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25-04-2012 14:55

Mining silver.

Level 91 (54 second base timer) - syriet pick.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
25-04-2012 15:19

Woodcutting at Unera, Level 44, Silver hatchet, base timer 68
27-04-2012 16:34

Mining Platina at Abydos, Lvl 98(Syriet pick) with 5 others, timer is 450s
brogs[Cloud]: No.
ohfudge[Cloud]: div - you seem unhappy. XD
28-04-2012 12:08

Mining silver.

Level 92 (53 second base timer) - syriet pick.
28-04-2012 20:51

boat fishing at heerchey docks 170 seconds lvl 53
[W]07:42 Pendragon[Color]: :o Hello, owner-of-huge-museum-that-I-have-never-met. Merry Christmas.
05-05-2012 00:52

Mining silver lvl 95 syriet pick 4 others 60 secs
Question everything?

You have been caught thieving Lag!
You are sent to jail for 735 seconds.
Lord Beerus
05-05-2012 06:43

Silver mining at rose mines (gold pick) level 61 base timer 74 seconds
07-05-2012 20:05

Mining level 105, mining Platina at Abydos, using Obsidian pick: 399 seconds of continued purgatory
Proud member of [Choob]

Hotdog killed you at Desert arena 3 :-D

Thorntree got 1 Waranerus spike!
Thorntree got 1 Stemosaurus tail spike!
07-05-2012 23:18

Mining coal at Mt Vertor, level 105, Obby pick, base timer 34 seconds, same as level 104 mining was.
Proud member of [Choob]

Hotdog killed you at Desert arena 3 :-D

Thorntree got 1 Waranerus spike!
Thorntree got 1 Stemosaurus tail spike!
08-05-2012 00:57

Woodcutting 112, Ammon, Obsidian hatchet - 319 seconds
08-05-2012 13:19

Woodcutting 77, platina hatchet

Isri, 29 seconds, ignore 4 seconds of crowding
OL21, 29 seconds
Lemo, 37 seconds
Unera, 49 seconds
Penteza, 87 seconds
OL52, 159 seconds
Now let's just make it clear that I prefer fair barter rates for stuff I want rather than fair cash prices. Bartering is a sign of good faith between two players, and a confident sign of good market awareness.
08-05-2012 20:12

Mining silver.

Level 93 (53 second base timer) - syriet pick.
08-05-2012 22:09

Ammon Forest

Level 172
Base time of 99 seconds with obby hatchet
[3]09:15 Marishka[~X~]: im being good, stop corrupting me!!

[3]01:04 Sabs[O.G.]: Will you lot quit putting me in your quotes your making me look like a pervert :P
08-05-2012 23:32

184 base mining gold w/gold pick
Dirk struck and dealt 11 damage to the Roodarus. 1/553
Dirk missed 1/333
Dirk struck and dealt 13 damage to the Waranerus. 1/168
09-05-2012 13:11

gold pickaxe, level 64 - 43 base timer
it was 43 seconds at level 63 as well
mining iron, forgot that, it's kind of important though

Edited on 09-05-2012 13:11
Lord Beerus
11-05-2012 05:33

Silver mining at rose mines(gold pick) level 63. base timer 73 seconds
16-05-2012 14:11

Mining silver.

Level 94 (52 second base timer) - syriet pick.
21-05-2012 09:35

Level 1 forest
Level 35- base time: 38 seconds (steel hatchet)
(same as level 34)

level 15 forest
Level 36- base time: 56 seconds (steel hatchet)
Level 37- base time: 55 seconds (steel hatchet)

Level 43- base time: 32 seconds (silver hatchet) is wrong.
Look at the adjacent times.

Edited on 24-05-2012 09:00
2012-01-12 10:57:03 Jack the Reaper killed barun511 arvindr

2012-05-12 08:22:57 Jack the Reaper killed a_f_c
24-05-2012 19:51

Mining Platina at Abydos, level 106, Obsidian pickaxe, base time of 394 seconds.
Proud member of [Choob]

Hotdog killed you at Desert arena 3 :-D

Thorntree got 1 Waranerus spike!
Thorntree got 1 Stemosaurus tail spike!
24-05-2012 22:01

Mining Coal at Mt, Vertor, level 106, Obsidian pickaxe, base time of 33 seconds.
Proud member of [Choob]

Hotdog killed you at Desert arena 3 :-D

Thorntree got 1 Waranerus spike!
Thorntree got 1 Stemosaurus tail spike!
27-05-2012 18:30

Woodcutting level 173
obby hatchet
base time: 96 seconds
[3]09:15 Marishka[~X~]: im being good, stop corrupting me!!

[3]01:04 Sabs[O.G.]: Will you lot quit putting me in your quotes your making me look like a pervert :P
29-05-2012 12:50

Fishing 49 at Heerchey is 175 base. (Bass fishing)
011-12-03 05:07:30 barun511 arvindr(43) attacked Ceba, and did 11 damage. Ceba had 0 HP left.

barun511 arvindr(41) attacked wikid, and did 21 damage. wikid had 53 HP left.

You have married Assilim!
31-05-2012 03:42

Woodcutting 78, platina hatchet

Isri, 29 seconds, ignore 5 seconds of crowding
OL21, 29 seconds
Lemo, 36 seconds
Unera, 48 seconds
Penteza, 86 seconds
OL52, 158 seconds
Now let's just make it clear that I prefer fair barter rates for stuff I want rather than fair cash prices. Bartering is a sign of good faith between two players, and a confident sign of good market awareness.
31-05-2012 05:11

Cooking swordfish, level 130, base time 131 seconds (obbi cauldron).

Edited on 31-05-2012 05:14
Burnt Cod
05-06-2012 00:07

Hello All,

I don't know if you have realized, but I am not too active on syrnia anymore, and with that, am not able to update this post too often. Please shoot me a message if you are willing to take over what Walker started for us here in Syrnia.


Thank you to SoH and ThornTree for the Donation.

[6]18:19 (Mod)Moderator: *Comes to Burnt Cods rescue*

You have successfully thieved the Burnt Cod!

=Proud Co-Leader of The Shire=
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Forum -> General -> Working Times