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Skills: woodcutting constructing fishing cooking mining smithing
thieving combat trading magic speed farming
pertains to the quantity of items a player can offer for sale in their shop simultaneously. Initially, when you establish a shop (refer to Construction), your selling capacity will be limited. However, as your trading level increases, your capacity to sell items will expand significantly. The number of bids and auctions you can manage concurrently at the auction house (known as the Cave of Trades) is also influenced by your trading level. Additionally, advancing in trading will grant access to the 'Shop search' feature, a tool that proficient traders use to locate shops for purchasing required items.
Trading Perks
Level Unlocks
10 Search an item in the current location.
20 The search now also displays the shop owner and title at the current location.
25 The search now also displays the quantity of the item which is sold in the shop at the current location.
Closed shops are excluded from shop searches with the check-box option to include them.
30 You can now choose to search either the current location or the entire region from a drop-down menu. Region search results show Item name and Shop location.
30+ Your trading level influences the buying and selling prices at NPC shops.
40 Region search results now show Shop title and Shop owner.
45 Region search now shows item quantity
50 World wide search available, shows Item name and shop location
60 The search now also displays the shop owner and title of worldwide shops.
75 The search now also displays the quantity of the item which is sold in shops worldwide.
Per Ankh
Per Ankh, accessible at level 25 trading, can be found on Abydos, located on Anasco Island.
Here you'll discover not only the standard items commonly found throughout Syrnia NPC shops but also some unique offerings! These include essentials like a torch (necessary for specific quests) and the exclusive Anasco speed suit. For details on prices and the speed reduction provided, refer to the Speed section on the Syrnia manual: Speed.

To elevate your trading level, you must invest time and money in education. You can begin this process by choosing the University or School option at a suitable location.

Where to Study?

Just like Construction, Trading can be studied to enhance your experience. The venues for studying these skills are typically identical, as are the restrictions on levels.

Name Location Level needed to study Maximum level you can study up to
School Rile - Remer Island 1 10
University Unera - Dearn Island 10 25
University Hooks Edge - Skull Island 1 40
University Xanso - Mezno Island 25 40
University Kanzo - Kanzo Island 40 50
University Maadi - Anasco Island 50 80
University Rima City University, Calmere Island 80 125
Studying Cost

Just like construction learning to trade isn't free. You need to pay gold pieces to continue your studies. Every 60-second session grants you experience points, with improved experience per level since October 2024. Previously, it was a flat 20 exp per level. Your gold is deducted from your inventory, and costs increase as your levels rise.

Level Exp GP

Players have the option to utilize shops for selling goods to others. To get started, you'll need to construct a shop, a task that involves both Construction skills and an ample supply of wood for building. Ensure your Trading Level is high enough, as it dictates the number of shop slots available. If, for example, you can only support 20 slots in a 50-slot shop, you're limited to those 20 slots, with the remaining 30 being inaccessible.

Once your shop is built, you can stock it with items, setting prices and quantities for each. Feel free to add or remove items until you're satisfied. Keep in mind that adjusting prices requires removing all items of that type and re-entering them with the new prices. Provide your shop with a name and perhaps a description, and you'll be ready for business. Your shop operates continuously, whether you're in the area, online, or offline. Every time an item sells, you'll receive a notification indicating the buyer, quantity, and gold earned. This gold is stored in the shop until you collect it. Regular collection is essential to prevent potential theft (refer to Thieving).

Additionally, you have the option to close your shop by checking the box in the "Edit my shop" details while at the shop location. This action halts sales and protects the shop's gold from potential theft.

Safes & Securing Your Shops

Completing a quest unlocks the ability to install a safe in your shop. Safes offer protection for a percentage of the gold in the shop, safeguarding it from player purchases.

Level Metal Tier and Number of Safes
Level 10+ 1 Iron Safe
Level 20 2 Steel Safes
Level 25 2 Silver Safes
Level 30 3 Silver Safes
Level 35 3 Gold Safes
Level 40 4 Platina Safes
Level 45  4 Syriet Safes
Level 50  5 Obsidian Safes
Level 60  5 Puranium Safes
Level 75  5 Tiromyth Safes

To initiate item trades with other players, head to any of the trading posts scattered across the islands. Upon reaching the city, select "Trading Post" from the city menu. After the screen refreshes, a list of player names will appear in the center. Click on "Trade" next to the name of the player you've agreed to trade with. Once they accept the trade request, you'll be directed to the trading screen.

Add the items and specify the quantity for each item you intend to trade. Once all agreed-upon items are listed, click "Accept," positioned above the items. (In case you click "Accept" before the other player is ready, they have the option to "change trade" to modify items or to "accept" on their end.)

After the screen refreshes, you'll see an overview of the items being traded. At this point, you'll have one last opportunity to cancel the trade before it's finalized. Click "Accept" one last time, and patiently await the confirmation message "Trade completed successfully" - and you're done!

Trading Posts
Island Location
Remer Island Eully
Dearn Island Kinam
Mezno Island Franer Mines
Webbers Island Web Haven
Skull Island Hooks Edge
Ogre Caves Ogre Trading Post
Serpenthelm Castle Rose
Kanzo Island Kanzo
Exrollia Island Pensax (lvl 10 trading required to use)
Anasco Island Maadi (lvl 25 trading required to use)
Calmere Island Rima City Center

Discover an alternative method of item selling in Syrnia known as the Cave of Trades, founded by Ogre Trendus. Players can utilize these locations to auction their items. All Cave of Trades across the map function identically, offering the same selection of auctions and deals.

Players choose the item(s) they want to sell, specify the quantity, and determine the auction's duration - options include six hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, or 48 hours. Once an item is placed for auction, it cannot be taken down.

During the auction period, players can bid for the item, needing to bid at least 1% more than the current highest bid to take control. At any time, another player can enter the Cave of Trades and place a higher bid, surpassing the existing bid. In this case, the new bidder spends gold to secure the highest bid, and the original bidder is notified of being outbid, with their money refunded. When the auction concludes, the highest bidder claims the item, delivered directly to their inventory.

If no bids are received on an item, the seller is notified, and they must return to the Cave of Trades to collect it. Auctions can run simultaneously, but bidding on one's own lots is not permitted.

Unsuccessful auctions need to be collected from the respective Cave of Trades location, affecting the ability to add more auctions based on the Trading level. Upon a successful sale, the earned gold is sent directly to the seller. Due to the public nature of Cave of Trades auctions, local thieves may attempt immediate theft. To counter this, sellers can strategically position themselves in a town with an active invasion at the auction's end or simply remain offline during that time.

Island CoT Locations
 Remer Island
 Ogre Caves
 Ogre Trading Post
 Exrollia  Pensax
Calmere Island Rima City Center
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