Forum -> Off-Topic -> Kitchen Appliances/Utensils

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05-05-2024 02:37

I'm kinda redoing my kitchen and trying to make it more functional. I'm wanting ideas of things I can buy that make it easier to organize the kitchen and use it. Any ideas on organization methods? Anything you have in your kitchen that is a game changer?

I have some things like a countertop ice maker, vacuum sealer, side-fridge cart organizer, knife block, KitchenAid. Thought about posting here while I was cooking some chicken and set my tongs down on the stove top. I thought it'd be nice to buy one of those big spoons for setting utensils on and thought this community might have some cool ideas.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall not.

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[6]18:01 (Mod)Moderator: Sorry, but King is right
Mr. Addy
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05-05-2024 02:50

Air fryer.
Meat slicer.
Chicken shredder.
Electric Potato slicer.
[2]10:45 Cradle[TLO]: Dont forget the part where the Pond guy sells the boat for Pond prices, back to the previous owner. ;)

[3] 20:39 Jeffreyj[Pond]: Without your bans you would have me beat by now
05-05-2024 02:54

Wine rack.
Magnetic wall knife holder.
Cast iron, wall mounted, frying pan/saucepan hanger.
Paper towel hanger.

Edited on 06-05-2024 05:52
You have successfully thieved M2H, but they are not carrying any gold at the moment!

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Do not expect too much out of life and you wont be disappointed! - Thorne
05-05-2024 03:11

I have one of these and I love it!

Also check into under the cabinet storage.
Mr Coffee
05-05-2024 04:14

One of those thingys you put in a drawer that separates your forks/spoons/knifes.
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
5th Member of the 300 Fishing Level Club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
05-05-2024 05:56

Pull out trays/shelve in lower cabinets make it easy to see what’s in the back
Lazy Susan like shelves in corner cabinets.
You are now planting 251 Apple seeds.
05-05-2024 11:15

A woman
I am the Bane and i bring the Pain.

R.I.P murderdoll22
R.I.P Marley

Success has many fathers and failure is an Orphan.

Pain is Temporary Pride is Forever.

05-05-2024 15:45

07-05-2024 08:02

Use hooks! Hanging things saves space, and is just more functional.
I love you, Da. Rest in peace.
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Forum -> Off-Topic -> Kitchen Appliances/Utensils