Forum -> Clans -> Good Vibes

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The Godfather
16-02-2021 12:08

Good day to you beautiful people who clicked across our clan post right here!

Our clan, Good Vibes is the newest in the world of Syrnia.
Currently, we will be expanding our stock-houses and growing as a clan.

There is no dictatorship here, its a free-will clan, hopefully you will vibe with our vibes!
All we ask is for you, as a member, to be of a helping hand when you can and ask if you need anything.

Whisper/message me if you would like to come join/visit and share some Good Vibes
Mr. Addy
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Cruz Nairb
16-02-2021 12:11

Good luck mate.
[3]02:24 undying[InGen]: Wanted: Hercules-esque warrior to carry a forest worth of logs across a douche-infested wasteland.

Joined: 20 February 2008

- Cruz Nairb of [InGen] -
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Forum -> Clans -> Good Vibes