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Skills: woodcutting constructing fishing cooking mining smithing
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Is a valuable skill used for cooking raw food to restore health points. Syrnia offers a variety of foods, each with its own healing properties. Mastery of this skill is essential, requiring players to attain specific levels to cook various types of foods. Cooking can also prove lucrative, as many players are eager to purchase cooked food, especially those unable to cook higher-level food.

How to Cook

To embark on your culinary journey, gather wood and a tinderbox. Optionally, you can equip cauldrons in the shield slot to reduce your cooking timer. Start cooking your raw food at Harith, located on Remer Island. On the city menu at Harith, choose to cook all the raw food in your inventory. Once the countdown reaches zero, the wood and raw food are transformed into the cooked varient or, in unfortunate cases, burnt. Obtain a tinderbox from Eully Market on Remer Island for 30gp, or Hooks Edge on Skull Island for pirates.


As players progress in Cooking, occasional failures during the cooking process may result in burnt versions of intended items. For instance, a failed attempt to cook raw shrimp yields 'Burnt shrimp.' The same principle applies to items like burnt meat and burnt fish, with names following the general format 'burnt.' In terms of gameplay, burnt food items are entirely worthless. Increased Cooking levels beyond the food requirement gradually reduce the likelihood of burning.


Baking is a unique aspect of the cooking skill that involves crafting Bread from harvested Grain. Head to Stanro on Exrollia Island to engage in baking. Be mindful that Exrollia Island hosts aggressive monsters, making combat skills beneficial. With a sufficiently high combat level, baking becomes an efficient method for advancing through initial skill levels, and the added bonus is that bread is never burnt.

Image Type Level
Sturdy Tinderbox 1
Tinderbox 1
Wrapped Tinderbox 1
Bone Tinderbox 75
Skeletal Tinderbox 75
*Sturdy tools can be obtained by Voting for Syrnia
Image Type Level
Sturdy 1
Bronze 1
Iron 10
Steel 25
Silver 40
Christmas Cauldron
Added Christmas 2018
Gold 55
Witches Cauldron
Added Halloween 2018
Platina 70
Added Halloween 2011
Skeletal 75
Syriet 85
Obsidian 100
Puranium 120
Tiromyth 140
The cauldron cannot replace the tinderbox; you will still require a tinderbox for cooking, and both items are susceptible to breaking.
Island Location Level Wood/Coal Per Raw
Remer Island Harith 1
Serpenthelm Island Burning Beach
Webber Island Web Haven
Skull Island Toothen
Calmere Island Sheppards Hut
The Outlands OL 16 and OL 37
Exrollia Wingmere 20
Elven Island Penteza 20
Kanzo Croy 50
Anasco Island Thabis
(after completing 'Repair the smokehouse' quest.)
Item Name Level HP EXP Location Ingredients
Bread Bread 1 3 12 Stanro, Thabis 1 Grain
Cake Cake 100 21 50 Thabis 1 Grain, 1 Plum
Celebration Island Baking
Cupcake Cupcake 1 5 5 Birthday Town
Syrnias Birthday
1 Grain
Carrot cake Carrot Cake 1 7 7 Cottontail Village
1 Grain, 1 Carrot
Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Pie 1 17 17 Haunted Sepulcrum
1 Grain, 1 Pumpkin
Apple Pie Apple Pie 1 20 20 Tinsel Town
1 Grain, 1 Apple
Celebration Island is accessible only during specific dates.
Image Name Level HP EXP Notes
Shrimp 1 2 7
Frog 1 2 8
Sardine 4 4 14
Piranha 5 3 15
Herring 9 5 17 Gives 18 EXP
Catfish 10 5 19
Mackerel 14 6 20
Queen spider meat
15 6 25
Trout 19 7 23 Gives 24 EXP
Cod 20 7 30
Pike 20 8 37
King spider meat 22 8 40
Salmon 25 9 40
Tuna 30 10 59
Giant Catfish 35 10 63
Lobster 40 12 66
Bass 43 13 150 Gives 151 EXP
Swordfish 45 14 280
Saurus Meat 50 16
Sturgeon 55 15 160
Bone fish 60 16 180
Coral fish 65 17 200
Wolf fish 70 18 225
Platina Dragon Meat 70 18 240
Shark 80 20 400
Syriet Dragon Meat 85 21 300
Lantern fish 95 21 450
100 22
Obsidian Dragon Meat 100 25 360
Lantern squid 110 23 500
115 24
Mystery Meat 120 50 650
Octopus 130 25 750
130 26
Salmon shark 145 27 1,050
150 28
Rockfish 150 34 625
165 30
Spider Crab
170 35
190 36
*Thabis fish can exclusively be cooked at the Thabis smokehouse, with its operating hours mirroring the opposite schedule of the fishing sessions.
Cooking EXP Calculator
Current Exp:  
Target Level:  
Target Exp:  
You need 0 more experience (0 levels) to reach level 1
Raws cooked needed for target level
Raw Fish or Meat XP per Raw Raws Needed
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