Forum -> General -> Syrnia's First trailer!

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07-07-2007 21:01

Perhaps, Tommy, that there are more RS players than there are Syrnia players, so there are more people searching for the term "Runescape", so you get more views?
And perhaps most RS players aren't that critical about something they love to see?
"The ignorant fear change. The wise wield it as their weapon."
-Aphetto Runecaster
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
07-07-2007 21:03

just shut up now and stop trying to make this look good, the trailer was garbage a 3 year old could make something better. end of story. i dont like it. bye bye
07-07-2007 21:07

I'm not trying to make this 'look good', I'm challenging you to make something better.
Oh, and please don't tell people to 'shut up', it might result in a forum ban. Just warning you.

EDIT: This discussion isn't worth my time.

Edited on 07-07-2007 21:11
"The ignorant fear change. The wise wield it as their weapon."
-Aphetto Runecaster
07-07-2007 21:09

just drop it!
07-07-2007 21:25

What was that my mother used to tell me... "If you can't say something nice..." I don't remember the last part, but tommy needs to get slapped with a burnt cod.

07-07-2007 21:30

so do you but perhaps with with a rotting skunk would be much more better for you.
07-07-2007 21:35

seen it it was awsome
07-07-2007 22:07

Like i said, This is my first Vid and im working on a new and BETTER one, msg me the link of your trailer

The trailer of Syrnia:

Check out "Fritszs stuff shop" in Eully for ogre/elven armor, gems and other goods, cheapest in eully!
20-08-2007 02:43

Excellent job, Fitsz! Its always good to see someone who enjoys a game who takes the time and effort to do something like this.
Fitsz, I hope you havent taken too much notice of the critics.. unfortunately, there are always ppl online who enjoy putting others down.. forget about them.. they arent worth it.
Good on you for supporting this as well,M2H
I apologize for this, mod, but had to add.. 'Welcome to the Jungle'.. is Very appropriate for many game sites

Edited on 20-08-2007 02:45

Edited on 20-08-2007 02:54
01-10-2007 16:54

I saw that on youtube before I saw this post
02-10-2007 00:45

question the pics like 'welcome to sanfew' yeah umm i dont have those on my game
08-10-2007 18:50

lol cold i like the video aswell fritz and i thing it is alsome just the music is not my type
08-10-2007 18:52

Fritz if M2H posted you are in his good books for sure
if you donts sucseed at first maybe your a born failure. Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!-Ralph Wiggum.
(")_(")This is the bunny of doom help him rule the world by posting him on many sites.
09-10-2007 14:05

It's so good i put it on my bebo, as well as alink to the game!

my name at will find it for you!
09-10-2007 15:32

I like it, well not my taste of music ^_^ but the trailer looks good
09-10-2007 15:39

Love the trailer! It's beautiful. Nice choice of music
09-10-2007 15:54

amazin trailer great job fritsz
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
09-11-2007 09:17

Cool Trailer!!
09-11-2007 16:04

Nice job on a job well done.
18-11-2007 09:32

Sweet.. lol I love the song... it fits perfectly round here!
A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Wont save her from herself
-Marilyn Manson
06-12-2007 21:06

I just watched it. That was pretty cool fritsz.
Nice job

*edit* spelled you name wrong X( sorry

Edited on 06-12-2007 21:07
02-01-2008 23:14

02-01-2008 23:33

very good
02-01-2008 23:50

I don't know about using "Welcome to the Jungle", and use different text effects. The "fade from left" effect gets old. I would say managing a house is a bit of a dramatization. It's more like an extended inventory.
04-01-2008 21:52

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Forum -> General -> Syrnia's First trailer!