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Release Notes
10-01-2007 Chat channels

I've add the option to leave/join the current chat channels.
For example; You can now decide to leave the trade channel if you're not interested in trades at the moment.
You can change these settings at the options page.
The Options page has been restyled to fit the new theme.

04-01-2007 Chat system updated

The chat system has been rebuilt, it now offers us different Channelts to chat in.
1: World chat, for everyone.
2: Trade chat, for everyone.
3: Clan chat, chat with your own clan.
4: Pirate chat, pirates only.

Each channel has it's own color.
This new system allows us some nice future updates, like: jonining/leaving channels maybe even pm/emotes.

Thanks to SaucyWhopper for helping me on this update.

30-12-2006 January the 2nd

An event will be organized to celebrate the New Year, have a drink with your Syrnia friends and win some nice prices. All times are 'Syrnia time', you'll see the current Syrnia time at the chat window.You will be able to gather new and/or rare items this day, make sure to show up at least a few minutes!We are also interested in how much players we can get online simultaneously.
The event will be held Tuesday January the 2nd (2007 of course).

Creatures from a country far away are moving towards our Islands…
Time: 15:00 & 21:30.

Syrnia promotion
You can promote Syrnia from now on using your own special link. There will be no rewards per sign-up, but the best 3 promoters (who get the most new players to Syrnia) will be awarded:

1st Silver crown + 3 Locked moldy chests
2nd Silver crown + 1 Blue gift
3rd Bronze crown

The awards will be given at +- 21:00, every new player you refer to Syrnia counts until 21:00 (for this event that is).
If there are some people who have run a very funny/innovative promotion campaign there can be extra prizes.

To use your referral link go to the ‘SUPPORT SYRNIA’ page and click on ‘Promote Syrnia’. Your link will be displayed on this page. Copy and paste this link on forums/msn/email to promote Syrnia and let Syrnia know which members you've referred us.

Beer stalls
There will be various beer stalls available, the exact times are unknown but they’ll be open between 14:00 - 21:00

Desert arena
There will be scheduled desert arena fights:
02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 23:00

The Desert arena medals will be exchangeable for special items soon. Exchanging the medals will be the only way to get these items...

Time schedule
02:00 Desert arena
06:00 Desert arena
10:00 Desert arena
14:00 Desert arena
+-14:00 Beer stalls open
15:00 Strangers...
16:00 Desert arena
18:00 Desert arena
20:00 Desert arena
21:00 Syrnia promotion awards
+-21:00 Beer stalls close
21:30 Strangers...
23:00 Desert arena

There might be even more...

25-12-2006 Christmas

The Syrnia staff wishes you all a merry christmas.
Do not forget(!): Make sure to visit the Santa on Party Island today or tomorrow, I'm sure he's got a present for you !

22-12-2006 Kanzo Island

A new island has been added, this island was created on request.
For similar requests read about the wishes on the 'How to support Syrnia' page.

This island is mainly a high level area and adds some spots for high level related skills. It is only accesible by teleporting.

A note from kenny666 to the rest of the player has been added below:
Syrnians syrnia is a big thing to me and I have been waining to help progress the game for the exp players. I hope the new island is what we needed. I am sorry it took so long to do. Also sorry about what i did. I am happy im still here to be apart of this great game.

01-12-2006 Polls

I've added a poll system, there is currently one poll available.
You will be notified about any active polls at the "logged-in screen" (The screen you get after logging in, not the in-game screen).
This poll should help me to see what's on your minds.

27-10-2006 Forum layout

The forum layout has been updated to make it a lot easier to read.

Various bugfixes have been added too:

-Hatchets, pickaxes, hammers and nets will not break on the tutorial island anymore.
-The 'Invisible players' are fixed.
-Password changing at the options page is fixed.
-Clan tag/name/password changing is fixed.
-The thieving jail time which always displayed "600 seconds" has been fixed.
-Aunna shop bug.
-Fishing error message when an rod breaks.
-Some in-game typos.
-Improved the Donators search option at the forum.

21-20-2006 In-game layout

The in-game layout has been changed a lot.
However, it is not fully done yet, it will be tweaked the next few days. There can be some wrong (text) colors at various places.

Besides the new standard layout an layout change option has been added at the options page.
You will be able to change to an extra layout which is very basic, with only a few images, this will be handy to play Syrnia at work and/or school ;). This layout is still being worked on, the main layout will be finished first.

20-10-2006 Shop searching

The shop item searching has been greatly improved. It used to give only 50% of the items you were looking for in the current location, but it will now show you all correct results. Don't know about Shop searching? You can search for an item in all Syrnia shops, read the trading manual for more details.

19-10-2006 Moderation update

I've expanded the moderation tools a lot.

It all comes down to the following:
Mods can now work together a lot better because of more advanced reports.
Mods can now automaticly send a message to a punished player with a short reason.
Mods also get an good overview of the crime history of anyone, to make sure repeat offenders get higher punishments.

These updates should prevent miscommunication amongst mods and benefit all nice players and our community.

12-10-2006 Arch. Cave & Making Syrnia more user friendly

The respawning of monsters, chests, resources, and items in the Arch. cave has been fixed. Some items didn't properly respawn or respawned not frequently enough.
Now go get those rare weapons...
There are 3 saurusses waiting a.t.m.

In addition to the new layout I have also reduced the movement times on the main island since I believe the high times would make new players quit instantly.
The new players will also start on a Tutorial island where they will need to complete some basic tasks like mining,smithing,cooking and fishing in order to go to Sanfew and start Syrnia.
An extra (easy) beginners manual has been added for people who hate much text, and an 'event' manual has been added.
For donations who donated 50 or more euros an highscore history has been added; they will be able to lookup all highscores from 26-08-2006 untill now.
...other news: A tin vein has been found at Nabb mines.

11-10-2006 Layout

The frontpage layout has been re-designed, I think the website is now much easier to read, and looks better.

Syrnia is a great game, but the frontpage must convince people to join, this improvement should get us more players.

Other changes;
-Lockpicking exp for thieving has been doubled since shop thieving gains less exp. (Some mobs also drop locked boxes more often).

28-09-2006 Bugfixed and small tweaks

Various bugfixed and tweaks have been added today.
  • The Syrnia time had been fixed yesterday, it was 5 minutes ahead.
  • Fixed a clan tag bug for a specific clan.
  • Fixed wrong dates for a pirate and the jail bail-out message.
  • Fixed cooking at the pirate stockhouse.
  • Gave forum page an clear page title which might fix some problems.
  • Removed an strange message which appeared after gettings Taps key.
  • If an durability items will 'break' it will now not devalue all durability items of the same type anymore, it will split into an individual item with a lower durability.
  • Game messages are now not anymore counted towards your message limit, BUT game messages are automaticly deleted after 4 weeks.
  • If you want to 'recycle' a shop it will warn you if the shop still contains gold.
  • Added another feature for donators who really want to furfill their own wishes, check out the support page for more details.
  • At 25 euros there will be no in-game adds (The forum and messages page)

29-08-2006 Journal page

A journal page has been added as a donator option, you'll find it beneath the message button.
This page allows you to save and edit notes.

28-08-2006 Desert arena

Desert arena fights are now scheduled every now and then. Visit one of the battlemages at Kinam or Toothen to check the schedule.
When joining an arena fight you will never lose your inventory when you die. If you win you will get combat experience and a medal.
You can not take any consumables with you, you can however take uncooked food and cook it inside the arena...
What are you waiting for, challenge your friends for a fair fight !

17-08-2006 Redesign in the layout code

I have redesigned the layout code and it works much better right now, I have spent hours testing if every link still works and hope I did not any links. If the screen somehow messes up in-game please message the 'bugs mod'.
This change gives us a nice speed boost and the pages change smoother.
Let's hope there ain't much links I didn't fix.

09-07-2006 Small changes

I have changed a few things today:

The message system has been updated with a feature which will clearly show you any unread messages and any user will now be able to check some of his/her sent messages. However; Donators are able to storage more sent and recieved messages. (Check the 'How to Support' page for more information)

I am now working on changing the in-game layout code, you will barely notice any changes when it's done except for the speed.
It will prevent the game from loading the complete page when, for example, you are moving, shopping, trading etc.
It looks very smooth :).
This change will also make sure the chat is always visible on the bottom of your screen without scrolling. It will also fix the firefox bug which made the game use 200% of your screens width.

09-07-2006 Inventory images update

The Syrnia player Muaat, has created various 3D images for Syrnia in the past. All of the 'work-screen images' were created by him, and so were all the 3D inventory images.
He wanted to help Syrnia and show his skills with creating 3D images and today once again he improved a huge load of images.
All images for the bronze,iron,steel,silver,gold,platina and the syriet armour/weapons have been updated with new, better images with black backgrounds.
The current old images (with grey backgrounds) will be replaced with new images too. But don't bug Muaat for it please, he'll do his best ;).

If you like Muaat's work please show him some feedback because he did great. The inventory images are very small and it's very hard to make good looking images at that size..the original images (bigger sizes) look even better !
I will add some big 3D images on the website too (at the manual section etc.).

09-07-2006 Server speed

The server had some speed issues lately, I will do my best to make it as stable as it used to be.
The server also hosted a few other small sites, those sites barely affected the server speed. However a few of those sites grew very fast and got huge amounts of traffic, therefore I have moved those sites to a own server since this server should be Syrnia only.
Moving those sites to the other server might have already made a big difference in speed.

After passing my exams in may/june I have been having a huge break, I'm sorry for the inactivity. I will make up for it, but the summer vacation can be quite chaotic so I can't tell when/how.

14-04-2006 Easter

Most of you will probably celebrate easter with your family. But you should celebrate it with your Syrnia family too because the easter bunny also visited Syrnia this year !

Search for all the diferent coloured eggs wich are hidden at various locations in Syrnia, can you complete a set of easter eggs?
Also do not forget to visit the Easter bunny, he made a rabbit hole at the Syrnia celebration center.

Syrnia will celebrate easter for 3 days: 14,15 and 16 april. I know i started easter too early but this should give everyone enough time to enjoy Syrnia's easter.

12-04-2005 Encore

The Syrnia staff is very sorry to report that a repeat of the bug from yesterday occurred at about 1025 server time. This was very poor timing as the backup of the server was scheduled to happen within a few hours after the bug happened. Unfortunately this means inventories have been reset to April 3rd, which includes houses/auctions/shops and the inventory. Everyone who gained experience has kept it.

The code has been doubly well-checked this time to ensure this bug is impossible to recreate. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience to everyone and hope to make it up to you in the very near future. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this frustrating time for us all.

Please note that this bug was NOT due to a hack or any type of attack on Syrnia, but was accidentally caused by a user. The Syrnia staff have the logs of what happened to cause this and the code has been looked at very carefully to make sure it is now not possible to recreate the bug.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience to everyone and hope to make it up to you in the very near future. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this frustrating time for us all.

10-04-2006 The events of April 10th

Due to a strange celestrial pull of the Syrnia Moon, all syrnia players were pulled into a time-warp, sending everyone back to April 3rd. The staff at Syrnia apologize for not anticipating this natural disaster, and have made every effort to make sure this doesn't happen again. Here are the facts and consequences of what happened on the 10th:

#1. There was a coding bug in syrnia, and this event occurred due to accidental input from a player. The result was the complete corruption of the inventory database. This bug has been fixed though.

#2. Due to the very recent move of the server to the faster connection, proper database back-up procedures hadn't been implemented. Therefore, the most recent back-up was April 3rd. We have restored everyone's inventory back to this date in time, including houses/auctions/shops and the inventory.

#3. We felt that everyone should still deserve the experience they had gained during this last week, so all experience was kept through the most recent point in time.

The staff of Syrnia deeply apologize for this happening, and hope everyone can understand that we are making sure this won't happen again. We are also adding new back-up procedures so that in the event this does happen again, everyone can be restored to a much sooner period of time.

We will also try to add a few more invasions and other fun things to make up for everyone's lost items.

Please be patient as we restore everything as best as possible, and again apologize for this.


07-04-2005 New rules

New rules have been added and can be read here. You must know and follow the rules if you wish to play syrnia.
I hope you all can respect the new rules, they were needed badly.

02-04-2006 April Fools

Yup the drinking skill was april fools, luckely more people noticed this was a joke than last year :P.
It will probably take a few days before all hangovers are gone.
The highscore is saved here: Drinking 2006

01-04-2006 Drinking skill added

Many have requested it and today the Drinking skill has been added !
The drinking skill is all about drinking alcoholoc delights.
The more you drink, the higher your drinking level gets, and that's it !
Hope you all enjoy, have a nice day.

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