, Arch Caves 4 and game events. You can guess a combination every 20 seconds and the first player to guess the correct combination receives its contents; 1 Locked Moldy Chest, 1 Locked Ancient Chest or 1 Locked Sarcophagus. For every failed attempt you also receive 4 thieving exp.

There are a maximum of 4 Strange Chests at any given time and these are split randomly between Arch Caves 2, 4 and 5. Due to Arch Caves 5 having 11 spawning spots available, you will find that they appear quite frequently!

Quest 1 – Protecting the Camp

This quest is activated by clicking a link at 5.9 and is a 3 stage process. Your first task is to provide the camp with a Torch. Do not equip the torch when trying to progress at this stage, leave it in your inventory or it wont be recognised! The second stage requires you to slay 50 Platina Gamans and the final stage requires you to slay 50 Syriet Gamans. The gamans you kill can either be the auto attacks you fight whilst walking around or the invasion gamans that protect the ores, both count towards the quest totals. The reward for completing this quest is information about how to kill a Dragon.

Quest 2 – Killing the Dragons

Once you have completed “Protecting the Camp” a new link is made available to you at 5.9 which is the trigger to begin this second quest. Again there are 3 stages to complete the quest, but this time instead of killing gamans you’ll need to kill Dragons!

Stage 1: Kill 1 Platina Flame Dragon
Stage 2: Kill 1 Syriet Flame Dragon
Stage 3: Kill 1 Obsidian Flame Dragon

For the ‘Kill’ to count towards the quest, you need to be the person who gets the final blow during the fight with the Dragon; simply participating in the fight wont be enough to claim a kill.

Your reward upon the completion of this quest is access to Waleak and Alidiana's Camp situated at Arch 5.9, where you will then have the ability to trade gold pieces and Dragon dropped resources in exchange for Dragon Armour crafted at the site.

Creature Information


Gold Scaled Gaman - CL 66 HP
Auto Attack Exp - N/A
Invasion Spawn Exp - 180
Drops - Gold chainmail, Gold bar, Gold ore, Gold short sword.

Platina Scaled Gaman - CL 79 HP 75
Auto Attack Exp - 179
Invasion Spawn Exp - 224
Drops - Platina chainmail, Platina bar, Platina ore, Platina short sword, Spar, Quartz, Gamanite.
Maximum Known Hit - 44 (C4LVIN 26.04.16)

Syriet Scaled Gaman - CL 92 HP 87
Auto Attack Exp - 215
Invasion Spawn Exp - 269
Drops - Syriet chainmail, Syriet bar, Syriet ore, Syriet short sword, Spar, Gamanite.
Maximum Known Hit - 51 (C4LVIN 27.03.16)

Obsidian Scaled Gaman - CL 105 HP 99
Auto Attack Exp - 255
Invasion Spawn Exp - 319
Drops - Obsidian chainmail, Obsidian bar, Obsidian ore, Obsidian short sword, Spar, Gamanite.
Maximum Known Hit - 52 (Jeffreyj 07.07.2013 & AtomicPunk 4.1.2014)


Platina Flame Dragon – CL 286 HP 751
Exp – 4052 (1013 in attack, defence, strength and health)
Drops - Dragon scale, Dragon hide, Platina dragon scale, Platina dragon hide, Platina dragon meat (30, 40 or 50) - 18HP.
Maximum Known Hit - 97

Syriet Flame Dragon - CL 356 HP 1000
Exp – 7980 (1995 in attack, defence, strength and health)
Drops - Dragon scale, Dragon hide, Syriet dragon scale, Syriet dragon hide, Syriet dragon meat (30, 40 or 50)- 21HP, Ruby.
Maximum Known Hit - 101

Obsidian Flame Dragon – CL 426 HP 1250
Exp – 11980 (2995 in attack, defence, strength and health)
Drops - 2 Dragon scale, 2 Dragon hide, Obsidian dragon scale, Obsidian dragon hide, Obsidian dragon meat (30, 40 or 50) - 25HP, Ruby.
Maximum Known Hit - 95

*Where the "Maximum Known Hits" are concerned the creatures may well be able to hit higher than this. The figures shown here have been gathered from personal experience and shared information from other experienced Arch Caves 5 users. This is still a relatively new area and so 'True' maximums might not have been seen yet. Also in terms of the Dragon maximums, it assumes that you are wearing the correct armour and weapon*

Additional Infomation & Advice

Arch Caves 5 can demand a lot of attention, particularly for those who do not possess either Mining or Smithing level 70+. Without the "AFK" respite that these activities provide a player it can become a very draining place.

Even players who do possess these skills must appreciate that there will be regular occasions where spawns simply do not occur. It is not uncommon to go several hours without a spawn to work on. For Smithers this is less of a problem, but you do need to traverse the whole cave system in order to check for new spawns from the smelting location.

It may well be the case that you simply need to "suck it up" and wait out the dry spells, but there are a few ways to create some AFK time for yourself. The use of Locked Chests and lower level Invasion Orbs which you can use whenever you cannot afford to give the Caves your attention. Lock picking chests are the preferred option though because an Invasion Orb would block a potential spawn location!

That's the whole of the Lost Caves and Arch Caves 5 explained in a rather large nutshell! As long as this post stays active in the forums I will happily update it with any new or updated information as the game progresses. If players get hit harder than what is stated here please let me know, though I would prefer a screenshot to confirm it.

Edited on 20-05-2016 23:05
Home of lost causes, forsaken beliefs, unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!

~ Mining ~
55 - 17 February '08
70 - 9 June '08
85 - 8 May '09
100 - 9 July '10
120 - 17 March '13
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
21-04-2013 20:36

Absolutely awesome Nate ty so much. This is EXACTLY what I was hoping TLgrounds would do, the info on Gaman Invasions/Spawns is perfect and incredibly helpfull to someone like myself.

Kudos to ya mate

21-04-2013 20:42

Nice job!! I'll be looking for this when I finally get my lazy butt out there XD
Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you are by far the Charlie Browniest.
Angelo the Mage
21-04-2013 20:50

great info, I read it all
unfortunately, now I see that I will probably never go to AC5 because it's too complicated and I'll need a lot higher combat lvl
Check my smithing service:
Forum -> Market -> Angelo's Office (smithing service)

Also check my smithing museum (loads of unique +dura items) at Castle Rose.
21-04-2013 21:05

thanks so much Nate!

I am currently working on the 8k actions - first time i got here I forgot the torch!

This is a well written, very useful post. I look forward to seeing you in Arch 5!
ADD meets insomnia.
21-04-2013 21:26

This inspired me to work on combat. Here I come ac5! (ha) Awesome info though, a very impressive update to the game now that I see it all.
I like to cover up the 100s and 10s column of my timer with the forum page, this way it looks like I cook a swordfish every 10 seconds!

Proud Leader of []BoS[]- Best clan out there!
21-04-2013 21:45

can you put this on dvd?
21-04-2013 21:47

A cautionary tale:

Once while walking in Arch 5, I let my attention lapse.

You have killed 971384 monsters/creatures,
You have been killed 1 times by a monster/creature,

I was wearing full syriet armor, using an obsidian axe, and I had 104 hp fully filled when I moved from 5.4. to 5.2 (one travel) and let my attention wander.

nb. this is a single gaman, not a dragon and not a 'fight all' .

Pack a big lunch.
No horses were harmed making this avatar.
21-04-2013 21:48

im sure I can arrange that for you for Christmas
Home of lost causes, forsaken beliefs, unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!

~ Mining ~
55 - 17 February '08
70 - 9 June '08
85 - 8 May '09
100 - 9 July '10
120 - 17 March '13
21-04-2013 23:52

awesome job nate
5] 02:25 willie[~HaJ~]: I heard it's easier to get locked items from deep in the Arch Caves than it is by digging, is that true?

[5] 02:25 Twitxhy[~L~]: Maybe if you're pedro
21-04-2013 23:53

Amazing post Nate Kudos to you my friend.
your Straight Edge Syrnian

Clean Living Straight Talking

~X~ Rated since 05/10/2011
22-04-2013 03:07

Muchly appreciated Nate, I am currently striving to get my noob levels up to a point where I can try for a few ores down there, and this will help a LOT!

Hopefully the folks like you, who can play down there will continue to add any more information

Proud member of [Choob]

Hotdog killed you at Desert arena 3 :-D

Thorntree got 1 Waranerus spike!
Thorntree got 1 Stemosaurus tail spike!
22-04-2013 07:11

Very nice.
One question though, can your tool break while you do the lost caves quest? I know they didn't when you did the Heerchey one.
You merely adopted the lag, I was born with it!

22-04-2013 10:40

I don't believe that they do jack, but I wouldn't advise just taking a single tool anyway just incase..I mean accidentally equipping it in an auto attack and breaking it would ruin your trip etc lol. Either way I would use bronze tools to do the job.
Home of lost causes, forsaken beliefs, unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!

~ Mining ~
55 - 17 February '08
70 - 9 June '08
85 - 8 May '09
100 - 9 July '10
120 - 17 March '13
23-04-2013 14:54

Thanks for taking the time to write this information. I, for one, was quite curious about the area and your comprehensive (and well-written) description provided everything I wanted to know.
Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion.

My felicitations upon this historical happenstance. I bring you the gift of bodily salivas.
23-04-2013 17:30

Great post, very concise information.

You wrote 'Unlike the two mining spots in Arch Caves 4, these spawn mines act independently of one another and therefore ores can be present at both 5.3 and 5.4 at the same time.'- I must admit, I've never seen ores at both mining spots simultaneously in AC4 either, it's usually ores in one spot and a dino at another, unless that's changed?
My superiority complex is waaay better than your's.

'I may be going to hell in a bucket babe, but at least I'm enjoying the ride' ~Grateful Dead
23-04-2013 18:02

Nope in arch caves 4 you can either get ore at 4.5 or 4.4, you can't get them at both spots at the same time. The dino can spawn at any location though, whether it has ores present or not.
Home of lost causes, forsaken beliefs, unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!

~ Mining ~
55 - 17 February '08
70 - 9 June '08
85 - 8 May '09
100 - 9 July '10
120 - 17 March '13
23-04-2013 19:11

as I thought then, perhaps you should change 'unlike' to 'like'. well done again
My superiority complex is waaay better than your's.

'I may be going to hell in a bucket babe, but at least I'm enjoying the ride' ~Grateful Dead
23-04-2013 20:05

They are "unlike" the mines in arch 4
Home of lost causes, forsaken beliefs, unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!

~ Mining ~
55 - 17 February '08
70 - 9 June '08
85 - 8 May '09
100 - 9 July '10
120 - 17 March '13
Ricktimus Prime
23-04-2013 21:39

Well done Nate.
God kills indiscriminately and so shall we, for no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves.
24-04-2013 00:56

Lol, apologies, I completely misread that. I need glasses and brain tonic.
My superiority complex is waaay better than your's.

'I may be going to hell in a bucket babe, but at least I'm enjoying the ride' ~Grateful Dead
Ricktimus Prime
17-10-2013 22:55

You have completed the "Slay the dragons" quest!

Before you arrived we didn't think we were going to survive! Most of our warriors died soon after we arrived. Even their best armour wouldn't hold up against some of the dragons. We learned too late that the flame of each dragon was weak against armour of the same colour.

By then only Eillyassa was alive to protect us. Fortunately we still had several sets of platina, syriet and obsidian armour for her. With each dragon she was constantly changing armour, she had a few close calls. We had to do something, so we started researching the scales and hides from the dragons she had killed.

Discovering that their scales and hides offered protection the new armour was born, Eillyassa bravely fought her first dragon wearing it. No longer having to change gear we were able to create this camp and survive until you came.

For aiding us in our survival, we place ourselves at your service...for a price, of course.Bring us materials and we can create special dragon armour for you...

Exchange 5000 gold, 2 Dragon hide, 2 Dragon scale, 2 Platina dragon hide, 2 Platina dragon scale, 1 Syriet dragon hide, 1 Syriet dragon scale, 1 Obsidian dragon hide, 1 Obsidian dragon scale for a Dragon boots

Exchange 5000 gold, 2 Dragon hide, 2 Dragon scale, 2 Platina dragon hide, 2 Platina dragon scale, 1 Syriet dragon hide, 1 Syriet dragon scale, 1 Obsidian dragon hide, 1 Obsidian dragon scale for a Dragon gauntlets

Exchange 7500 gold, 3 Dragon hide, 3 Dragon scale, 3 Platina dragon hide, 3 Platina dragon scale, 2 Syriet dragon hide, 2 Syriet dragon scale, 1 Obsidian dragon hide, 1 Obsidian dragon scale for a Dragon helm

Exchange 7500 gold, 3 Dragon hide, 3 Dragon scale, 3 Platina dragon hide, 3 Platina dragon scale, 2 Syriet dragon hide, 2 Syriet dragon scale, 1 Obsidian dragon hide, 1 Obsidian dragon scale for a Dragon shield

Exchange 10000 gold, 4 Dragon hide, 4 Dragon scale, 4 Platina dragon hide, 4 Platina dragon scale, 3 Syriet dragon hide, 3 Syriet dragon scale, 1 Obsidian dragon hide, 1 Obsidian dragon scale for a Dragon legs

Exchange 15000 gold, 4 Dragon hide, 4 Dragon scale, 4 Platina dragon hide, 4 Platina dragon scale, 3 Syriet dragon hide, 3 Syriet dragon scale, 1 Obsidian dragon hide, 1 Obsidian dragon scale for a Dragon plate

A screen shot of this. http://tinyurl.com/q7dw8hy
God kills indiscriminately and so shall we, for no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves.
29-12-2013 08:02

Two questions nate!!

does the 8k actions all have to be construction or mining?

and do you receive xp for these actions? ( if so how much per action? )
Congratulations! You've gained a thieving level (40)

You opened your Sarcophagus...It contained 4 Plum seeds!

While fishing, you found a rare Lapis gem!
04-01-2014 09:27

The Obsidian scaled gaman struck at you and did 52 damage.
Question everything?

You have been caught thieving Lag!
You are sent to jail for 735 seconds.

Still miss you Maranda ..
04-01-2014 13:38

This is a great read. Great work Nate!


Edited on 04-01-2014 13:38
Why would I shoot a bloke BANG, then carry him to the bloody car and wizz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place.
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Forum -> Help -> Inside the Caves - Lost Caves and Arch Caves 5

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