Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #18

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22-08-2005 15:28

Second On-Line Scavenger Hunt:

First person to correctly post the answers to the following 5 questions will win 3 blue presents.

Rules: You may edit your post, but the last time edited will be the time counted if you have the correct 5 answers. WARNING, if you post the correct 5 responses, then edit it before I lock the contest, your previous answers will be voided. Once I see 5 correct answers, I will lock the contest. Don’t assume that you have the wrong answers if I don’t lock the contest right away. I might not be paying attention to people’s responses and it may take me a while to notice your 5 correct answers. Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I try my best to find questions with only 1 correct answer. I’m sorry if there are deviations from this.

For example, If question #1 was “name the capital of France�

The correct format of your answer should be like this:

1. Paris

Answer all five questions like the above format.

Here are the five questions, good luck searching for the answers…..

#1. If you were an employer who was going to terminate 150 workers at one time in the Province of Manitoba, Canada; how many weeks notice/pay would you have to give them before they could be terminated?

#2. How many provinces of Chile have the letter Q in them?

#3. Which Country’s Flag has an Orange stripe on top, white strip in the middle, and Green stripe on the bottom, with a orange filled circle in the middle of the white stripe?

#4. Which Country’s population was closest to 10,601,525 people as of July, 2000?

#5. A ship crashed, which prompted a lighthouse to be built off a coast in England in 1965. What country was the ship from?

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:02
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
22-08-2005 16:20

1. 14 weeks notice / pay
2. 6
3. Niger
4. Greece
5. Spain

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:24

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:25
22-08-2005 16:23

1. 14 weeks
2. 6
3. Niger
4. Greece
5. Mexico

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:24

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:30
22-08-2005 16:25 pay period
22-08-2005 16:29

1. 14
2. 5
3. Niger
4. Greece
5. Mexico
22-08-2005 16:33

1. 16 weeks
2. 6
3. Niger
4. Guatemala
5. Mexico

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:34
22-08-2005 16:37

1. 14 weeks notice
2. 6
3. Niger
4. Guatemala
5. Spain

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:38
22-08-2005 16:38

1)9 Weeks
22-08-2005 16:42

Congrats to JAG for winning contest #18.

Edited on 22-08-2005 16:43
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #18