Game Tour

General: How to begin - Advanced How to Begin

Quests & Jobs - (Random) events - Fame & Pirates - Donating
Skills: woodcutting constructing fishing cooking mining smithing
thieving combat trading magic speed farming
Events In Syrnia

This occurs when hordes of monsters launch unexpected attacks on various locations in Syrnia. During an invasion, all features of the targeted area become disabled, restricting players from engaging in activities such as work, accessing houses or shops, and thieving other players. The community must unite to repel the invading monsters within a limited timeframe. Failure to defeat them before the timer expires results in the monsters seizing control of the town, with their numbers escalating for subsequent encounters. On the other hand, successfully overcoming the invasion rewards the top three players, based on kill count, with a gold bounty for their valiant efforts. For more details on combat mechanics, refer to the Combat section.


Participating in a contest involves delivering a specific item to a designated location, and the participant with the highest-quality item emerges as the prize winner. Feel free to enter multiple times, continuously seeking the finest item to enhance your chances of claiming the coveted prize.


The individual who successfully opens the chest will acquire its contents. To do so, you must make a guess within a specified numerical range. Refer to the Thieving section for additional details.

Rare Flowers

These items are located in the Manual's Speed section and can only be discovered while on foot.

NPC Chase & Random events

Occasionally, a mysterious character visits Syrnia, taking on various guises like Jack Frost, the Halloween Witch, or the Easter Bunny. Players can chase these Non-Player Characters (NPCs) as they move across different islands in random order. The NPC's island location is revealed in red text in World Chat, and players have 15-minute intervals on chosen days to track and interact with them. Upon finding the NPC, players can attempt to thieve items, but be cautious, as unsuccessful attempts may result in a 120-second stint in Jail. The hunt often leads to lively discussions in Region Chat. Staying near the NPC when they depart may also yield additional prizes, randomly distributed among players who have interacted with the NPC. It's a game of chance, ensuring everyone at the location has an equal opportunity to receive a prize.

Players should be aware that winning is limited to once per hour. For example, if a player wins at :01, they cannot claim another prize until after the :46 winners are announced.

Chase NPC Suits

Holiday Suits provide a valuable timer reduction when walking and are accessible for equipping at level 1 Speed. These suits, exclusive to specific holidays, not only offer functionality but also stand out as the fastest Suits in the game during the respective holiday seasons.

Players can benefit from the unique attributes of Holiday Suits, enjoying enhanced speed and efficiency while navigating Syrnia during the special events. The timer reduction feature, combined with the accessibility at low Speed levels, makes these suits a sought-after asset for both novice and experienced players alike.

Celebration Island

During special occasions, an enigmatic island emerges, accessible during major holidays such as Easter, Christmas, or to commemorate Syrnia's anniversary. Boats offer transportation to the island from Port Senyn, Crabs Nest, Burning Beach, and Elysian Docks.

The island hosts diverse activities based on different times of the year, with the focal point being the Syrnian Celebration Center. During Christmas, Santa distributes a gift to each person, while Easter brings encounters with the Easter Bunny. The Celebration Center also houses the island's trading post and Cave of Trades. (Note: Items added to the Cave of Trades during Party Island opening times must be sold or remain inaccessible until the next opening.) Contests often accept item submissions in this location. To the north lies Holiday Lake, where fishing with a net or rod for normal fish is possible. Using a net may uncover a striped red fish, unless the "S.S.S.R.F (Syrnians to Save the Striped Red Fish)" organization intervenes during specific times, offering alternative activities. West of the center is Festival Forest, where chopping down trees may yield Christmas Trees or various other items. Party Island is only accessible during specific times, usually announced in advance. After serving its purpose, the island disappears, and any remaining players are returned to either Senyn or Crab Nest.

What can I do to prepare for the holiday?

Participating in and fully enjoying holiday events requires several essential preparations:

1. Speed Suit/Mount/Boat: Acquiring a good speed suit, mount, or boat is crucial for chasing the NPC during events. A superior mode of transportation enables faster island and town navigation, maximizing theft attempts on the NPC. Additionally, specific holidays may feature special items or flowers only obtainable while walking.

2. Stock of Cooked/Grown HP: Building a substantial stock of cooked or grown HP is essential, especially during invasions that are integral to holiday events. Players must be prepared to fend off hordes of creatures, and having ample food reserves is crucial. While food can be purchased during the holiday, increased demand may lead to higher prices, so having a sufficient supply beforehand is advisable. Note that invasions may block access to a player's house, impacting activities like harvesting farm crops, so planning is crucial during holidays.

3. Combat Level (CL): A higher combat level is advantageous during holiday events, particularly during invasions. A higher CL allows players to engage with more monsters and reduces the likelihood of being defeated by creatures. Dying can be disheartening during holidays, making a higher CL beneficial. Refer to the Manual > Combat > Creatures section for information on holiday creatures.

4. Gold Pieces (GP): While not as critical, having a supply of gold pieces can enhance the holiday experience. Some holidays offer special animals for sale at 5000 GP, and GP can be used to bail players out of prison at a reduced cost if they were attempting to thieve while chasing the NPC.

5. Timely Preparation: Knowing when the holiday starts is essential for timely preparation. Players should retrieve tools, food, armor, and other necessities from their house or clan stockhouse (SH) before the holiday begins. It's crucial to ensure everything needed is with the player before the holiday starts, as items left in the house or SH during an invasion may be inaccessible until the holiday concludes. The only town guaranteed not to have an invasion is Skulls Nose, making it a safe place for pirates to store items in a giant house or clan SH.

Special thanks to majykhobbit for providing these helpful tips.

Image Name Date added Notes
Birthday Cake Collectors Item
Birthday Cake with 10 Candles Found randomly in Chests or as a Reward for an Event on Syrnias 10th Birthday, 5th March 2015 Collectors item
Syrnia Birthday Hat 2018 Found as a drop after defeating gnomes on Syrnias 13th Birthday, 5th March 2018 Defence level 1
Bass Pinata Found as a drop from fighting different types of Jesters on Syrnia's 14th Birthday, 5th March 2019 Festive Container
Diamond Pinata Found as a drop from fighting different types of Jesters on Syrnia's 14th Birthday, 5th March 2019 Festive Container
Lute Pinata Found as a drop from fighting different types of Jesters on Syrnia's 14th Birthday, 5th March 2019 Festive Container
Mule Pinata Found as a drop from fighting different types of Jesters on Syrnia's 14th Birthday, 5th March 2019 Festive Container
Shield Pinata Found as a drop from fighting different types of Jesters on Syrnia's 14th Birthday, 5th March 2019 Festive Container
Candy Found in pinatas. First released on Syrnia's 14th Birthday, 5th March 2019 Festive food, heals 15 hp
Beeswax Found while searching the apiaries at Castle Rose. First released on Syrnia's 15th Birthday, 5th March 2020. Trade 75 +10gp to Candle maker for Birthday Candle.
Honeycomb chunk Found while searching the apiaries at Castle Rose. First released on Syrnia's 15th Birthday, 5th March 2020. Randomly heals between 1-11 hp.
Honeybee Rare drop while searching the apiaries at Castle Rose. First released on Syrnia's 15th Birthday, 5th March 2020. Collector's Item
Birthday Candle Gained from trade with Castle RoseCandle maker for 75 Beeswax and 10gp. First released on Syrnia's 15th Birthday, 5th March 2020. 15 used to bake 15th Birthday Cake.
15th Birthday Cake Baked at Rose Gates with 15 Candles and 5 Grain. First released on Syrnia's 15th Birthday, 5th March 2020. Collector's Item (Heals 15 hp)
Image Name Date Added Notes
Easter basket From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Easter chick From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Collectors item
Carrot sword From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Bunny ears From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Bunny belly From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Bunny legs From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Bunny feet From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Bunny paws From Thieving the Easter Bunny 2017 Defence level 1
Egg thief mask From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 7%
Egg thief top From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 7%
Egg thief pants From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 7%
Egg thief shoes From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 30%
Egg thief gloves From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 7%
Egg thief net From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 10%
Egg thief bag From Thieving the Easter Egg Thief 2019. It requires level 45 speed to equip. Reduces travel timer by 7%
Fairy Crown Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Fairy Shield Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Fairy Tunic Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Fairy Staff Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Fairy Skirt Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Fairy Gloves Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Fairy Boots Reward from thieving the Spring Fairy, 2020. Collector's Item
Red Easter Egg
From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 5 Hp
Red Easter Key
Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Green Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 9 Hp
Green Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Blue Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 13 Hp
Blue Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Yellow Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 17 Hp
Yellow Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Pink Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 20 Hp
Pink Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
White Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 20 Hp
White Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Black Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 20 Hp
Black Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Orange Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 23 Hp
Orange Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Purple Easter Egg From walking or from Thieving the Easter Bunny may also be dropped in Combat with Bunnies Heals 26 Hp
Purple Easter Key Reward from fighting Easter creatures and racing the rabbits in 2020. Unlocks the corresponding-colored Easter chest at Rose Gates.
Locked Wooden Egg May be found from fighting Easter creatures, or from inside a Locked Large Wooden Egg. 100 Thieving exp gained by unlocking
Locked Large Wooden Egg May be found from unlocking Easter chests using Easter Keys at Rose Gates. 300 Thieving exp gained by unlocking
Bronze Easter Egg Reward from chasing the Easter Bunny also found walking Heals 30 Hp
Silver Easter Egg Reward from chasing the Easter Bunny also found walking Heals 35 Hp
Gold Easter Egg Reward from chasing the Easter Bunny also found walking Heals 40 Hp
White Rabbit Reward from chasing the Easter Bunny Collector's item
Grey Otter Reward from chasing the Easter Bunny in 2020 Collector's item
Red Panda Teaser reward from combo chests in 2020, as well as Syrnia Contest #127. Collector's item
Easter Creature Summoning Orb Added Easter, 2020. Reward from chasing the Spring Fairy and from Large Wooden Eggs. Magic Level 5
Easter Group Fight Summoning Orb Added Easter, 2020. Reward from chasing the Spring Fairy and from Large Wooden Eggs. Magic Level 5
Fabrege Eggs
Amber Fabrege Egg 2018 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Syrnia for Easter 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Diaspore Fabrege Egg 2018 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Syrnia for Easter 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Garnet Fabrege Egg 2018 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Syrnia for Easter 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Spar Fabrege Egg 2019 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Syrnia for Easter 2019. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Moonstone Fabrege Egg 2019 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Syrnia for Easter 2019. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Quartz Fabrege Egg 2019 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Syrnia for Easter 2019. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Image Name Date added Notes
Witch Hat First introduced at Halloween event 2008 Defence level 1
Witch Cloak New witch set item for Halloween 2011 Defence level 1
Witch Skirt New witch set item for Halloween 2011 Defence level 1
Witch Boots New witch set item for Halloween 2011 Defence level 1
Witch Gloves New witch set item for Halloween 2011 Defence level 1
Witch Broomstick New witch set item for Halloween 2011 Speed Level 40
Witch Cauldron New witch set item for Halloween 2011 (discontinued Drop) Cooking Level 60
Black Cat New witch set item for Halloween 2011 Collectors item
Bat Added for Halloween 2012. Reward from chasing the Halloween witch Collectors item
Halloween group fight summoning Orb Added for Halloween 2012. Reward from chasing the Halloween witch Magic Level 5
Halloween Creature summoning Orb Added for Halloween 2012. Reward from chasing the Halloween witch Magic Level 5
Halloween pumpkin First introduced at Halloween 2007. Heals 5 hp
Candy Corn Found in Spectre chest Heals 11 hp
Zombie brain First introduced at Halloween 2009 Randomly heals or removes a random amount of HP
Bone cauldron First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Cooking Level 75
Bone fishing rod First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Fishing Level 75
Bone hammer First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Smithing or Construction Level 75
Bone hatchet First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Woodcutting level 75
Bone lockpick First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Thieving level 40
Bone pickaxe First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Mining Level 75
Bone spade First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Farming Level 1
Bone tinderbox First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2011 Cooking Level 75
Halloween bag Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Defence level 1
Undead vest Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Defence level 1
Undead gloves Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Defence level 1
Warlock staff Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Magic level 1
Undead mask Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Defence level 1
Undead pants Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Defence level 1
Undead boots Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Defence level 1
Ghost crow Reward from thieving the Undead Warlock 2016 Collectors item
Blood assassin mask Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Blood assassin vest Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Blood assassin legs Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Blood assassin gloves Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Blood assassin boots Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Blood assassin kunai Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Blood assassin grimoire Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Defence level 1
Halloween spider Reward from thieving the Blood assassin 2019 Collectors item
Skeletal cauldron First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Cooking Level 75
Skeletal tinderbox First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Cooking Level 75
Skeletal fishing rod First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Fishing Level 75
Skeletal hammer First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Smithing or Construction Level 75
Skeletal hatchet First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Woodcutting level 75
Skeletal pickaxe First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Mining Level 75
Skeletal lockpick First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Thieving level 40
Skeletal spade First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2019 Farming Level 1
Skeleton skull
Reintroduced as a Creature Drop in 2021 Skeletons cmb 11
Skeleton body
Reintroduced as a Creature Drop in 2021 Skeletons cmb 11
Skeleton leg
Reintroduced as a Creature Drop in 2021 Skeletons cmb 11
Skeleton arm
Reintroduced as a Creature Drop in 2021 Skeletons cmb 11
Rare gift from helping Sad Skeleton Sad Skeleton
Dragon mask
Rarely stolen from Celebration captain 2021 Halloween
Cursed Scythe
Dark magic of cursed evil 2022 Halloween
Image Name Date added Notes
Santa Hat First introduced on Syrnia's Christmas event 2005, also available as a drop from Santa Gnomes (4 hp), Evil Elves(13 hp) and Scrooges (21 hp) Defence level 1
Frost Gloves Added Christmas 2011, also 2012 Defence level 1
Frost hat Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Defence level 1
Frost Vest Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Defence level 1
Frost Legs Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Defence level 1
Frost Shoes Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Defence level 1
Frost Staff Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Magic level 1
Frost Shield Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Defence level 1
Christmas Creature summoning Orb Added for Christmas 2011. Reward from chasing Jack Frost Level 5 Magic
Christmas group fight summoning Orb Added for Christmas 2011. Reward for chasing Jack Frost Level 5 Magic
Dressed Christmas Tree Made at Holiday lake at Christmas 2008 using 1 Fallen star, 2 Tinsel, 4 Red bauble and 1 Christmas tree Collectors item
Santa hat and beard Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Defence level 1
Santa Goodie Bag Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Defence level 1
Santa Vest Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Defence level 1
Candy Cane Staff Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Magic level 1
Santa Pants Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Defence level 1
Santa Gloves Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Defence level 1
Santa Boots Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Defence level 1
Christmas Dove Reward from thieving Santa Claus 2016. Collectors item
Mrs Claus Bonnet Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Mrs Claus Coat Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Mrs Claus Skirt Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Mrs Claus Boots Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Mrs Claus Mittens Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Christmas Candle Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Wreath Shield Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Defence level 1
Puppy Claws Reward from thieving Mrs. Claus 2018/2019. Collectors item
Candy Cane Hammer First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Smithing or Construction level 50
Candy Cane Hatchet First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018
Woodcutting level 50
Christmas Cauldron First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Cooking level 50
Candy Cane Pickaxe First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Mining level 50
Tinsel Net First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Fishing level 50
Wrapped Tinderbox First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Cooking level 1
Candy Cane Spade First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Farming level 1
Candy Cane Lockpick First introduced as a Creature Drop introduced in 2018 Thieving level 1
Jack Frost Doll Introduced as a very rare drop from the Gnome Workshop during Christmas 2019. Collector's Item
Valera Knight Doll Introduced as a very rare drop from the Gnome Workshop during Christmas 2019. Collector's Item
Pirate Captain Doll Introduced as a very rare drop from the Gnome Workshop during Christmas 2019. Collector's Item
Teddybear A rare gift for helping someone collect 3 dolls from the workshop 2022 Collectors Item
Paper Lantern For helping at Santa Gnomes workshop 2022 Collectors Item
Orange Pomanders For helping at Santa Gnomes workshop 2022 Collectors Item
Wooden Sled Crafted through the constructing skill during the Winter holiday. Mount
Winters Egg Rare drop found doing any action Collectors Item
Snowy Owlet Hatched from Winters Egg Christmas Pet
Penguin Chick Hatched from Winters Egg Christmas Pet
Polar Bear Cub Hatched from Winters Egg Christmas Pet
Chipmunk Hatched from Winters Egg Christmas Pet
Christmas Stockings
Every year also has a Christmas Rudolph Stocking and a Christmas Snowman Stocking. They are made the same way as the Christmas Santa Stocking, only with a Rudolph patch or Snowman patch in the place of the Santa patch.
Christmas Santa Stocking Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Red Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Gold Stocking Decorations.. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2012 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Blue Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2012. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2013 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Green Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2013. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2014 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Purple Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2014. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2015 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Yellow Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2015. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2016 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Pink Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2016. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2017 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Orange Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2017. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2018 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Silver Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2018. Collector's item
Christmas Santa Stocking 2019 Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Rainbow Christmas Sock, 1 Santa Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2019. Collector's item
Red Elf Christmas Stocking Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Red Christmas Sock, 1 Elf Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2020. Collectors Item
Blue Elf Christmas Stocking Made at Holiday Lake on Party Island with 1 Blue Christmas Sock, 1 Elf Patch, 2 White Rabbit Fur, and 5 Stocking Decorations 2021. Collectors Item
Holiday Fish
Striped Red Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2011. Collectors item
Striped Blue Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2012. Collectors item
Striped Green Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2013. Collectors item
Striped Purple Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2014. Collectors item
Striped Yellow Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2015. Collectors item
Striped Pink Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2016. Collectors item
Striped Orange Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2017. Collectors item
Striped Silver Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2018. Collectors item
Striped Rainbow Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2019. Collectors item
Red Spotted Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2020. Collectors Item
Blue Spotted Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2021. Collectors Item
Black Spotted Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2022. Collectors Item
Purple Spotted Fish Found while rod fishing at Holiday Lake on Celebration Island during Christmas in 2023. Collectors Item
Snow Globes
Christmas tree snow globe 2017 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2017. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
North Pole snow globe 2017 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2017. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Presents snow globe 2017 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2017. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Santa snow globe 2017 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2017. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Sleigh snow globe 2017 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2017. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Santa snow globe 2018 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Sleigh snow globe 2018 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Snowman snow globe 2018 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Santa Snow Globe 2019 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2019. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Sleigh Snow Globe 2019 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Snowman Snow Globe 2019 An item given to those who participated in collection events placed over Celebration Island for Christmas 2018. After adding enough of the requested items to qualify, it was added to player's inventories by game staff. Collectors item
Pet Snowglobe 2022 A rare gift for helping someone collect 3 dolls from the workshop 2022 Collectors Item
Pet Snowglobe 2023 A rare gift for helping someone collect 3 dolls from the workshop 2023 Collectors Item
Image Name Description Notes
Squirrel Found whilst doing any of the following skills:
Combat, Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Speed, Woodcutting.
Turns into a "Red squirrel" when clicked which can be used at selected forests in return for seeds.
Scroll of shopping Very rare item found whilst doing any of the following skills:
Combat, Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Speed, Woodcutting.
Gains access to the Hidden Shop at Rima City Center.
Scroll of ancient wood Very rare item found whilst doing any of the following skills:
Combat, Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Speed, Woodcutting.
When in the inventory users can find Ancient wood at Kingswood Forest or Tirnus Plateau.
Scroll of the ancient mine Very rare item found whilst doing any of the following skills:
Combat, Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Speed, Woodcutting.
When in the inventory users can gain access to the hidden mines on Mount Tirnus (See Mining).
Scroll of the pearl Very rare item found whilst doing any of the following skills:
Combat, Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Speed, Woodcutting.
When in the inventory users can find Pearl at Tirnus Grotto.
Scroll of the palace Very rare item found whilst doing any of the following skills:
Combat, Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Speed, Woodcutting.
Required for finishing "Paying The Fee" quest.
Gold crown Rewarded to players who donated for a "wish island". Rare Collectors Item
Silver crown Rewarded to players who came first and second in the Syrnia promotion contest held on 30 December, 2006. Rare Collectors Item
Bronze crown Rewarded to players who came third in the Syrnia promotion contest held on 30 December, 2006. Rare Collectors Item
Worldmap of a new island This item was dropped on the ground with the release of Dearn Island. First introduced in 2005. Rare Collectors Item
Red balloon You could craft Red balloons at Festival forest on Syrnia's birthday 2006/2007. Collectors Item
Blue balloon You could craft Red balloons at Festival forest on Syrnia's birthday 2006/2007. Collectors Item
Big pirate key Dropped at locations shortly after the launch of Kanzo island. (No longer available) Collectors Item
Anasco island map.png First introduced near the launch of Anasco island in 2009. Collectors Item
Mayan calendar Dropped by creatures that were sent to celebrate the end of the world, 2012. This was a one off event and the creatures no longer make an appearance. Collectors Item
Mayan mask Dropped by creatures that were sent to celebrate the end of the world, 2012. This was a one off event and the creatures no longer make an appearance. Collectors Item
Mayan ceremonial dagger Dropped by creatures that were sent to celebrate the end of the world, 2012. This was a one off event and the creatures no longer make an appearance. Collectors Item
M2H Retirement Party Balloons Collectors Item
Elephant balloon This item was a Special Drop on March 23-25th 2024 for the successful Upgrade in Servers for Syrnia. Collectors Item
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