Forum -> In Memoriam -> flag

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01-01-2021 21:57

So from what his brother who has accessed his Facebook account posted James (Flag) died in the desert hot springs just recently and his family is arranging his cremation and party (per his request).

I just wanted to pass the word around to Syrnian friends, as flag although maybe hasn't been active lately he has been around for quite a while and one of the true OGs and a crucial part to Exro (which Syrnia has Exrollia named after) and that was a Syrnia Wish back when that system was set in place for large donations when M2H runned the game. Additionally Mt. Flag is even named after Flag, so he will always have a piece of this game.


It's been forever since we talked, but like many you were somebody who was a truly nice person to talk to and enjoy when I was in Exro and just in general.

I'm pouring one out at Mt. Flag in remembrance of you, buddy.

Moderator edit:
The Syrnia Staff teams have applied a small update to the descriptive text at Mt. Flag in recognition of this player and their direct contribution towards the development of this island and thus to Syrnia as a whole.

Joined: May 21, 2005

[6]05:19 (Mod)Moderator: once again, just to be very clear - I am not a mod

"When life leaves us blind. Love keeps us kind."
- Chester Bennington
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
01-01-2021 22:07

Oh nooo. I'm so sad to hear this.
The Grim Reaper
01-01-2021 22:09

Rest in peace James 😢
01-01-2021 22:09

R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!
Mr Coffee
01-01-2021 22:12

8th Member of the 1000 TL club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
01-01-2021 22:17

Rest In Peace you crazy, hilarious, thoughtful man. You have always had my back since i met you at 12-13 years old. He welcomed me to the game with open arms, and into ExRo clan.
I will miss hearing your stories, your jokes, and the hilarity of your lifetime syrnia mute ;)

Edited on 01-01-2021 23:16
[2]18:15 JoveS[-TL-]: less hater more potater

[6]09:51 Sephiroth[*TF*]: Got owned by the Great Potato

You have married Isaac!
01-01-2021 23:38

To (B)
02-01-2021 06:47

RIP James.
I remember chatting with you for hours on end. Trekking around the country, what a life you had. Rest easy now. Forever remembered.
I'm Clean!

You have married quagmire!

21 August 2020
02-01-2021 11:29

Silly flag... shame you couldn't get back into game more recently. Gonna miss you. RIP dude.

You have a location named after you thanks to your mum... Mt Flag needs a memorial

Edited on 03-01-2021 21:38
Why would I shoot a bloke BANG, then carry him to the bloody car and wizz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place.
02-01-2021 16:43

Rest In Peace flag
Why did the chicken cross the road?

asking for a friend
03-01-2021 18:57

Rest in peace flag!

Exro was the first clan I joined, I met flag here when he was muted.
I last had a chat with him when he was unmuted and had logged in to Syrnia after a long time.
I am so sad to read he passed away.
So to remember him I scrolled trough our chats and I found this to share with you all:

Mel Blanc with Jack Benny - Classic Sy sketch.avi
'By the power of the written word to make you hear, to make you feel - it is before all to make you see'.
Joseph Conrad
03-01-2021 19:39

An institution of the game. You will be missed. My thoughts go out to you and your family, both in RL and in game.
~Cloud Nine Forever, Forever Cloud Nine~

[3] 19:02 brogs[Cloud]: flock of seagulls had some good songs
[3] 19:02 brogs[Cloud]: w/c and you can't prove i said that.
03-01-2021 22:10

As many others Exro was my first clan.
Spent a year or so with flag and the team in exro. Awesome guy.
Sleep well flag
Joined : Saturday, October 21, 2006

[W] 02:42 Vonstuker[~FoS~]: if I had a son it would be you <3

[2]14:27 RedWyrm[Pond]: Headline News: afc is NOT really tasty. That is all. Thank you. *nods* :P
Mother Nature
05-01-2021 20:48

Spent along time in Exro with flag, several years ago, as "Lace", and eventually quit the game. Loved hearing his adventures as he traveled the US. RIP James{flag}.
06-01-2021 00:48

Flag was a riot. Will be missed. RIP and prayers to all who are grieving.
Chuck Norris killed schrodinger's cat.

[1] 15:07 Shinobi[-TL-]: Well aren't you just the spawn of Stan >.>
06-01-2021 04:22

Flag, I've known you since long before syrnia. You, Lace, and I don't remember who all came over from Republic and formed Exro (Ex Republic online). I'll forever miss your homeless stories of sleeping in a compost heap or anywhere else you could find a warm bed and your jokes and shout outs to "Supes" and "buggy". I'll miss ya old man! Love and hugs from superfly
06-01-2021 19:39

RIP my friend. Sad to hear of this on Facebook.
Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits
Both by Albert Einstein

[2]08:49 (Mod)Moderator: Pawned by Vipers :(
09-01-2021 03:36

Sending thoughts of love and light to Flag's friends and family. He will be missed. So sorry to hear this.
I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!

[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs?
01-02-2021 03:21

R.I.P Old Friend
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> flag