Forum -> In Memoriam -> bluejeans

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20-02-2020 03:32

To my sorrow, I share the loss of sweet bluejeans, wife of player ima. I knew and loved bluejeans as the matriarch of clan MAAN. She was loving, caring and never had an unkind word to say about anyone.

My love and thoughts are with ima and bluejeans' family, now and always.
I love my US Navy sailor! Thanks to all who have served or are serving!

[1]02:04 Cradle[~SaS~]: but the other speed items also decrease time? or do you have only boobs?
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
Mr Coffee
20-02-2020 03:47

bluejeans was a truly wonderful sweet person. I got to know her a little during my short visit to MAAN. She will be truly missed.
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
20-02-2020 04:38

bluejeans always helped me with anything I needed built. Such a sweet, caring person.
Prayers to the ima and family.

Rest in peace hun
*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

You have married Redwingz!

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
20-02-2020 10:35

My condolences to friends and family of bluejeans. She was always very kind.
You have successfully thieved M2H, but they are not carrying any gold at the moment.

It is stressful not having any stress.
14-03-2020 04:30

My condolences to ima. bluejeans was a lovely person, always helpful.
I knew them both when I was a member of MAAN.
I'm Clean!
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> bluejeans