Forum -> Announcements -> Inactive Clan Leaders

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06-12-2015 16:56

Please contact Game Staff by ticket to Registration / Game information if your Clan Leader has been absent for a considerable amount of time

By 'Considerable' we are referring to 100 days plus

We are aware of some Clans where the leader has passed away in real life and currently have the list of ;-

Lived a very fun filled life with the grains of salt that make you appreciate the laughter and the love of family and friends
dreamer349 April '09
The Creator of Fishhead Soup
Maranda March '13 My Dear Sis
PeZ July '15
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
06-12-2015 17:31

so this is a thieving list ;)?

edit: ahh did not know it's these players where frozen before made public.

Edited on 06-12-2015 18:40
You have married Leny ! (B)

PAIN to live in >:)
player #13 to reach magic 50!
[1] 00:21 Jquad[RAVEN]: holycrap I died fast!
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Forum -> Announcements -> Inactive Clan Leaders