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Forum -> Off-Topic -> Country List

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16-09-2009 20:22

Hello all, because of the name change and very much inactive members I decided to make a new one. After talking to the Mod team and getting their "yes" I will now ask every one, who wants it so, to post their country they living in and I will update it all the time.

After posting your country and seeing your name on my original post,please remove your thread by deleting it. If you forget about it I will contact you via message to do so.

Thank you.

EDIT: 1 more thing, Don't tell me your from UK, just the countries like England, Wales, Northern Ireland.

EDIT 2: I will not add people to the list that aren't posted here. So if some one else posted them, I will not add those. Maybe the player don't want to let others know where he/she is from.
I did add some people so, and I am sorry for that. Will not do that any more.

The Land of Mod

1. Borneo


1. The Dark One

Bethesda, Softworks

1. Vermin


1. djmix666
2. Shampalwe


1. Hydronum
2. Newy
3. OLdemon
4. Zyzz
5. lushes
6. montimus
7. Son Of Hassirar
8. freelancer660
9. undecided
10. Fingers
11. Turky428
12. OutlandOverLord
13. Cruz Nairb
14. Redcap
15. Lord Loki
16. Enforcer
17. Fez
18. yandiman1
19. ashdeft
20. Candy_Lover
21. Ned Kelly
22. luck12
23. undecided
24. Anecdote
25. ctaylorboy69
26. enigma
27. iFrozen
28. Zii
29. aussiegamer
30. Spidy
31. Dots
32. craftmeister
33. Ascotvale
34. goblinz
35. zared
36. Tonik
37. pook1e
38. Freeballin99
39. CrazyChick09
40. Miss Bubbles


1. ahnaf


1. Pandike
2. Omirta
3. Tora
4. Freakyzeaky
5. Thorduh
6. Disturbed
7. black dragon
8. Glenn


1. cacau11cau11
2. danielribeiro27
3. Angel Weapon


1. shannon
2. kazz
3. radimon101
4. evilbuttercup
5. Lamb
6. Redwingz
7. Zebby
8. Skills
9. theking
10. lancinate
11. thieve888
12. Ganeswoort
13. Nemo
14. Naphta
15. walker45er
16. Gaillardia
17. Greensky
18. Grape
19. puff_dogg_990
20. Lady Rhiannon
21. ch24
22. Dizzy
23. Shwaig
24. kagiscon
25. Le Quebecois
26. LordCurseuall
27. Rain
28. whelpers
29. Loki82
30. Nanhun
31. Sobersobs
32. Ivy
33. Hide on Bush
34. oliver_queen
35. Subvene
36. Angelblue
37. ShadowBlade


1. Mamado


1. Exorcist
2. Heimdall
3. starky00
4. Osvajac
5. DukeDomo
6. vukso


1. metalhead666
2. data


1. jeandk
2. Zandramas
3. Nightmare4k


1. Pharaoh
2. The Puppeteer
3. ABy


1. moi
2. A Thief
3. Andi
4. Kat
5. brady4413
6. Star Flame
7. King Albatross
8. chimpanz6
9. Deedar
10. Thorntree
11. thorn
12. woodworker
13. Lord Of Fire
14. warlocks
15. HiGGiNS
16. Cosmo
17. Mr Mystery
18. Makeshift
19. uknomad
20. FreshAsh
21. Jordon
22. a_f_c
23. Walker
24. afkatcorp
25. Drexl
26. Gazz
27. MoneyMayhem
28. Karisade
29. ICE
30. HenryCrun
31. Become
32. MorganC
33. Solunar
34. frankie
35. Treize
36. Khaos On Demand
37. Murdoc
38. ShadowMelik
39. SniperLord
40. Subman
41. qwertyuiop
42. Dark Avenger
43. Zornaph
44. Keltigern
45. Demon Warrior
46. vanerhost
47. Morgana
48. Finnbogg
49. AssassinJase
50. kitz2112
51. Kit fisto
52. monsterslayer
53. Infinity
54. spArky
55. Sufiyan
56. darkchakra1997
57. RnB PredatoR
58. alextracey1
59. SirBatfink
60. Absol
61. GypsieKing
62. Gazz1617
63. Liu Bei
64. Murphy
65. Genie
66. AshConall


1. Grix
2. GReddy X
3. evil killer
4. markuska9
5. tarmo16
6. Morian
7. Saint
8. LaurenciusX


1. juhku87
2. Vilma
3. toumi
4. Masque
5. Kyouji
6. Testament
7. Avalanche
8. Maradoona


1. heart broken
2. My little Martian
3. Nephilime


1. Cloud
2. Grapefruit
3. tobs
4. LordBlood
5. Bummie
6. ageverifier
7. Azbekkiem
8. Siska
9. Thiel
10. JayjAYkiller77
11. luther88
12. Metzel


1. Ulagrand


1. bifelis


1. vipul1997
2. barun511 arvindr
3. Rajnish5622


1. edwin_dwianto


1. Alikhas


1. Lemon
2. ReDzAr
3. Muser
4. dyla123
5. Poppins
6. Paddy
7. Chazo
8. Murdoc
9. Smellyfoot
10. Bean


1. raistlin


1. Thunder
2. Merdus
3. rococco


1. Mizuki


1. thebest4eva


1. juksins


1. koconata
2. RPGamer


1. Gomu
2. teohweichin
3. chaz
4. Young Modulus
5. superman444


1 Xiro


1. 0Giovanni0


1. Merari
2. DeSoRDoR
3. Cradle
4. blurkies
5. Murten
6. TempestMare
7. nirvanaishdude
8. Ignis Mundi
9. CaptainSlow
10. Number1
11. zoefmaister
12. stickman10
13. pauliiieee
14. Xartas

New Zealand

1. Spartaness
2. Nosrac
3. lilryan19
4. stinkyjoe
5. Kurosaki Ichigo
6. Benjamin
7. st0n3s0ur
8. Andy
9. Demon Zito


1. shamu

Northern Ireland

1. Nuthouse

North Korea

1. alan5234


1. Ravenzz
2. Tintin VS China
3. Barabil
4. markene2
5. Mr Smith
6. Corruption




1. Darkninja
2. Pilipinas
3. Crevage
4. Miami
5. Tinay
6. Jessa
7. Cub


1. Greyscale
2. Eleana
3. Drummer
4. Robroy


1. stryder
2. Jolitoraxable


1. Aragon
2. KoJack
3. GerulaD
4. Emanuel
5. crapu_2006
6. Luc1f3r
7. DAcs
8. caracostea
9. Vaduva
10. AnCh
11. mototey
12. Armadyl
13. John
14. Unknown_Noob

Russian Federation

1. demitryon


1. High King
2. Dragons Wrath
3. Tort
4. Troll
5. Fruitbat
6. Lonestar
7. darkgenisis


1. raveholtxp
2. Descendz
3. PlainSimple


1. Angelo the Mage
2. Batar


1. tobiasm9998

South Africa

1. RoadWarrior
2. Skilgannon
3. Danyal
4. MonkeyD
5. Lodes
6. JoWickerman
7. JackGrimm

South Korea

1. LeapOnOver


1. fraggelmupp
2. plupp92
3. nairobie
4. Carina


1. Freddiedie1


1. ankit


1. mctiger

United States of America

1. ohfudge
2. LadyHawk
3. Lipizzan
4. Carbon
5. rockwell
6. Foxy
7. Fatboyzcaraudio
8. Freya
9. Sweet_Thing
10. Charest
11. guardian
12. desti
13. jjmoneybags
14. Vampyre
15. FatHeadRules
16. fat heart
17. charlesc83
18. LuckySneakr
19. thrasherschic
20. Mayhem
21. monkeyprinceboy
22. SweetKitty
23. Wiilover11
24. nellie911
25. Sasha Mkai
26. C B
27. Wasted
28. greencoconut
29. PeZ
30. GameHunter
31. DarthBlood
32. Dark Lord Resck
33. Mr Tiddles
34. Syphon
35. zaliba
36. devildog
37. DamageGoods
38. Lord Poot
39. Rukia
40. clydex
41. Pendragon
42. Lipizzan
43. ThaCromeCapone
44. Sakeena
45. Vulcan
46. GreatScottie
47. Cast
48. Mr Tiddles
49. imaskater
50. CombatThief
51. Ddiablos
52. CrazyHorse
53. M S Scott
55. Greed
56. Adnerb
57. Bassman
58. yixer
59. Woodchuck101
60. Pantera
61. Woodmeister
62. Puregentlemen
63. MomaKen
64. Exessum
65. Mrs Martian
66. Bond
67. MoorCat
68. Mr Flat
69. metalhead3
70. TripleX189
71. 22ducky22
72. NightWind
73. portly
74. Blue
75. Ravir
76. EzSilver
77. Burnt Cod
78. a7x
79. Drofbagin
80. angelsheart
81. Sinner
82. YoungBlood
83. Chapowits
84. cc11rocks
85. jackrandom
86. Adamro
87. Voodoo
88. PoLaRpOp
89. Icecubert
90. Taze
91. Appy
92. Ardarel
93. veredek
94. Heartless
95. username big
96. MontanaKimberly
97. KingFish3727
98. Iron Guard24
99. Contact
100. tvolunteer
101. dacheezball
102. siren
103. Twilight
104. tdb22
105. Elh
106. lucky1278
107. Blaidd_Drwg
108. Varience
109. bardok42
110. Talk2Bill
111. hellix
112. Mr Raigar
113. pete
114. Cahja
115. Poobgloob
116. MrZee
117. Okies
118. Abomination
119. Zues123
120. Green
121. Arivae
122. Frowney001
123. burge55
124. MadameMasque
125. Dragosani
126. mightymouse
127. TickleMaster3000
128. Lavish
129. xBrKyTiHux
130. Deccapio
131. Marley
132. Prometheus
133. Gumby
134. Cancun
135. ShapeShifter
136. Hatertot
137. Carpass
138. MontanaDeanna
139. Fire Star
140. tvolunteer
141. Blackout Vision
142. LingLing
143. Calliope
144. Balcarres
145. Budhaman44
146. TheRBC
147. Jirachi
148. Flipper
149. Shadowgate
150. Deimos
151. Smeagol
152. Azra
153. Stuball
154. foozard
155. Damnation
156. Renae


1. Meirz
2. Spiral Architect
3. pedro
4. skellyness
5. NateHarper
6. Sabs
7. Fiery
8. Pirate
9. Rabidmonkey
10. Dark Neroxus
11. brokelad
12. Venom
13. Reina
14. Darkness

Moderator edit:
This Thread will be updated by Game Staff
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
Paul of Tarsus
15-04-2015 00:18


Edited on 15-04-2015 00:20

Moderator edit:
Tarsus, Mersin, ancient and modern city in Turkey
17-02-2019 22:16

South Africa
18-02-2019 14:21

United States of America
"Grown-ups... are a strange breed! Their brains weigh close to three pounds, and that's not three pounds of cheery delight!" -- The Tick
20-02-2019 14:20

United States of America aka 'Murica!
[2]21:09 qqqwwweee[QWE]: QueenOfGirls...are you a girl or a guy?
[2]02:11 Arioch[Core]: thats queenie for you... pk you in a pillow fight

joined: Nov 2, 2007
04-03-2019 17:27

05-03-2019 01:03

Second place is the first looser...
Sergeant Sam
05-03-2019 15:36

A yawn is a silent cry for coffee

when the sun stands low in the sky, even a dwarf will cast a long shadow

Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum.
07-03-2019 01:30

The Netherlands
Wee Woo
07-03-2019 02:39

United States
12-04-2021 00:12

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
Proud Leader of Chaos Reborn [-CR-]

You have married Elbaroda! 9-21-20

First Dino 2/5/21
12-04-2021 00:17

Woodcutting level: 100 (10358898 exp, 367852 for next level)

I am the 7th person to make it to Level 100 Woodcutting.
18-04-2021 12:21

18-04-2021 14:08

Texas is my country.
04-05-2022 03:05

Do not fear death embrace it... So hug me!!!
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