Forum -> General -> Syrnia's First trailer!

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28-01-2008 20:06

its good, only that not many people have seen it. ah well.

i dont need to donate to do this!

Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
01-02-2008 01:17

uploaded the Video again on Stage6, its full quality now!
~F~ of The Legion

Syrnia HD trailer:
01-02-2008 01:19

amazing new HD version
11-03-2008 07:58

copied from the stage6 website has been shut down. Thank you for supporting the service.

We created Stage6 with the mission of empowering content creators and viewers to discover a new kind of video experience. Ultimately, the continued operation of Stage6 was a very expensive enterprise that required an enormous amount of attention and resources that we at DivX are not in a position to continue to provide. There are a lot of other details involved, but at the end of the day it's really as simple as that.

The DivX experience will continue, of course. Every day new DivX Certified devices arrive on the market making it easy to move video beyond the PC. Products powered by DivX Connected, our new initiative that lets users stream video, photos, music and Internet services from the PC to the TV, are hitting retail outlets. We remain committed to empowering content creators to deliver high quality video to a wide audience, and we'll continue to offer services that will make it easy to find videos online in the DivX format.

It's been a wild ride, and none of it would have been possible without the support of our users. Thank you for making Stage6 everything that it was.

Edited on 11-03-2008 07:59
Mankind is divided into two classes: those who earn their living by the sweat of their brow, and those who sell them handkerchiefs, cold drinks, and electric fans.
11-03-2008 09:41

yeah stage6 is gone now
~F~ of The Legion
Mr Tiddles
14-03-2008 02:27

nice dude that looks hawt
31-03-2008 03:33

yep,you did a real good job on this one! kudos to you!
24-04-2008 23:29

Best Trailer there will ever be! 257 Thumbs up

Edit: typos

Edited on 24-04-2008 23:30
06-05-2008 10:31

Make more OL vids! Kick bu** out of Kyouji!
26-07-2008 00:07

how about a movie!
a syrnia movie!

Edited on 26-07-2008 00:08
02-11-2008 12:45

I like it! Nice job!
02-11-2008 15:05

its good but the beginning before the music gets into fall swing could be perfected a little, music is ok but i'd say not the best for a trailer. ;)

-------------GooD WorK ThO-------------
21-03-2009 04:10

@thank you for your nice comments

and well i can't really find a song that fits syrnia

how about some spooky opera music to add atmosphere?
06-02-2010 18:35

Cruz Nairb
21-04-2015 09:37

Just watched this for the first time in years, still awesome.

- CN
Joined: 20 February 2008

- Cruz Nairb of [InGen] -
08-10-2017 21:37

I really enjoyed the Video, there was Music but I don't know
if it was the music that you were referring to or not, but tyvm
for allowing others to view the Video, keep up the great work
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Forum -> General -> Syrnia's First trailer!