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Forum -> Help -> Where are the scrolls??

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10-06-2022 14:12

Couple of days ago while mining at Ogre mine I got the scroll of the hidden mine.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
02-07-2022 11:18

Scroll of the hidden mine at Abydos.
102 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 102 damage to the Lethal Bunny. 0/50

[3] 02:08 Redwingz[~FoS~]: Ain't no way I'm tasting my own ass
Anarcho FooBear
12-07-2022 04:44

[3] 04:18 Lando Calrissian[World]: 60 actions into fishing ol and got a scroll lol
[3] 04:18 Lando Calrissian added 1 Scroll of the hidden mine to Port Senyn
[2] 05:58 Twitxhy[*TF*]: stop being poor
[2]14:53 Amr[World]: this is called autism
You have married Marley!

0/110 Anders the Deserter uses Vital Strike, striking a devastating blow on zooF and did 110 damage.
15-07-2022 16:21

You got 1 Scroll of ancient wood!

Fishing at Grotto
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
25-07-2022 22:04

The Gold scaled gaman died. You got 180 strength experience.
You got 1 Scroll of shopping!
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Total Level 1000 in: You joined Syrnia 1690 days ago.

#FightTheCorruption. #SayNoToPowerTrippin'.
26-07-2022 11:36

A clan mate found a mining scroll while he was fighting gnomes at Valera.
02-08-2022 16:27

scroll of palace from cooking at Penteza
08-08-2022 06:00

scroll of shopping at bidou - 244,960 bass.
[2]10:45 Cradle[TLO]: Dont forget the part where the Pond guy sells the boat for Pond prices, back to the previous owner. ;)

[0]21:33 Halloween Witch: *slides a beer to Shatterstar*

Rank 29 Fishing
08-08-2022 06:51

I found one in Shatter's inventory.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall not.

Use Promo code JLock to potentially save up to 50% on all purchases!

[3]17:25 ShatterStar[Pond]: You're a chef, not a wizard harry.

08-08-2022 06:58

[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12
200 mining: 2021-06-05
Mining level: 190 (100000000 exp
25-09-2022 18:46

Got a scroll of the palace chopping at isri
30-09-2022 00:06

scroll of the palace mining mount tirnus.
07-10-2022 16:28

Scroll of the hidden mine fighting @ Barracks.
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Total Level 1000 in: You joined Syrnia 1690 days ago.

#FightTheCorruption. #SayNoToPowerTrippin'.
The Couch Yeti
10-10-2022 16:03

Palace of the scrolls - rod fishing - barnacle bay
16-10-2022 23:31

Scroll of ancient wood fighting at Ogre outpost
27-11-2022 16:54

Scroll of palace

Mining silver at franer yesterday
15-12-2022 18:20

just got a scroll of shopping fighting at jungles edge
26-03-2023 15:56

Got a mining scroll cooking swordfishies at wingmere last night
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
Mining 215 152482097 1850848 28/06/2022
08-06-2023 03:12

I found my 1st ever scroll fighting at Morrie today,
-Scroll of the hidden mine
05-08-2023 21:00

Scroll of ancient wood this morning.
Fighting bats at ketil
You are now planting 251 Apple seeds.
Mr Raigar
08-08-2023 20:03

Scroll of the Palace fighting at Ogre Outpost
17-08-2023 18:03

You got 1 Scroll of ancient wood!

Fighting at town
*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
21-08-2023 16:26

Scroll of the hidden mine
Fighting at Berian

Okie Dokie
17-09-2023 14:05

are there still scrolls ingame ?
5] 02:25 willie[~HaJ~]: I heard it's easier to get locked items from deep in the Arch Caves than it is by digging, is that true?

[5] 02:25 Twitxhy[~L~]: Maybe if you're pedro
20-09-2023 22:45

Palace scroll at Mariners today.
[2]00:31 Crystal[~FoS~]: It's awful, but I like it
[2]00:32 Sephiroth[TSoH]: Syrnia represent!
[3] 08:34 Victreebel[~FoS~]: I roll greed on your ass
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