HighscoreReturn to clan list.Fellowship of Syrnia [~FoS~]76 members
Clanleader: Vonstuker
| Alcoholic | antiwolf | AstiaDragonkill | aussiebeast | Babybmine | Bellmont | Bob Sausage | Bock | Brown_Bear | By Tor | Calliope | Carnage | chadRN | Cheech | Common Sense | CosmoSloth | Cracker0509 | Deimos | Destiny777 | dolmarion | Dread | Edge | filtered_chaos | fixed | GODofLIGHT | Gomu | gr4yw0lf | Grayman | GreatScottie | Haranu | HolyEvil | iMystery | jalusimptor | Johan | John | Jukez | kazz | Khaos On Demand | krond | Laura831 | Lyckle | Morridin | Nurse Ratched | okietrader | Only_one | Pandike | Phoinix | pinkpub | Preff | Professor | puff_dogg_990 | Purple_Sparkle | Pyriel28 | Redwingz | Resylencia | Ricktimus Prime | Rictor | RisingNova | ryry117 | Sayyadina | SDL | Shaelthulamn | Skyliers | Space_Dust | Spooff | Steve | Sweet_Thing | Sylphise | Truant | Twonk | Uzumaki | Violet | Vonstuker | WilsFace | XVII | Zuvan | |