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25-08-2008 22:47

[1]22:46 leaponover[MUTED]: You got 1 Bread! anybody know if any creatures drop peanut butter?

it made me laugh
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
28-08-2008 16:53

top to bottom

[1] 16:26 duckdogers: where do i sell things?
[1] 16:27 kakashi1[^GL^] E-Bay
[1] 16:27 duckdogers: what lvl do i have to be to mine iron
[1] 16:27 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: *Is Tempted to Eat Kakashi XD*
[1] 16:27 Kakashi1[^GL^]: You love me too much to eat me.
[1] 16:27 Kakashi1[^GL^]: duckdogers - You can't mine on this game.
[1] 16:28 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: *Opens Mouth, Starts Drooling and walking towards Kakshi1* >
[1] 16:28 Kakashi1[^GL^]: In fact, you can't thieve, woodcut, fish, fight, construct, trade, sell, usemagic, cook, move, or farm on here.
[1] 16:28 ruboxjr[Wild]: *follows suit with BS - drooling on approach of Kashi*
[1] 16:29 carlososo777[Drunk]: i didnt know ppl drool in WC O.o
[1] 16:29 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: ruboxy he cant out run or ride us XD Where fast
[1] 16:30 ruboxjr[Wild]: Kakashi will be dinner before the day is out!!
[1] 16:30 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: carlo o.o' people drool all the time
[1] 16:30 carlososo777[Drunk]: dinner comes in the morning?
[1] 16:30 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: *Winks at ruboxy*
[1] 16:30 Kakashi1[^GL^]: Rubo, your mother loves me more than you. [
1] 16:30 Kakashi1[^GL^]: Now don't eat me. :O *Runs*
[1] 16:31 Kakashi1[^GL^]: o.o
[1] 16:31 ruboxjr[Wild]: Good, maybe then she will bother you more than she bothers me XD
[1] 16:31 Kakashi1[^GL^]: o.o'
[1] 16:31 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: lol
[1] 16:31 ruboxjr[Wild]: nothing like the nag of a Jewish mother to bring you down
[1] 16:31 Kakashi1[^GL^]: You just can't annoy this man.
[1] 16:31 ruboxjr[Wild]: It's all been said before Kashi, why would I get upset over it? lol
[1] 16:31 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: *Hops on his White horse slowly following Kakashi The Hunts funner then just catching/killing XD*
[1] 16:32 ruboxjr[Wild]: *puts on a -tt set and gets on his as...I mean mule to follow Kashi while drooling*
[1] 16:32 Kakashi1[^GL^]: *Hides behind Eleana*
[1] 16:32 m3ge n r3nge: where can i train on this game
[1] 16:32 Kakashi1[^GL^]: You fool, I just said to another you can't do anything on this game.
[1] 16:33 Kakashi1[^GL^]: *Hides in Clanchat* o.o
30-08-2008 04:52

Read from the bottom up !

[4] 04:49 bribaetz[-SA-]: lol
[4] 04:49 trosey[~SaS~]: lol
[4] 04:49 Yokel[Wild]: lol
[4] 04:49 bribaetz[-SA-]: What the hell, I think its funny.
[4] 04:49 Yokel[Wild]: Now I'm a littl jealous that I didn't take it perverted.. I didn't get a hug >
[4] 04:48 bribaetz[-SA-]: Meh, and I have to but not to people I don't even quite know
[4] 04:48 trosey[~SaS~]: I am sorry I should not have found it amusing but you made me laugh, so kudos to you.
[4] 04:48 trosey[~SaS~]: lol *hugs* do not feel that way
[4] 04:48 bribaetz[-SA-]: and a little insecure.
[4] 04:48 bribaetz[-SA-]: No, now I feel as though I take everything there , to interperate everything like that makes me feel inbarrased
[4] 04:47 trosey[~SaS~]: because I misread it lol
[4] 04:47 trosey[~SaS~]: I've said far worse
[4] 04:47 trosey[~SaS~]: oh honey it is nothing to be embarassed about
[4] 04:47 bribaetz[-SA-]: I am not giggling just, a tad embarrased, tehe.
[4] 04:46 trosey[~SaS~]: I'm still giggling
[4] 04:46 bribaetz[-SA-]: haha.
[4] 04:46 trosey[~SaS~]: that is why I was laughing
[4] 04:46 trosey[~SaS~]: great minds after all
[4] 04:46 trosey[~SaS~]: I knew it from the minute you said it
[4] 04:46 bribaetz[-SA-]: *hugs*
[4] 04:46 bribaetz[-SA-]: So, you can see why someone who walked in at the last minute could have read that wrong.
[4] 04:46 Yokel[Wild]: one for the album
[4] 04:45 trosey[~SaS~]: thank you brib *hugs*
[4] 04:45 Yokel[Wild]: *saves history*
[4] 04:45 trosey[~SaS~]: lol that cracked me up
[4] 04:45 bribaetz[-SA-]: Well, I think I made tros less mad atleast. ha
[4] 04:45 trosey[~SaS~]: LOL
[4] 04:45 Yokel[Wild]: But yeah, i see your point now brib
[4] 04:44 bribaetz[-SA-]: *blushes* now I feel like a perv *runs and hides.
[4] 04:44 Yokel[Wild]: I meant tro was ready to tear someone apart
[4] 04:44 trosey[~SaS~]: lol
[4] 04:44 Gods_Messenger[~SaS~]: *hugs his cookie* ty babe
[4] 04:44 Yokel[Wild]: rofl!
[4] 04:44 trosey[~SaS~]: He meant as he can recognize when a woman is going to get mad
[4] 04:44 bribaetz[-SA-]: *hugs gm* now back to topic
[4] 04:43 trosey[~SaS~]: Anytime valentine *hugs*
[4] 04:43 trosey[~SaS~]: that is what makes it so funny
[4] 04:43 bribaetz[-SA-]: I still am not entirely sure, of what they were talking about.
[4] 04:43 Gods_Messenger[~SaS~]: may i have a hug?
[4] 04:43 trosey[~SaS~]: lol
[4] 04:43 bribaetz[-SA-]: I am being careful with my wording, but I was not sure what they were talking about.
[4] 04:43 trosey[~SaS~]: If I were in a hugging mood, I'd hug you right now.
[4] 04:42 trosey[~SaS~]: LOL
[4] 04:42 bribaetz[-SA-]: The content of their chat could have been interpreted as a very perverse conversation.
[4] 04:42 trosey[~SaS~]: lol sorry, just laughing
[4] 04:42 Yokel[Wild]: hehe!
[4] 04:42 trosey[~SaS~]: your comment because you caught the end of the convo
[4] 04:42 bribaetz[-SA-]: huh?
[4] 04:41 trosey[~SaS~]: lol thank you brib for the laugh
[4] 04:41 Connorian[Fate]: I'm going AFK
[4] 04:41 trosey[~SaS~]: sorry, that cracked me up
[4] 04:41 trosey[~SaS~]: LOL
[4] 04:41 Connorian[Fate]: ... Not me.
[4] 04:41 bribaetz[-SA-]: trosey is kool.
[4] 04:41 Yokel[Wild]: wasn't trying to be
[4] 04:41 Yokel[Wild]: We like you trosey
[4] 04:40 bribaetz[-SA-]: sorry, I thought you two were being little perverts
[4] 04:40 bribaetz[-SA-]: sorry cuaght the end of the conversation
[4] 04:40 yaoming36[*TF*]: Yes...
[4] 04:39 Connorian[Fate]: Idk
[4] 04:39 Yokel[Wild]: ??
[4] 04:39 bribaetz[-SA-]: Are you guys sure this is an all ages conversation?
[4] 04:38 Connorian[Fate]: *dives into clan chat*
[4] 04:38 Connorian[Fate]: Oooohhh...
[4] 04:37 Yokel[Wild]: *Ducks for cover in clan*
[4] 04:37 Yokel[Wild]: lol, I meant the signs of a woman ready to explode. XD
[4] 04:36 Connorian[Fate]: Ehh, I play other things (like Kingdom of Loathing) and they use that sign. Q( '.')==O
[4] 04:35 Yokel[Wild]: learn the signs.
[4] 04:34 Connorian[Fate]: Ya Yokel?
[4] 04:34 Connorian[Fate]: ... Sory?
[4] 04:34 Yokel[Wild]: Erm.. Conn?
[4] 04:34 trosey[~SaS~]: I should tar and feather you then feed you to the sharks
[4] 04:34 Connorian[Fate]: XD
[4] 04:34 trosey[~SaS~]: You EBIL person
[1]05:46 Nate_Dawggy[18+]: trosey is a bit of a wild cat...

[1]05:47 AstiaDragonkill[Fangz]: trose isnt a wild cat... she is a bear.. with silver claws.. and a badd temper.. >:)

Happily married to GM since 03-18-08
30-08-2008 18:30

I found this a bit funny today, if not just plain Methinks that God's Messenger would get a bit mad at Nirvanaishdude for fondling his crush's feet. Read from bottom up.

[1] 18:25 trosey[~SaS~]: Maybe
[1] 18:25 nirvanaishdude[**RR*]: Lovable odd?
[1] 18:24 waterdragon has logged in
[1] 18:24 trosey[~SaS~]: o.o that is just odd Nirvy lol
[1] 18:24 nirvanaishdude[**RR*]: *hugs Trosey's feet*
[1] 18:24 PhoenixJewels has logged in
[1] 18:24 St0rmz_[*TF*]: RE LL
[1] 18:24 trosey[~SaS~]: It is finally starting to cool down out here
[1] 18:24 mnk-slayer[MAAN]: *hands trosey socks*
[1] 18:23 trosey[~SaS~]: I need socks, my feet are cold
30-08-2008 20:13

[1] 20:07 ramkumar9607[SMA]: And i saw a funny thing
[1] 20:08 ramkumar9607[SMA]: A few hours ago , i saw a player with the name "theendlessfart" or something lol
[1] 20:08 Dragonfuries[JADED]: rofl ram
[1] 20:08 Redhood[Fangz]: yes i saw that!
[1] 20:08 Bhangra[T-S-C]: You did, ram, I was trying to work out how to make a fart endless XD
[1] 20:09 PhoenixJewels[*TF*]: Eat lots of beans?
[1] 20:09 PhoenixJewels[*TF*]: My daughter's favorite books are the Walter the Farting Dog books XD
[1] 20:09 Selena33[-DRS-]: Favourite film? "Gone with the Wind"?
[1] 20:09 Bhangra[T-S-C]: There's books about a farting dog? oh my various gods XD
[1] 20:10 Bhangra[T-S-C]: Tell ne about Walter the Dog, PJ *pays attention*

I found this really funny
04-09-2008 23:29

spidey101[*SP*]: Ive seen some spammers get hit with a ban hammer.
04-09-2008 23:34

[2] 23:27 Ragamufin[^GL^]: I would I am an agitator, and a communist, and very right wing

I thought that was hillarious.
06-09-2008 02:14

02:12 Thaxquickil[JOKER]: okay be right back as the JOKERMod to mute you and then give you balloon animals
06-09-2008 14:02

[2] 13:56 brogs[AFK]: I am Talikng* <--correct grammer
06-09-2008 22:39

[2] 22:34 Marcscott619[Jedi]: Too bad there are no fiberglass trees
[2] 22:33 lilangel[~Wos~]: qwisper!
[2] 22:33 Qwisper[-TaG-]: you know if we made our boats outa fiberglass, we could save some of our forrests
[2] 22:33 Marcscott619[Jedi]: As long as it's not an outhouse
[2] 22:32 Kalaveris_Dredd: or a boathouse?
[2] 22:32 Marcscott619[Jedi]: Maybe it wants to be a houseboat
[2] 22:30 Kalaveris_Dredd: your boat clearly has a personality disorder
[2] 22:28 Marcscott619[Jedi]: It's funny to see a picture of a house being built when you are building a boat

read bottom up
06-09-2008 22:45

[1] 22:44 Technician: ok, here in america, we spel the right wey
06-09-2008 23:10

Rofl Glorantha.
Visit my shop in Eully. Just do it ;)

72/73 The Roodarus struck at Rictor and hit 1 damage.
07-09-2008 10:51

[5]10:48 (Guide)Aglarele[~SaS~]: Guys, boats, tinderboxes and spades don't break.

Where do i get unbreakable guy?
12:26 aquadark[Zen]: Maggie, will you marry me? ::)
12:26 Maggie[MAAN]: yes aqua

Hapily married with Maggie since 2008 July 12
08-09-2008 14:52

[4]14:50 barun511[~DIE~]: How much would a four leaf clover be?
[4]14:50 Grayson Foo[WoTo]: 1 leaf more than a 3?

Found that funny
~~Proud Member of Cybernet~~

~~Check Out Cyber Saver~~
08-09-2008 17:54

[0] Chat error: Whisper not delivered; You can not whisper yourself
08-09-2008 19:11

bottom to top

[2] 19:09 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: roflmao rubo
[2] 19:09 BMaxwell[TRIBE]: Well it's true... *Shows Furies his Cell phone* See?
[2] 19:09 ruboxjr[Wild]: Cell phones calculate that high now, BMax O.O wow...I need to get with it!
[2] 19:08 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: rofl Bmax
[2] 19:08 BMaxwell[TRIBE]: Not surprising since I even have MY B-day programmed into my cell phone so I remember how old I am.

10-09-2008 17:21

[6] 17:14 Montine[-SA-]: prancing around in his skivvies with a flashlight, singing "This little light of mine..."
[6] 17:14 Montine[-SA-]: O.O....w/c
[6] 17:14 QueenOfGirls[KoRT]: :-O i thought u were a girl montine
[6] 17:15 Montine[-SA-]: I didn't say 'my' skivvies

nuff said XD
12-09-2008 18:08

[4] 17:48 orienteerstu[WoTo]: crap my life is over i died lost it all

14-09-2008 11:04

"[2] 10:53 Gruntle[FZ-X]: That's because i am here. *cough*
[2] 10:54 Kirokithikis[Lair]: *douses Gruntle with cod liver oil* don't want that cough getting worse
[2] 10:56 Kirokithikis[Lair]: *pours a bottle of buckley's down Gruntle's throat for good measure*
[2] 10:56 ramkumar9607[SMA]: lol Kiro !
[2] 10:56 Kirokithikis[Lair]: just looking out for your health
[2] 10:57 Gruntle[FZ-X]: Well Stop it. > I am as healthy as the next bloke. >:-(
[To: lol ] 10:57 ramkumar9607[SMA]: Kiro again"

I tried to write "lol@ Kiro again" and it showed ...
"[To: lol ] 10:57 ramkumar9607[SMA]: Kiro again"

Edited on 14-09-2008 11:05
15-09-2008 07:45

[2] 07:43 rvgoalie: looking for clan...does anyone have 1?

16-09-2008 01:29

[1]01:21 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: ~calls to the lake~ here fishie fishie fishie...just let me catch you XD
[1]01:22 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: ~pokes aynael~ your scaring the fish away >
[1]01:23 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: ~catches shrimp~ thanks
[1]01:23 Aynael[~SaS~]: why i scare fishies?
[1]01:23 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: cause you just do
[1]01:23 Calliope[TGA]: SaS scares everyone, even fish. ;)
[1]01:23 Aynael[~SaS~]: roflmao
[1]01:24 Dragonfuries[T-S-C]: here i'll sing the fish in
16-09-2008 01:53

[2] 01:50 nellie911[===]: but chris brown...whoo! he is a cutie!

[2] 01:51 hoodswordmaster[DoH]: cris brown isnt interested in ur kind nellie

[2] 01:51 nellie911[===]: and what is my kind hoody? o.O

[2] 01:51 hoodswordmaster[DoH]: girls
17-09-2008 15:44

[4]15:34 Grayson Foo[WoTo]: pc diamond pls

[4]15:35 Sonyc[-Rei-]: Grayson, you buying or selling?

[4]15:36 ultimate chaos2: want to buy 7 wood for 14 gp?

[4]15:36 Sonyc[-Rei-]: Well, if you are selling, I will pay 2.5kgp for one. ;)

[4]15:36 ultimate chaos2: yes ok

[4]15:37 ultimate chaos2: you a curently trading?

[4]15:38 Sonyc[-Rei-]: Sorry, ultimate. Was talking to Grayson, not you.

[4]15:38 ultimate chaos2: oh ok
17-09-2008 18:12

[5] 18:08 soule: is that below the 2 swords
[5] 18:08 BlacksMisstress[CotED]: your other left
19-09-2008 22:11

[2] 21:59 dworke07[~*V*~]: that was random
[2] 21:59 preacher[T-S-C]: hides from bhangra
[2] 21:59 Emperorconor[Wolf]: me five six and nine hundred and forty seven!
[2] 21:59 dworke07[~*V*~]: *shrugs*
[2] 21:59 Emperorconor[Wolf]: i dont know
[2] 21:58 dworke07[~*V*~]: me fou... why are we doing that?
[2] 21:58 Merlin[ExRo]: me four
[2] 21:58 Bhangra[T-S-C]: *chases preacher into clan*
[2] 21:58 Emperorconor[Wolf]: me three
[2] 21:58 dworke07[~*V*~]: me too.
[2] 21:58 preacher[T-S-C]: feeds bhangra beans with trosey to ,and leaves chat for his safty
[2] 21:57 Emperorconor[Wolf]: wow mummy! i wanna be a banana when i grow up!
[2] 21:57 plsd2mechu[TGA]: Back to the plantation folks
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