Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #21

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04-11-2005 16:09

Okay, Here's a new contest for everyone. The winner will receive 2 small chests!

The following is a encoded message. The first person to correctly decipher the message wins the prize!

If more than one person correctly answers this, whomever answered first based on the last edited time, wins.

Good luck everyone!

Here is the encoded message:
5:1 8:5 7:4 1:2 20:3 -- 25:4 7:7 23:8 16:1 -- 3:4 8:5 13:2 15:5 -- 16:1 2:5 13:4 19:9 10:3 9:7 -- 1:4 12:2 7:3 15:4

Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
05-11-2005 19:48

a little clue plz...i already took the bible to see a connection with the paragraphs

is it a mathematical solution,structure,reference,.....????? just give us the first brik of the puzzlehouse plz
07-11-2005 14:54

patch iws
08-11-2005 00:10

Clue #1:

26 & 29 are in syrnia

08-11-2005 13:44

crazy, am slowly going.... must solve ... before.... head... explodes!

Edited on 08-11-2005 13:45
08-11-2005 15:37

08-11-2005 22:52

This is how i got to it, put all numbers in a matrix...

| 1 2 3 4 5
1| 5 16 16
2| 1 13 12
3| 20 10 7
4| 7 25 3 13 1
| 15
5| 8 8 2
| 15
7| 7 9
8| 23
9| 19

Use standard ceasar conversion number -> letter

| 1 2 3 4 5
1| e p p
2| a m l
3| t j g
4| g y c m a
| o
5| h h b
| o
7| g i
8| w
9| s

odd rows: take highest number(letter)
even rows: take lowest number(letter)

Totally the wrong way apparantly, 26 and 29 dont even occur...

I am lost here now Aaaaaarrrgh
09-11-2005 15:44

09-11-2005 15:45

thinking make makes
09-11-2005 16:07

5:1 8:5 7:4 1:2 20:3 -- 25:4 7:7 23:8 16:1 -- 3:4 8:5 13:2 15:5 -- 16:1 2:5 13:4 19:9 10:3 9:7 -- 1:4 12:2 7:3 15:4

5:1=5 <=> E
8:5=1.6 <=> A or B

No sense.

5:1 8:5 7:4 1:2 20:3

25:4 7:7 23:8 16:1

3:4 8:5 13:2 15:5

16:1 2:5 13:4 19:9 10:3 9:7 = Syrnia

1:4 12:2 7:3 15:4

Hm =S...

It could be hours, but i didn't saw anything strange at 16:1 =S

Edited on 09-11-2005 16:51
09-11-2005 17:32

haha nice ridle manda, almost solved it
09-11-2005 17:56

Hmmmm.. i think i know now what the numbers mean, now got to find the meaning of it
09-11-2005 19:50

Clue #2:

The name of a clan with more than 10 members, should help you to solve this code....

09-11-2005 21:06

I don't suppose if I can get an answer to if the first word is


09-11-2005 21:10

dream on manda is enjoying herself laughing at us I would be too, and as a side note if I wanted to put a ridiculous hard question as a contest and give a prize would I post it here?
09-11-2005 21:21

earth - water - fire - metal - wood

The 5 elements
(clan elements)

Edited on 09-11-2005 21:25

Edited on 09-11-2005 21:42
DW's Skill calculator:
09-11-2005 21:35

If it does have to do with elements, is Metal considered an element?

I would think it would be:

Earth, wind, fire, liquid, and wood?

Thanks, Jester.

Edited on 09-11-2005 23:40
09-11-2005 21:57

5:1 8:5 7:4 1:2 20:3

25:4 7:7 23:8 16:1

3:4 8:5 13:2 15:5

16:1 2:5 13:4 19:9 10:3 9:7

1:4 12:2 7:3 15:4

Look at the sequences...
09-11-2005 23:04

yup they don't fit , I know
DW's Skill calculator:
09-11-2005 23:07

Bleh! Manda doesn't know that...

Thanks, Jester.
10-11-2005 00:34

Beryl Gems Help Summon Rats

Edited on 10-11-2005 01:41
10-11-2005 01:42

And the winner is: lacorp!

The coding was related to the Periodic Table of Elements.

The first number represented the element number, while the second number represented the letter within the name (5 represented the 5th letter in the name of the element)

Edited on 10-11-2005 01:46
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #21