Forum -> Announcements -> How would you like to be a Guide?

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21-12-2020 01:06

Guide Applications

Ever thought you had lots of knowledge to provide to players in need? Then maybe you would be interested in being an official tagged Syrnia Guide! We are currently going to take applications to add a new guide to the Syrnia staff! Upon being an official Syrnia Guide you will be held to a high standard of knowledge and providing facts to the player base that is in need in Help Chat [5].

Guide Requirements

1. Weekly activity in Help Chat [5].
2. Extensive knowledge to many mechanics of the game.
3. Provides honest and truthful answers during servicing hours.

Application Requirements

1. What game times do you typically play through. ie - 14:00-6:00 Game Time
2. Amount of days/hours played on Syrnia.
3. Please write a little knowledge about yourself and why you think you would be a good Syrnia Guide!

All applications can be sent in as a ticket, please title the ticket (Guide Application). Upon receiving applications we will review them within the Guide/Mod teams to see who would be a good fit with hours they play and their knowledge in Syrnia. Thanks to all!
Proud leader of Squeaky Clean

Our mouths are clean, our hands are dirty!

Fortune favors the bold.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
09-06-2023 21:09

To all guides: thank you for your service, helping new players enjoy a great game.
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Forum -> Announcements -> How would you like to be a Guide?