Forum -> Clans -> Cowboys From Hell

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Mr Tiddles
12-04-2020 23:03


* The Cowboys From Hell *

The Cowboy Family has always been a Clan which strives to enjoy Syrnia.
We try not to cause too much trouble around the chats.
We also try to display respect towards the community where it's earned.

The game means a lot to us and so do many of the players.
This doesn't mean we don't have our fair share of haters.
In fact just having the CFH tag can sometimes bring you trouble.

We are self sufficient in many ways.
we try to help each other out with goals.
We don't take advantage of each other.
We make sure to pick on Mr Tiddles.

If joining the Cowboys from hell seems like something
you might be interested in then please feel free
to whisper or message anyone inside our clan.
It's easy to see us around the game or in chats.
You can notice us by our [CFH] tags.


Edited on 14-08-2023 03:07
You and 5 players are attacking a Roodarus (211) at Castle Rose.

The Platina flame dragon struck at Mr Tiddles and did 284 damage.

2019-11-15 20:54 Levels: 1 - 200 Mr Tiddles won and got a Desert arena medal
Mr. Addy
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Forum -> Clans -> Cowboys From Hell