Forum -> Help -> Combat Advice
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Roen [Wild] 10-07-2008 00:00
| Index
IntroHouseFoodEquipmentCheck the ShopsManual UseFighting and LayoutEating and LagFighting All MonstersExtra Combat Info and Auto-BattlesCritical FormulaBreakingEnchantsInvasions, Fame, and PiratesPvP or the OutlandsBattle MageWrapping Up
The index has a list of section titles, in case you are searching for something specific. For those wanting to know about fighting, I will try to give a good idea of how to prepare and get started on fighting, and a few extra details are included here and there. It is not really a guide to fighting, but simply information and advice related to combat for the most part. The following is assuming you have images enabled and drag and drop disabled. If either of those are different, then this advice may be incorrect for you.
The risk of fighting is that you will lose all of your inventory if you die, but you will keep your gold. Unfortunately for you, other people are able to steal your gold, in order to keep it safe you will need a house. Keep in mind, once you start a fight, you can not leave the fight until either you or the enemy is dead, there is no running away. However, if you need to "Pause" your fight to do something, you can log out. If you log out, you should log in fighting the same monster, and both of you should have the same health. Your timer will most likely start at 10 and count down, carrying on the fight like normal.
Also be careful not to get distracted while fighting, because that will almost certainly gurantee your death. If you die, your items will drop to the ground, and any player can pick them up that is at the location you died at. So, as a precaution but not a gurantee, you can have a clannie or friend fighting with you to minimize the risk, but there are normally people waiting for you to die simply so they can take your stuff.
First off, you will want a way to make sure any of your items that are not required for combat are safe. I recommend having a house, or you could have a clannie or trusted friend hold your stuff. If you have someone keep ahold of your stuff, make a list of what you are giving them before you hand it to them, that should help avoid any possible confusion later on. When having someone hold your items, you should keep in mind that there is always a risk of that person not returning your items. If you are going to build a house, the smallest I would recommend is a 500 slot house, requires a hammer to be equipped in order to construct. It can be built at construction level 1, and I think Valera, Sanfew, or Eully would be a good place to put your first house. If you are on other islands or travel to them a lot, Port Senyn might also work for you. You can chop wood at Isri, make sure you equip a hatchet though, and not an axe.
Once you have got your house, make sure you have got enough food to go fighting. Part of fighting is dealing and receiving damage. The only way to heal in the game currently, is to eat food. You can either farm vegetables or cook fish in order to obtain food. Sorer queens also drop raw food, but a new player has no business fighting those (you can buy some if you want). You can use a net at level 1 or rod at level 5, and fish in Lisim. You will need to equip a tinderbox, and cook the fish in Harith though. In order to cook, you will also require wood, and a tinderbox must be equipped. As you level cooking up, you will be able to cook more types of fish and burn fewer. The minimum amount of food I would recommend taking with you to Valera for fighting would be 500 hp worth of healing. That is about 250 shrimps. The more food you have though, the more likely you will be able to stay and fight for longer without stopping.
The last thing, or first if you wanna tackle the tasks in different orders, you will need is the proper equipment. It is easiest to simply buy your equipment, but if you want, you can make a lot of the equipment that is in the game. Your defence level and your attack level will determine what you can wear though. Bronze equipment can be made and it is fairly cheap for most newer players. For the best bronze equipment, I would recommend having a bronze large helm [2 defense], bronze large shield [3], bronze axe [7 aim/5 power], bronze legs [2], bronze hands [1], bronze plate [6], and bronze sabatons [1]. However, you will have to work for this, because they all have level requirements now. When you are just starting out, you should at least try and get bronze sabatons [1], medium helm [1], small shield [1], and hands [1]. I would recommend a bronze long sword [4/4] as your starting weapon, and when you get the attack level possibly move to the valera sword [19/15] if you have it or the bronze axe [7/5] if you do not have the valera sword (note axe and not the hatchet for woodcutting). All of those, except the valera sword, can be smithed if you have the proper smithing level, but you will need copper ore and tin ore to make a bronze bar to smelt with. Some items will require bars and wood to make, but the majority only require bars. Check the manual if you want more details on this.
Check the shops
For nearly any item you can get yourself in the game, there is almost always someone looking to sell that type of item. So, if you have the money to spend, you can buy what you need rather than earn it. Good places to look for items are player shops, the market section in the forums, and trade chat. In order to actually get the item, you will have to pay the gold to shop for it, or "trade" a player directly for your item. Clan mates may give you free items if you are lucky. Also, if you reach trading level 10, you will be able to search shops for keywords/items, this will help you find what you need quicker and be able to compare prices more easily. The search does not allow you to search for enchanted/durable items, but they do show up in the search results.
Manual Use
Now, you should have the necessary requirements to start fighting; extra items stored safely, combat gear, and some food. Before you get started, open the manual page and click on the skill image for cooking or farming, depending on which items you have. If necessary, you can open two pages and switch back and forth as needed. Find the food that you have in the manual and remember how much they heal. Keep the manual open though, because if you forget you will want to be able to quickly check it again.
Fighting and Layout
Now you need to find something to fight. Go to Valera and click on the training grounds. You should start off with the rat, click the appropriate link to start fighting it. Now, you should see several things on your screen that are different than what you are used to. Up on the top and bottom of your screen, you should the food you have with you. Unfortunately, it does not tell you how much hp that food heals, it just shows you an image and how much of that food you have with you, that is where the manual helps. You will see numbers counting down in the middle of your screen, that is your timer for fighting. When the timer reaches 0, the current turn ends with you and the enemy both attempting an attack. A log of your current fight will start to accumulate at the end of a round, to show who has done how much damage as well as any food you have ate. On the left side of the screen, you will see how much hp you currently have out of how much you have total. On the right it shows the enemy's hp. The numbers that appear under your energy as the log starts, is how much damage you have dealt on this turn, the right numbers under the enemy's energy that will show when the log starts, represents your enemy's attack on you. At the top of the screen, you will also have an energy bar right above your food, it displays your current health out of your total, and it has green to signify how much you have while the red color shows the percent of damage you have taken out of your max health. There is also a little drop down box around your health bar and food. This decides which of the four combat skills you wish to train. When fighting, you can only train one skill a time; health, attack, defence, or strength. Use the little drop down menu to specify which of these skills you wish to train, the exp for that skill will be gained once you defeat your enemy. Between your battle log and your food displayed at the top, you should see an option to fight all creatures; I will explain this feature below.
Eating and Lag
When the next turn starts, or when the timer reaches 0 and starts over again, you will see any changes in hp shown in text on the battle screen. It will show how much damage you dealt to the enemy and how much the enemy dealt to you. You should see the effect of food show up as soon as you eat it. Keep an eye on your health and keep it away from 0 by eating. Try not to eat something that heals more hp than you need unless absolutely necessary though, you will end up wasting food otherwise.
In order to eat food, you simply have to click on an image of the food. When you do, wait a second or two and your health should go up. Check where it shows your health to the left or at the top, you should see the change. You can also see your current/total health in your little stats window on the far right of your screen. Also, I strongly advise against clicking multiple times on something just because you do not see it taking effect. The game may have lagged and your command may not have gone through yet, if you wait a few seconds the battle should resume normally and whatever you told the game to do should happen. Lag can be dangerous for you, if the game does not register your command properly and you end up dead. If you know there's lag and you still want to fight, then you should be fighting in an area where you don't have to worry about eating very often.
Fighting all Monsters
Now then, once you have killed the enemy, it will show you how much exp you have gained from it and to what skill you got the exp for. You will also see 3 different options/links to click. You can fight 1 more creature, fight all creatures, or return to town. If you fight 1 more creature, then it will just start another fight like normal. If you tell it to fight all creatures, then it will start another fight. However, this time you should see an option to stop fighting after this monster. At the end of the fight, when the enemy dies, you will see the normal end fight screen that shows exp and everything. However, this time you will see a timer counting down like you are still fighting. When the timer reaches 0, you will automatically start a fight with another monster. Please note though, this is slower than just clicking fight 1 more creature, as you have an extra timer at the end to wait for. You can skip the timer by fighting 1 more creature though, but it cancels the fight all creatures when you give that command. The main use of fighting all is for fighting when you are not near the computer, which I do not recommend when you are first starting off as you will most likely end up dead. However, when you are on the end fight screen, you will have the normal options to fight or return to town. If you click the fight all creatures link again, it will skip the timer and put you in another fight. It will work the same way as the previous fight. You can also click to fight all at the beginning or even the middle of the fight though.
Again, when you get on the main fight screen, you will see the stop fighting after this monster option. If you click on it, then the game will consider the fight as a normal one, and will act like you did not click the fight all monsters link. So, when the battle is over, it will show you the rewards from the fight but there will be no timer counting down.
Extra Combat Info and Auto-battles
Okay, so you should have the basics of fighting down by now hopefully, but there are a few other things to learn about. Breakage, durability and enchantments, invasions, and fame in particular. There are also locations with auto-attacks, meaning once you move and arrive somewhere, you will get attacked by a monster. The monster only appears once per move though, unless the location has enemies and you choose to fight them in a similar way as you do for valera. The enemies will not attack you if you just stand there or work. Valera, however, is one of the very few locations that you can choose the enemy to fight. Most later fighting locations will choose a random enemy from preset group of enemies, for you to fight, auto-fights are like that as well. There are no auto-fights on remer/the first island.
Critical Formula
Critical: In order to determine your max hit or your largest possible critical hit, you can use this formula. (Strength + Power) / 3 = Max Hit There seems to be a slight increase in damage as you level up though, so the formula listed is not entirely accurate.
Unfortunately, in the middle of a fight a piece of equipment can break on you. This will leave you open to more damage, or if your weapon breaks you will be left dealing less damage. For that reason, it is always wise to carry several pieces of each type of equipment you are using. I personally try to carry 5 of all my equipment when going into battle. However, there is something called +Durability which increases the number of times your weapon or equipment can "break", thus extending its life in a way. When a +2 Durability weapon or equipment breaks, it will be changed into a +1 Durability weapon or equipment while remaining equipped. If something without durability breaks, then it is gone and you will have to equip another one from your inventory, provided you have one. If you were fighting all creatures and something breaks, it will force you to stop fighting after you kill the current monster. That allows you to re-equip yourself again and get started with less risk.
Weapons and equipment can also have enchantment; +Power and +Aim are 2 examples. They increase stats for your character making fighting a bit easier. They are able to break as well however, so be careful. Check the magic section in the manual for more details.
Invasions, Fame, and Pirates
One of the interesting features of syrnia is that we have monster invasions, and player initiated invasions. The player initiated ones are called pirate invasions, and they are limited to specific islands. The player invasions are from a specific group referred to as pirates, see ladyraven's thread in the help section "All you need to know about Skull" for further information regarding pirates. Any invasion at your location will prevent you from working or fighting in that particular area, and the only thing you will be able to do is fight whatever invaded or move to a new location. Shops and houses are not accessible at this time either. An example: if rats invade Isri, the people there can no longer woodcut until all the rats are dead. When you kill the invasion enemy, it should give 10% more exp than normal towards your desired combat skill. The game will keep track of how many monsters you have killed in the invasion, and will rank you against other players who took part in the invasion like this. The ranking can be seen in the town homescreen (when you are not working or moving), but only lasts until the next invasion. At the next invasion, the ranking resets to show the results of the newest invasion that has taken place at that location. If you participate in a pirate invasion, and rank in the top 3, you should get fame for it, and possibly gold. If the pirate invasion succeeds though, you will not recieve a reward for participation. Please note, normal invasions may yield gold, but no fame should be awarded unless it is a pirate invasion.
PvP or the OutLands
There is one last thing to be wary of, the Outlands. It is a player versus player area, there are a few quests that will take place here. There is a land that you can get to by travelling through here, but it is an area for higher leveled people called Ogre Caves I believe. There are people waiting to find and kill you in the Outlands, while you travel to Ogre Caves, but once the caves are reached, the other players should not be able to kill you until you venture back into the Outlands.
Battle Mage
There is also battle-mage fights, which "safe" fights are scheduled in, and there are level restrictions for different fights. You can not take any container or locked item in here, and you can not bring in food either. However, I do not believe any items are lost upon death here.
Wrapping Up
I hope this has helped someone, feel free to ask questions, contact me with corrections, or leave any other comments you may have. I would recommend finishing a fight and returning to the town area before you log out, just to be safe. I tried to stick mainly with stuff relating to combat and what would help you to get started in combat, but I may have strayed slightly in some topics. Thanks for taking the time to read; none of this was copy and pasted from anywhere, but actually typed by me, so please do not accuse me of taking credit for other people's work. There may be corrections and such that other players have helped me with though.
Edited on 22-06-2010 00:26 | |
Mr. Addy Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic |
| esnow [T-S-C] 10-07-2008 00:19
| That's a lot of text Combat can't be that complicated! | Veridis [Zen] 10-07-2008 00:23
| I like lists. What's the best weapon and armour at level X? What's the optimal level to train at location Y assuming wearing all the best items? (as well as proof of all opinions)
Also more interestingly which is better, Rose Sword or Ogre club?
Great comprehensive guide for the newbs though
Edited on 10-07-2008 00:24 | Sels [-DRS-] 10-07-2008 00:25
| See how the same subject is broken down on this site and makes for easier reading perhaps?
http://www.dw-hq.com/?guide= Fighting
(www.thelegionbase.com has not yet completed their Combat Guide)
Edited on 10-07-2008 00:30 [1] 21:10 (Mod)Moderator: Were you absent on that life lesson in sarcasm perhaps? | Chazo [-Rei-] 10-07-2008 00:26
| Combat is much easier.. Grab Food, Go somewhere to fight.. Fight.. Kill something, if you need to eat, stuff some Food down your Gob, and kill another if you want
It's another post, just looking to be stickied | Latvian_Knight [^GL^] 10-07-2008 00:27
| I suggest you add some formatting to the text. Maybe having words like "food, house, equipment " in bold helps. Maybe making a numbered sheet would also make it look more clear.
At the moment your post looks like a big load of text and I doubt new players will read it. Maybe you could try shortening the text without losing the information.
It seems you spent some of your time on this, it's a nice effort despite the things I mentioned above
Thumbs up. ^GL^ | TheBeast [RBorn] 10-07-2008 00:28
| Chazo's guide says it all for me The person who has no opinion will seldom be wrong. | Roen [pique] 10-07-2008 00:28
| Is this what you'd tell someone new to fighting or the game though Chazo? I was trying to assume i was talking to someone who had no combat experience yet.
*I'll try to look at it and organize it better to make it less... sloppy.
Edited on 10-07-2008 00:29 | Roen [pique] 10-07-2008 00:47
| Does it look any better now? | Dunmore [Enjoi] 10-07-2008 01:12
| Great Post!!! | goodlife [TGA] 10-07-2008 01:12
| ok..what's the best weapon for me at level 17 attack? CL of 20?
My pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses my understanding....even as the stone of the fruit must break that it's heart may stand in the sun....so must I know pain. | excalibur [Ravan] 10-07-2008 01:14
| 17 attack? I would use a rose crest sword if you can afford it... (Only about 1kish though) | stephenbriant [Cloud] 10-07-2008 01:16
| i personally believe ogre club is better at that level, but other people will think valera sword is aswell as the rose crest sword | Dark Helmet [~DoS~] 10-07-2008 01:21
| I'd vote for Rose Crest Sword only because I have bad experience with Ogre equipment breaking all the time. If you can afford the ogre equipment it's good, but I think the cheaper way out would be the Rose Crest Sword. | Veridis [Zen] 10-07-2008 01:37
| The only difference between them is the one point between Aim and Power.
Different people have different opinions on which of aim or power is the better.
Edited on 10-07-2008 01:38 | BMaxwell [TRIBE] 10-07-2008 02:49
| Aww Cmon, At least he is tryin to help people...
But, ya know I just gotta do it...
"Do you even know how to use that thing?"
"Of course, the pointy end goes in the other man!"
*The Mask of Zorro. Anthony Hopkins speaking to Antonio Banderas when Antonio challenges him to a swordfight. How can I think outside the box, When they wont let me out of it?
BMax - Proud Leader of TRIBE! | MetalHead3 [~DoS~] 10-07-2008 03:04
| *chants* "sticky sticky sticky"
good post
MH3 .:Proud Member of Darklords of Syrnia:.
[1]03:37 (Mod)Moderator: children please!!
[1]04:35 (Mod)Moderator: who stole my cookies :P | Stretchykat [-Rei-] 10-07-2008 03:04
| You put a lot of work into that post, Roen. Well done! I've only died once, but I think I could have saved myself the humiliation if I could have read a post like that. Kudos!
It is 11 p.m., do you know where your pants are?
~Proud Member of Panta Rei [-Rei-]~ | lostwarrior [~Wos~] 10-07-2008 05:55
| ??? u lost me after intro. btw, good post. just like all manuals. they lose me after the first few words | BMaxwell [TRIBE] 22-07-2008 17:28
| As long as the post is actually informative, & actually helps people,... Which I believe this post does,... what is the harm in it being Stickied?? How can I think outside the box, When they wont let me out of it?
BMax - Proud Leader of TRIBE! | rtj45 [C*C] 22-07-2008 17:30
| lol at evertonianmark
AND chazo- good guide
Edited on 22-07-2008 17:32 | BMaxwell [TRIBE] 22-07-2008 17:50
| Did he mention by detail that he wanted this stickied & that was why he contacted the forum mod right at that time? & Again, your excuse holds no bearing as to why this should or shouldnt be stickied.
I think it's a fine bit of work, & Even if he DID purposely contact the mods to try getting it stickied,... it is for the Mods to decide, not you.
& Besides, If he did do what you claim, Maybe he was proud of how good it came out, So what? Who cares? If it helps people, leave him alone about it. How can I think outside the box, When they wont let me out of it?
BMax - Proud Leader of TRIBE! | BMaxwell [TRIBE] 22-07-2008 17:52
| Well, If your thoughts are merely limited to "Who can I jump on & whine about now" ... on a constant basis... Maybe you should try thinking happy thoughts! LOL * Thwaps Novus with a Rubber Chicken!* How can I think outside the box, When they wont let me out of it?
BMax - Proud Leader of TRIBE! | BMaxwell [TRIBE] 22-07-2008 18:01
| Hey! That Bass wasnt rubber!! LOL How can I think outside the box, When they wont let me out of it?
BMax - Proud Leader of TRIBE! | Roen [pique] 22-07-2008 18:05
| If there's something you think i can/should add, just say something. The point was for it to be informative really, and as you can see from the edits, i did go through it a few times. | Pages: 1- 2
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Forum -> Help -> Combat Advice