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Skills: woodcutting constructing fishing cooking mining smithing
thieving combat trading magic speed farming

is a skill to build bigger and better houses, ships and shops. Like the Trading skill, Constructing can be trained via studying at universities. However, unlike Trading, you can gain experience through other methods, such as building houses and shops, or even helping a clan build a stockhouse. You can also build different tiers of fishing boats to catch different kinds of fish (see Fishing). Wood is a key part of this skill, so you may need a lot of it (see Woodcutting). A Hammer is always required to begin constructing something. Players will need gold to train Constructing via studying at universities, and it gets more expensive the higher your Constructing level.


There are many places throughout Syrnia where you can study Constructing. Every location has limits in some way, either the level you need to study there, or the limits you can learn. Once you have reached the limit for one university, you must move on to the next location if you want to continue your studies (Click "Studying" for more info).


Houses are where players can store their items. They're usually used to keep your inventory free of clutter, as well as to keep your items safe should you die in a fight. As you level your Construction skill, you can build larger houses over time (See "Houses & Shops"), allowing you to store greater amounts of items.


Shops allow you to sell items to players. These are built in the same way as a house and follow the same rules (One item = one slot). With shops however, these are also dependent upon your Trading level. If you do not have a high enough Trading level, you will not be able to use all the slots that your shop can provide. More details are available in the Trading manual.

Clan stockhouses

A stockhouse is a communal storage system that anyone within a clan can access. Clan leaders can choose permissions for each individual in a clan as to whether they are able to immediately withdraw items from a stockhouse, or if they have to first request them. Clans can work together to build a stockhouse by slowly adding the required items to it over time, also gaining Constructing experience. Once a stockhouse is built, it can also be upgraded to more item slots in the same manner, requiring more gold and items. A clan can only have 1 stockhouse per island.


Boats are required for fishing and are needed to catch the larger fish. The only exception to this is the Brigantine. This cannot be used by the players and is needed to send the Pirates in an invasion (see Fame and Pirates). Boats are also used to travel from island to island, Long Boats are the quickest option when travelling. Boats can be constructed at any location that has the "Construct" option available on the city menu.

How To Build

To build something, you must first equip a hammer and click on the "construct" option in the City Menu. Then, in the center work screen, select the item you would like to construct. You can only have one house or shop in each location, but once one is built, you do have the option to upgrade to a larger house/shop with only an additional cost in Wood. You will need different amounts of Wood to build different things, with bigger buildings needing more Wood. Constructing level 10 is required to build at Pensax.

Image Type Level
Bronze hammer 1
Iron hammer 10
Steel hammer 25
Silver hammer 40
Candy cane hammer 50
Gold hammer 55
Platina hammer 70
Bone hammer 75
Skeletal hammer 75
Syriet hammer 85
Obsidian hammer 100
Puranium hammer 120
Tiromyth hammer 140
How To Demolish

If you should need to, you can demolish your house or shop. On the options for your house or shop, click the option saying "Destroy my house" or "Destroy my shop". It will then ask you to confirm your choice at the top of the menu. Once confirmed, the building will be destroyed instantly and you will get back some of the wood you used to build it. Beware, if you have any items or gold in your home or shop when you destroy it, the items and gold will be lost.

How To Upgrade
Houses and shops can also be upgraded in size. There is no Constructing level required to upgrade, but it does require significantly more wood than if it were built from nothing. This is because you would have to spend a lot of money paying for construction levels to build a house of that size but upgrading requires no extra levels and so creates balance. You can achieve house sizes not listed in the table below, but houses can only be upgraded to 10,000 slots. For any bigger houses, they will need to be built from scratch using the table below to determine level and the amount of wood needed.
Building Houses
Number of Slots Level Wood Required EXP
250 1 250 18
500 1 750 42
1,500 10 2,500 131
3,000 20 5,000 258
5,000 25 10,000 508
10,000 35 15,000 760
25,000 45 20,000 1,010
50,000 55 30,000 1,511
75,000 65 45,000 2,261
100,000 75 60,000 3,011
150,000 85 90,000 4,512
250,000 95 150,000 7,611

Building Shops
Number of Slots Level Wood Required EXP
100 5 500 29
250 6 750 43
500 12 1,000 57
750 15 1,250 70
1,000 18 1,500 83
1,500 23 2,000 108
2,000 26 4,000 209
2,500 30 5,000 259
5,000 40 7,500 385
10,000 50 15,000 760
20,000 60 30,000 1,511
30,000 70 40,000 2,011
40,000 80 50,000 2,511
50,000 90 55,000 2,762
100,000 99 100,000 5,012
Size Gp cost Resources required
50,000 50,000
100,000 100,000
150,000 150,000
250,000 250,000
500,000 500,000
750,000 750,000
1,000,000 1,000,000
Level(s) Resources Added Exp
0-9 5 40
10-24 5 60
25-39 10 80
40-54 15 100
55-69 20 120
70-84 25 140
85-99 30 160
100-120 35 180
121-??? 40 200
Type of Boat Image Level Wood Required EXP
Small Fishing Boat 20 2,000 107
Brigantine (Pirates Only) 15 3,000 153
Sloop 35 5,000 259
Boat 42 10,000 510
Trawler 50 15,000 760
Canoe 55 18,000 911
Long Boat 65 25,000 1,263
Medium Fishing Boat 75 28,000 1,414
Name Location Level needed Maximum Level
School Rile - Remer Island 1 10
University Unera - Dearn Island 10 25
University Xanso - Mezno Island 25 40
University Hooks Edge - Skull Island 1 40
University Kanzo - Kanzo Island 40 50
University Maadi - Anasco Island 50 80
University Rima City University - Calmere Island 80
Studying Costs

Learning to build isn't free. You need to pay gold pieces to continue your studies. Every 60-second session grants you experience points, with improved experience per level since October 2024. Previously, it was a flat 20 exp per level. Your gold is deducted from your inventory, and costs increase as your levels rise.

Level Exp GP
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