Forum -> Contests -> Official Syrnia Contest #93

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04-04-2015 16:31

Thank you to everyone who joined our chat quiz!
Posted on behalf of Bex!

Here is a list of questions with the answers:

1) What is the recommended CL and HP for fighting a Roughneck?
CL25 18HP

2) What is the armour value of an iron medium shield?
5 Armour points

3) Where can I find Derek Friddik?

4) How many days do holiday thieving events run?
3 Days

5) Which thieving NPC came first, Easter Bunny, Halloween Witch or Jack Frost?
Halloween Witch

6) Where would I find the NPC Razor during the Thieving guild trail quest?
Outlands 56

7) Which player wrote the first manual?

8) Where can I find Amka's food shop

9) Which creature drops Bonebreaker summoning orbs?

10) How many prizes does Jack Frost give out as he leaves a town?

11) What is the Power value on an Ogre pickaxe?

12) How many hp does a green Easter egg restore?

13) How much experience does each timer give mining silver?

14) How much do the roses sell for at Castle Rose?

15) What is the lowest possible magic level required to used a garnet?

16) What gems are required for a +2 armor enchant?
Beryl and Spar

17) What level is needed to equip a Puranium medium helm?
124 Defense

18) What thieving level is required to unlock a small locked chest?

19) At what level can you cook trout?

20) What is the only group fight in Arch 4 that does not drop a weapon?

The eggs given as prizes for each question were counted as points, so each person's score is the amount of eggs given.
The final scores (with the prizes for top 3) are:

aussiebeast - 145 - First place: White rabbit
fraggelmupp - 130 - Second place: 10 Locked wooden eggs
Serendibite - 125 - Third place: 3 Bronze, silver and gold eggs
C4LV1N - 115
The Puppeteer - 115
Sea_Goat - 100
The Strange One - 100
Mr Raigar - 90
Nozi es Teki - 90
Gooshy - 80
khal_drogo - 75
Aquadark - 65
neggie333 - 65
Wrath - 60
LaurenciusX - 55
pook1e - 55
Tundra - 55
Ceba - 50
Oldemon - 50
parania - 50
Prometheus - 35
Jack the reaper - 30
Ankit - 20
Esentic - 15
Missboo - 15
Young Modulus - 15
Chazo - 10
goatsandwich - 10
Pandoraluva - 10
thor666 - 10
Ultima - 5

Thanks again to everyone for being good sports!
Have lived a very fun filled life with the grains of salt that make you appreciate the laughter and the love of family and friends

dreamer349 April '09
The Creator of Fish head Soup
Maranda March '13
My Dear Sis
Mr. Addy
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Syrnia Contest #93