Forum -> In Memoriam -> YourWickedness/Mrs. Dash

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01-02-2022 01:03

Hello folks, Many of yall know me as I have been here since essentially the dawn of time. What you may not know is that my wife was Yourwickedness/Mrs.Dash. She passed away on Jan 27th 2022 at 7:22pm MST( USA Time Zone). The cause of her passing was COVID 19 caused complications that shut her organs down. I would like folks to know that while reluctant to go as it was way before her time, I was with her the last 40 hours as I was always with her whenever I could and however I could be every day of our nearly 8 years of marriage. She passed away peacefully via a strong dosage of morphine while holding my hand and I stroking her hair. She had me and her mom with her.

She loved to play here and loved to help out folks however she could. This is actually one place where we met and interacted before even meeting in person. So that can show you that no matter how far and how different folks can be little places like this can still be a place to meet. We did everything together and she would love to do the events here. I know she will be missed and she will miss everyone here. But as I told her when she passed, I love her and we will see her when our work is done so have fun until then. Also unlike how I would tell her work is not fun, I will try to have fun without her but she will always be in my heart.

Farewell My love, I love you and I will see you when my work is done darling.
The day is April 3,2016. After more then 2000 days hunting the wild M2H was sighted.

[2]16:37 (Admin)M2H

You have been caught thieving M2H!

[2]14:32 Deedar[TAG]: I ♡ monsters
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
01-02-2022 01:10

I'm so incredibly sorry to hear of your wife's passing. I never knew her in-game, but she sounds like she was a wonderful woman. I can't imagine how difficult of a time this is for you. Thank you for letting us know. I'm sure I speak for many when I say your Syrnia family is here for you. <3
01-02-2022 01:18

Covid is an awful thing and it has taken too many people way before their time.

I'm so sorry for your loss, you have my deepest sympathy and condolences. May she rest in peace.
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
01-02-2022 01:19


Very sorry for your loss.
102 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 102 damage to the Lethal Bunny. 0/50

[3] 02:08 Redwingz[~FoS~]: Ain't no way I'm tasting my own ass
01-02-2022 01:29

Wicky was more then a clannie she was a incredible person and friend. She will be missed horribly- she would help anyone out when they needed it and would do anything you asked with a smile on her face. I am sorry for your loss monsters and will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Love you Wicky <3

Rest in peace Jayme (Wicky) you will be missed
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

Eleanor Roosevelt
01-02-2022 02:03

I'm so sorry for your loss.
If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!

Bow ties are cool.
Mr Coffee
01-02-2022 03:37

I am so sorry for your loss.
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
5th Member of the 300 Fishing Level Club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
01-02-2022 03:39

So very, very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends. Your words remind me of Collin Raye's song "If You Get There Before I Do", which was a song I chose for my wedding in honor of my much-beloved grandparents.

I am sending my thoughts and prayers of love and light to you and your family and friends that you may find peace and healing.

Most sincerely,
I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!

[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs?

You're missed, Farinsongteeth. Always.
01-02-2022 07:22

I don't recall ever seeing your name or hers, but sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through
[2]09:03 Durins_Bane[Moria]: follow makarov around and he'll drop items before he's seen flying to Sanfew

So long, Earth. Thanks for the air and whatnot.
01-02-2022 08:45

As a fellow clannie I'm incredibly sorry to hear. I never knew her but hearing from monsters she was a truly wonderful woman and what a beautiful post. I am so glad you were with her till the end and my deepest sympathy to you and your family. Much love and prayer goes out to you!
In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song.

You have been playing Syrnia for 26280 hours and 0 minutes.

TL 1000 - 19 November 2021
01-02-2022 09:06

I am the Bane and i bring the Pain.

R.I.P murderdoll22
R.I.P Marley

Success has many fathers and failure is an Orphan.

Pain is Temporary Pride is Forever.

01-02-2022 09:50

Sleep well Jayme
Joined : Saturday, October 21, 2006

[W] 02:42 Vonstuker[~FoS~]: if I had a son it would be you <3

[2]14:27 RedWyrm[Pond]: Headline News: afc is NOT really tasty. That is all. Thank you. *nods* :P
01-02-2022 14:31

Prayers for you and your family. If you need something, I am here to help.
01-02-2022 14:33

Dashy :'(
We did not talk much last couple of years, but i have fond memories of the times we did talk and share a clan.

Rest well.

And for you, my condolences, monster.
Big virtual hug.

-< Photoshop-Addict >-

~|I rather have your sweet lies than your bitter truth. But oh, has your poison ever tasted so good <3|~

.. no need to answer, but..
Do you serve a Purpose, or purposely serve..??
01-02-2022 15:09

[2]19:59 barun511[*TF*]: You don't kill TAG miners, TAG miners kill you

[2]19:42 Mr Tiddles[CFH]: coding is easy lol
01-02-2022 15:54

01-02-2022 21:28

Sorry for your loss

RIP Dash
*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

You have married Redwingz!

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
01-02-2022 22:28

Sincere condolences mate
Why would I shoot a bloke BANG, then carry him to the bloody car and wizz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place.
02-02-2022 00:42

My sincere condolences Monsters; hugs to you and her family.

Wicky's passing is a heartbreaking loss.

We haven't been close since I took a few breaks from the game; I fondly remember the times we had been and how much fun we had teasing Borneo in clan chat.

She was always kind and generous across multiple games lending help wherever and however she could.

Rest in peace, Jayme
02-02-2022 14:38

Wicky is and will always be missed by her clan. She was always so giving and caring to us all. Years ago, during my attempt at becoming one of the top cooks, she surprised me by purchasing a bone tinderbox and a new cauldron. Out of the blue, without me asking or even looking for one. She was that kind of person.

Jayme, I wish you could've stayed with us a little bit longer, but the universe had other plans for your beautiful soul. We'll remember you always.
Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you are by far the Charlie Browniest.

bshrom[C.]: my dad told me today that he thinks i will be an old man.
02-02-2022 15:54

I am really sorry to hear this and for your loss, I spoke to Mrs Dash on a few occasions.
2016-03-09 14:47:21 Nuthouse killed The Fusion

2016-12-16 11:53:04 Nuthouse killed nirvanaishdude

2017-02-22 17:18:04 Nuthouse killed Darkness
02-02-2022 18:04

Rest in peace.
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12
200 mining: 2021-06-05
Mining level: 190 (100000000 exp
03-02-2022 05:05

It is with the heaviest of hearts and the deepest sorrow I say goodbye to my good friend and send my condolences to monster and the rest of her family. I have known them both for years and love them both dearly. Jayme has always had my back and supported me both in and out of the game. We have talked and shared topics covering all aspects of life as good friends do. I am so glad she was able to find you Monster. I know you brought happiness to her over the past several years as she struggled through so many obstacles. It brings me comfort that you were with her in the end and she was able to know she was loved.

I will miss her with all my heart. Monster, my prayers and condolences are with you and I share in your loss brother.

Rest in peace my friend
Maranda - The world is a lesser place without you.
03-02-2022 16:53

Rest in peace Wickedness
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
04-02-2022 17:12

Rest in peace, Dash. Strength to her family and friends.
You have married Masque!
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> YourWickedness/Mrs. Dash