Forum -> Announcements -> Borneo's recent disappearance

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27-06-2017 11:00

Just wanted to assure everyone that my recent disappearance was not only planned but intentional.

Time for a little bragging:
My son played this last week in the Far West Regional Championships. Over the past 10 days we have played 4 of the top 6 teams in the country and won the tournament to qualify for the National Championship series next month. Down to the last 8 teams. Just as an added bonus, we already knocked out the top team in the country this year and also last years defending champion.

So whats this all mean? Borneo will disappear at the end of July as well. I love all of you and the amazing support everyone has given over the past year but when it comes down to it, I will be going to see my son play for a National Championship and that gets top billing.

Thanks for your patience.

Maranda - The world is a lesser place without you.
Mr. Addy
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Forum -> Announcements -> Borneo's recent disappearance