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24-07-2024 01:56

Please fix the extra height added to the rows in the Novariet section of the weapon and the armour switchers in the manual.

Switch between all of them and you'll see what I mean.
[2]17:33 Schteve[~FoS~]: I try not to break chat rules.

Co-Founder of SyrniaGuide.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
Mazrim Taim
03-09-2024 01:25

Sorer scary spiders drop soft and hard silks as well as webbed items
You found 1 Four leaf clover while walking!

Mr Tiddles[CFH]: my mom could down a wild buck from 300 yards away with a flipflop

10-4-22Mining level: 100
mining level 120 12/31/22
mining 140 10/3/23
10-09-2024 15:43

900 smithing xp for making Novariet Harpoon, stats are 82 aim/ 70 power.

Edited on 11-09-2024 02:55
12-09-2024 16:30

The Ogre shield on the manual page linked below shows 12 Armour but in reality it's only 8.
22-09-2024 09:39

Ammon drops 1-4 vervefruit seeds, not 1-2.

Tirnus Plateau drops the following seed amounts:
1-6 orange seeds
1-4 fruit of life seeds
1-4 turnip seeds
1-4 grapefruit seeds

Moderator edit:
Done most of the above :) (all posts)

[2] 22:34 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: math is for dummies...

xxx(xxx) attacked Shadowgate, and did 0 damage. Shadowgate had 73 HP left.
15-10-2024 00:24

Please add updated School Exp Tables.

Forum -> General -> Updated School Exp
Places I have called home and will always have love for: *TF*, CLEAN, TSoH, 1-Sec, Pond, Choob, ~one~, Cloud, Babsy <3

[1] Hazgod[-TL-]: AC2 is for lower CLs and pedro
18-10-2024 18:35

There are incorrect cost list for studying trading (probably also construction). It says trading lvl 21 costs 6 gp, but I can' t do that even for 10 gp....
20-10-2024 22:59

You can not equip your Novariet scimitar because you need level 170 attack to wear it.

Aim: 167
Power: 160
[2] 22:34 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: math is for dummies...

xxx(xxx) attacked Shadowgate, and did 0 damage. Shadowgate had 73 HP left.
25-10-2024 11:00

Medium fishing boat

construction level 75

28k wood

797sec timer


No value to eully npc when trying to sell.

Moderator edit:

Proud Leader of TLO

manducare primum, cogitare post

"My people skills are fine, it's my tolerance of idiots that needs a little more work*
29-10-2024 14:37

The Trading and Construction study cost tables have been updated to reflect the recent changes to these skills, showing (exp) and (gp) required for each level up to 125.
29-10-2024 23:51

speed page of suits doesn't have blood assassin gear on there
16-12-2024 02:14

should add somewhere in the trading section, or possibly in where to start, where the npc markets to buy tools are. Good for new players searching the manual and for those that are forgetful lol xD
Trading #3 10/28/2020
Trading #2 12/5/2020
Trading #1 12/22/2020
Trading lvl 80 2/28/2021
Trading lvl 85 10/15/24
Trading lvl 90 11/4/24
Trading lvl 95 11/22/24
Trading lvl 100 12/10/2024
26-12-2024 03:17

in the manual on the construction -> boats page the last boat is called "Medifum Fishing Boat"

Moderator edit:
typo fixed
28-12-2024 10:44

Ruby - drop from fighting Frost Scaled Gaman

info for magic, gem locations

Edited on 28-12-2024 10:47
Extremis malis, extrema remedia
05-01-2025 18:14

Medium fishing boat in manual is spelled medifum lol

Moderator edit:
typo fixed

Places I have called home and will always have love for: *TF*, CLEAN, TSoH, 1-Sec, Pond, Choob, ~one~, Cloud, Babsy <3

[1] Hazgod[-TL-]: AC2 is for lower CLs and pedro
06-01-2025 12:56

Sticky table headings for all tables please.
If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!

Bow ties are cool.
08-01-2025 14:15

Tiro ls 177 attack
Stats 170/170

Edited on 08-01-2025 19:54
Attack 52 12/04/2020
Attack 81 20/06/2020
Attack 95 20/08/2020
Attack 111 02/10/2020
Attack 120 23/12/2020
Attack 126 24/01/2021
Attack 142 15/08/2021
10-01-2025 16:09

Hello all,
just a quiick update that would be necessary to the manual related quests. Not sure if it was mentioned before but i will give it a go:

TL GROUNDS number of quests: 34
Syrnia Manual : 31
Total quests identified: 37

TL grounds is missing: santa little helper (1), learning about the threat, magic or tragic

Syrnia manual: valera knight, Love Letter to Lady Luna, Santas Little Helper 2,
Wrath of the Scaled Gaman, Magic or tragic, Learning about the threat

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
12-01-2025 19:07

Since the NPC prices are missing for safes, I crafted on of each up to Silver:

1 Bronze safe sold for 10 gold.
1 Iron safe sold for 18 gold.
1 Steel safe sold for 30 gold.
1 Silver safe sold for 48 gold.
13-01-2025 21:58

Solarite is able to be mined at level 155 mining but not level 154. Please add this to the mining section of the manual. (826s tiro pick)

Edited on 19-01-2025 15:52
pipster has paid 95375 gold to free you from the Sanfew jail.

[2]03:39 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: most mountains are also 95% mountains

[2]03:40 vatsuak[*TF*]: mountains are big because they have no natural predators
13-01-2025 22:33

Will get these updated in the next few days, thanks guys
20-01-2025 01:47

Clannie found this - You need level 10 to lockpick the Locked small chest.

It's stated level 1 req in the forum. Please fix.
pipster has paid 95375 gold to free you from the Sanfew jail.

[2]03:39 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: most mountains are also 95% mountains

[2]03:40 vatsuak[*TF*]: mountains are big because they have no natural predators
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Forum -> General -> Manual Updates